Sunday, August 24, 2008

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Other views ...

The Columbarium (from the Latin columbarium) and 'a type of funerary building divided into horizontal niches, each of which is suitable for housing a coffin. In archeology for Columbarium means a type of burial chamber consisting of niches in which were kept the urns with the ashes of the dead. The name derives from the fact that the niches were cut into the wall with front opening, reminiscent of buildings for housing and breeding of pigeons.

Tomb Cocchi, post 1868


Carlo Monari (Sculptor)

The tomb of Aeneas Cocchi, placed in the center of the gallery with three naves, it is the central perspective, in line with the monument Bolognini Cupids, located in the central. E 'consists of the portrait of the young deceased represented in the round, sitting on a chair in a natural pose.
In the basement are the portraits of father and mother. The inscription commemorates " Enea Cocchi, young man of generous heart, woke up wit, hope and joy of his family, kidnapped eighteen July 1, 1867."
The statue is dated to 1868, when Federico Cocchi purchased a tomb for his son along the tunnel wall tangent the cloister VII. The effective location in the middle of the room is really a last resort. In 1885 the need to open a connection to the newly built Courtyard VII ordered the demolition of the portion of the perimeter wall along which the monument Cocchi was previously located. The spontaneity of the pose of the portrait, captured in a natural attitude, and the wealth of descriptive detail make this monument one of the best evidence of the still young Carlo Monari. His next production will tend to Charterhouse for an ever greater realism.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

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a decisive role in the charm that distinguishes the Certosa di Bologna from other cemeteries of Europe comes from the complex structure of space. Spread from the original nucleus convent loggias, arcades and rooms that recreate views and rooms that refer to the city of 'live'. The arched portico, this eastern entrance of the cemetery, which links up (except for a brief interruption) with one that leads to Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca located on the Colle della Guardia, wants to mean a continuity between the city and the necropolis of the living.

Long and tall marble portico connecting these sorts of indoor and Squares to 'open, with only a glimpse of the steps that leave then.

also narrow passages, cross with her concern over pavements and ancient tombs, which show that the ages, and under the gaze of sculptural representations, as they seem to monitor guardians
's input.

Other steps are more metaphorical, like this trompe d'oleil

Friday, August 22, 2008

Michał Konieczny Gliwice

La Certosa di Bologna, is the eye, with discretion, a bell tower and a dome, as there are so many around the city. These are the basic points of reference for those who venture behind those long walls that hide other views ...

... real squares, marble and ice with their arcades, which open in there ...

Municipal Cemetery was established in 1801 reusing existing structures of the Certosa San Girolamo di Casara, founded in the mid-300 and abolished in 1797 by Napoleon.

(source: Wilkipedia)