Friday, January 14, 2011

Clothes For Brown Skin

Beside the Fiom, more so with Amelia!

Care companions and dear friends,

we remind you that you can vote in elections Amelia Frascaroli primariedomenica January 23 from 8.00 am to 22.00 All Out of Office who want to vote must register on the site of primary (http: / / not later than 12.00 on Jan. 21

Here are some important info from the site of the primary:

- For immigrants living in the City of Bologna who wish to exercise their right to vote in primaries (well it has no voting card), the document is available with the full correspondence between home addresses and polling for the primaries.

remember that immigrants are not residents must first register on the site using the paper form, and exercise their right to vote at the polling station located at special ARCI "the Keep", in Don Minzoni 18.

- The non-EU immigrants NOT living in Bologna - but that they have a home in the capital, and wish to vote in the primary of the center for the city - they can exercise that right previa registrazione dei propri dati. Tali dati verranno trasmessi al Presidente del Seggio Speciale presso cui si svolgeranno le operazioni di voto per questa categoria di elettori (c/o Circolo ARCI “il Cassero”, via Don Minzoni 18), in modo da consentirgli l’identificazione del votante.

La registrazione può essere effettuata utilizzando il form online disponibile all’interno del menu “CONTATTI”, o scaricando il modulo cartaceo dal menu “DOCUMENTI” e consegnadolo o inviandolo via fax al Comitato.

- Ricordiamo che è obbligatoria la compilazione di ogni campo del modulo; in particolare, il campo “Numero Documento” dovrà riportare gli estremi del documento (Passport or residence permit not expired) that the voter present at the polling station for identification.

- All workers and foreign students NON-EU domiciled in Bologna who wish to exercise their right to vote in the primaries should register with the Committee as specified by 12 noon of the day January 21, 2011. Also on the site you can find all the information necessary to exercise the voting and the addresses of polling stations

To follow the schedule of events and initiatives with the Frascaroli Simply visit:

Anyone wishing to lend a hand as a scrutineer the polls and / or would like to cooperate with the Committee argues that Amelia Frascaroli important during the last days of campaign propaganda, can be transmitted as soon as possible to partner Agostino Giordano - 3284182111 / agostino.giordano @


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