Friday, February 25, 2011

Stereo Receivers Review


I felt a sense of emptiness and great sadness to learn the news of the headmaster of a comprehensive of Catanzaro Institute who wanted to prevent a child suffering from Down syndrome to take part in the outputs in its class. The story is known. During an orientation day at the Institute of Hospitality Soverato, after the president had tried to take home the disabled student because that day there was the support teacher (the tour is required outside the school), they broke a glass and shows very lively. For this reason, the principal communicates to teachers the intention of prohibiting future participation in trips to the boy, and does so with the same pupils in the class, justifying the decision on the grounds that "so much, he does not understand anything." His companions, however, oppose, "without him, do not let us even," giving a lesson to adults and defeating the commonplace of today's young people without values, attracted only by the clothes and the latest generation of mobile phones, from the ephemeral and empty. So end up on the front pages of every newspaper because, as noted by Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti Corriere della Sera, have proved "more generous, more civilized, more real men and real women" of the principal.
obviously should not generalize. There are lots of teachers with common sense solve such problems. They are the ones that are aimed not so much the thin end of the month's salary, as achievement of the educational function of the school. If there is no support teacher (which is not farfetched, after the cuts Gelmini), assume the responsibility of bringing them on trips SEN. Why, even the disabled person does not understand anything, it should be noted that the tasks of the school there is also to develop the capacities of children to socialize and relate to others.
I am fortunate to have a minimum of familiarity with the disability. I repeat "luck": those who volunteer will understand me. But before that, I was lucky enough to have friends who started before me, which I will be grateful for life, because it is thanks to them that I got to know a reality that fills my heart and allowed me to be what they are today, a man certainly better than the guy I was. I cried a few times in my life. Two are related to the emotion of the experiences that I was able to live thanks to Agape, the association of which I am a member for eleven years. The first, a musical prepared by the association, "Beauty and the Beast", with "Beautiful" sung by a girl down. The second, a meal eaten on Christmas Day at a nursing home for the elderly. And then so many other emotions, occasions such as cohabitation, day and night, with disabled people during the summer camps, they do understand what is truly important in life, beyond the accursed emergencies dictated by everyday life. The mascot of our association is another girl down, we watched him grow since he was a little girl, who is now an adult. She also sometimes is very lively. Sometimes it slaps, or sits on the floor because he does not want to walk anymore and then it becomes hard, because it weighs one hundred pounds. But we recite the nursery rhyme of 'echifante "(the elephant), it makes us cuddles and gives us lots of kisses. Ecchissenefrega as a slap: If you are suffering much more in life is to hurt for real.


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