Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Sew In With Bangs

Conference on Unity of Italy

In collaboration with the Higher Institute "Enrico Fermi" Bagnara, pairing "Third Millennium" organized a conference to be held Sunday, March 20 at 17.00 at the scene of the school "Vittorio Visalli" : 1861-2011. Renaissance revival of national and local on the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. Introduce the work Francesco Luppino, president of the association and coordinator of the initiative, and Angela Maria Palazzolo, manager of the school "Stop." Then follow the wishes of the authorities: the mayor of St. Euphemia, Vincenzo Sacco; the manager of the school including St. Euphemia, Giuseppe Gelardi, the coordinator for the geographical scope of the Ministry of Education Reggio Calabria, Vincenzo Gering, the provincial director Carmine Alvaro, Luigi Fedele Regional Councillor. So will begin the conference itself, moderated by Rosario Monterosso, Professor of History and Philosophy from St. Euphemia connected with many years of teaching in local high school. The first project will be "The Risorgimento and the word. The identity of the other language, "Francis Idotta, Professor of History and Philosophy at the" Fermi ". Follow my reflection on "Centralization or decentralization? The unification administrative state ", then" Vittorio Visalli and the Risorgimento in Santa Eufemia d'Aspromonte, Carmela Cutro, professor of letters to the "Fermi" and finally, the report of Joseph Caridi, Professor of Modern History at the University Messina and president of the Deputation of country's history: "The Risorgimento and Reggio Calabria." Also a musical interlude, performed by soprano Giuseppina Violani by Francesco Russo violin teacher and piano teacher Melanie Scappatura.
The celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy can help to rediscover the value of identity national daily fights of the last two decades have weakened a lot. But it also represents a unique opportunity to uncover the facts and circumstances of the Risorgimento, unfortunately, known only to a few local fans, but which deserve wider dissemination.
Sometimes it seems that our country has no history, but only enough for a study of the toponymy eufemiese understand where we are, what we were and how much we loved the freedom. Carl Muscari, one of the 15 executed in Calabria Piazza Mercato in Naples March 6, 1800, the fall of the Neapolitan Republic, Ferdinando Grimaldi De Angelis, skipper of the Sicilian-Calabrian Third Division during the riots of 1848, sentenced to death by the court Bourbon; Pentimalli Francis sentenced to 19 years for the same events. Eufemiesi three major, three-way, but almost three unknown martyrs of freedom. As well as sentenced to thirty three to nineteen years for the uprisings that are not mentioned even with a tiny plaque.
The fact that nobody has ever thought is not a good sign. The beautiful pages of our history should be remembered, but to cultivate the memory and bring the younger generation to study the roots also need the commitment of the institutions. The creation of a historical city, just to give a concrete example, providing access to many documents (also viewed only at the state archives of Reggio Calabria) that are "kept" in our town, buried under the dust in the basement of City Hall.


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