Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How Old Were You In 1999

The massacre of Kabul, outside of rhetoric

di Paolo Farinella prete - dal sito www.dongiorgio.it

Genova sabato 19 settembre 2009. Oggi è giorno di lutto per la democrazia: la manifestazione per la libertà di stampa è stata rinviata per non turbare la sceneggiata del cordoglio nazionale per la morte dei sei militari italiani uccisi insieme a 20 innocenti afghani. Il governo e il suo impresentabile presidente vi sta inzuppando il biscotto a piene mani perché rallenta la pressione dell’opinione pubblica e distrae dalla drammatica situazione in cui versiamo.
Per il secondo giorno consecutivo ho conati di rigetto di fronte alla millanteria nazionale-diaticopoliticop
atriottarda exaltation of six poor wretches who have gone to die without any work to remedy an unfortunate denied by the government that used them as cannon fodder for the glory of the Head of shame that now uses them as "heroes" to silence dissent that increasing.
Yesterday, exasperated by such impudence and falsehood MicroMega I sent to the following thought that now I send to you. The tone and content are deliberately content than all the dead and because I find this rhetoric nonsense attitude evil and inhuman.
The war creates no heroes, only victims but few heroes, and if you must, you must choose the 20 Afghans "innocents" who were there by chance and were exterminated, while the armed Italian soldiers were there to do "their duty", that is occupying a foreign country that they have delivered into the hands of a corrupt dictator like Karzai.
If these children are heroes and ignominy of hunger, what must be thousands of innocent people bombed without discrimination of sex, age, or because of guilt? Who cries these unnecessary deaths is an accomplice of war and enemy of democracy.
The Government has set national mourning on Monday and a minute of silence: I will not mourn and not lighthouse silence because this refusal national hoax. The wife of one of the dead said he was proud of the work of her husband: ebbene, sono parole sue, non mie. Sia dunque orgogliosa anche della sua morte e domani, se ha figli, lo racconti loro e dica chi erano i “nemici” che hanno ucciso il padre e spieghi loro chi lo ha mandato e per quale motivo. Aggiunga che la presenza del padre armato ha contribuito ad estendere il potere dei talebani e di quelli che essi chiamano “terroristi”.
Quale democrazia hanno difeso questi soldati, quella del corrotto Karzai o quella del corruttore e corrotto Berlusconi? In questi giorni di lutto nazionale, sospendo moralmente la mia appartenenza all’Italia e mi tiro fuori da ogni complicità da queste nefandezze, travestite da eroismo. Forse le mie parole che precedono e quelle che seguono susciteranno stupore e scandalo in qualcuno: ebbene, passi oltre e non se la prenda: sono infatti certo di essere nel giusto, in buona coscienza.
Di seguito il pensiero pubblicato su MicroMega il 18 settembre 2009.
Paolo Farinella, prete

da Micromega
La strage di Kabul
e la strage della libertà di stampa

di Paolo Farinella, prete

I titoli di quasi tutti i giornali, dei tg e dei commentatori sono unanimi: «Strage di Italiani in Afghanistan: 6 militari uccisi». Ecco il modo ideologico di leggere e dare false notizie per vere. La «strage» riguarda 20 afghani e 6 militari, tutti uccisi nello stesso istante e con le stesse modalità; poi vi sono oltre 60 feriti afghani e 4 militari italiani. I feriti italiani sono stati rimpatriati per le cure necessarie, gli afghani sono rimasti per strada e se non interviene Emergency restano lì ad aumentare il numero dei morti afghani.

A costo di apparire cinico (e non lo sono) non riesco a piangere questi morti «italiani», isolati dal loro contesto reale. Mi dispiace e sono addolorato che qualcuno debba morire così e per le loro famiglie che adesso avranno un vuoto esistenziale e affettivo che nessuno potrà riempire: non le parole d’ordinanza della retorica politica che subito ne ha fatto degli «eroi» in appoggio ad una politica miope, demenziale e incivile che pretendeva di esportare la democrazia con le armi e assicurare la sicurezza seminando morte tra la popolazione inerme afghana. Morti inutili, morti senza senso.

No! Non ci sto! I soldati morti sapevano che potevano morire (fa parte del loro mestiere), ma sono andati ugualmente per scelta e per interesse economico, cioè per guadagnare di più. So anche che molti vanno per il brivido della guerra, per dirla alla popolana per menare le mani e sperimentare armi nuove e di precisione. Dov’è l’eroismo nell’uccidere sistematicamente, per sbaglio o per fuoco amico, civili che a loro volta sono vittime nel loro paese e vittime degli occupanti stranieri?

Dopo 8 lunghi anni di guerra, quali risultati ha portato la peacekeeping o la peacemaking? Se si chiama «peace» lo sterminato stuolo di mutilati, di the hungry, the dead, as we must call the "war" or to put it to the modern "war"? Before the arrival of Bush and his valvassini in Afghanistan, the Taliban were seen as "occupiers" and now after 8 years of Western occupation, the people rooting for the Taliban and reinforces the tribal divisions that have led to an increase of power of 'local lords of war "who have imposed their own law, increased poppy cultivation and widespread corruption widespread.

After 8 years of "peacekeeping" Afghanistan is a puppet president, Karzai, corrupt and corrupting, which is there because they have cheated at least a half million ballots, that to win e avere i voti dei capi tribù ha introdotto nel diritto «democratico», difeso dalle armi occidentali, il diritto del marito di stuprare, violentare, picchiare e anche uccidere la moglie e le donne in sua proprietà. E’ questo l’obiettivo per cui sono morti i militari italiani, inglesi, spagnoli, tedeschi, e americani? Ne valeva la pena!

Sono morti inutili, morti che dovrebbero suscitare vergogna in chi li ha mandati e lì li ha tenuti e anche in coloro che vi sono andati per scelta libera e volontaria per avere uno stipendio proporzionato. No! Non sono eroi, sono vittime come sono vittime i morti afghani, come sono vittime i talebani usati dall’occidente quando venivano comodo contro i Russi e da questi, in turn, were used as needed when armed, but now the heroes of yesterday are the enemies of all.

The funeral will be state of these unfortunates died for nothing or for the vanity of their puppet rulers, such as the 19 killed in Nasiriyah, in my opinion are the flamboyance of empty rhetoric and guilty because incapable of doing politics and policy of peace . Saving Silverman uses the power it needs cannon fodder then cover with the honors Sato: so always pay citizens 'sovereign', which mean nothing.

The massacre of Kabul, in Italy, interrupted 'democracy', shifting the event to the freedom of the press of Saturday, September 19, 2009 at another time. And 'the sign of deception. These deaths are functional to the government that it cools the square, a hammer blow away launched by the company and chairman of the board, the friend of Bush and Putin takes over the scene, showing rent and weeping at the funeral 'of our children, " horrible expression that denies the truth of the facts and confirm the reasons behind it: these "kids" are the soldiers who went by himself in a country at war and went armed. They are not "boys" are aware of and responsible for their choices and their deaths.

I hope that the children and families because I do not have the best way to honor the dead is to continue to ensure the rights of everyone, not just those of someone creating the conditions for these rights can be exercised. A pillar of democracy is freedom of the press and the total freedom to criticize the government. The "massacre" of Kabul hit in Italy, to 4,000 km away, along with killing innocent Afghans and Italian soldiers, the democracy that only a fool could think of is to export. On the other hand has been known to kill Italian democracy: who decided to move the event of September 19 has become complicit in the massacre of Kabul and extending down to us. Now the war is total.

Poor dead, now the fig leaf of a shameless power that feeds only on the representation vacuous and empty, ephemeral and murderous. No! I am not part of the choir.

(September 18, 2009)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kate Playground Free Vidoes

Some thoughts on voting in Emilia-Romagna

Augustine Jordan - Secretary Emilia-Romagna Prc

Head / Source: www.comunistinmovimento.it

order to develop some considerations on the results of the recent European elections in the territories and administrative Emilia - Romagna, however, need to look before any of the information of a general nature. The List and anti-Communist (PRC - PDCI - Socialism 2000) obtained overall, with European, 3.4% of the electoral consensus. Our list follows the lowest result and its absolute worst in the district of North-Eastern (Which, in addition to Emilia Romagna, also includes Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia) with just 2.3% of the vote - amounting to 148,670 votes. As for the other districts the figure is significantly different: the north-west 3%, center 4.5%, south 4.1%, 2.8% islands. *

Throughout the region Emilia Romagna obtained 77,364 votes, or 3.1%, a figure that certainly raises the level of consensus achieved across the total area (compared with 1, 2% in Trentino Alto Adige , 1, 8% and 2.5% of the Veneto region of Friuli Venezia Giulia).

Regarding the different provinces of the region, the data regarding the vote the list for the European community seems fairly homogeneous, except for the provinces of Rimini and Bologna, which falls below 3% (Piacenza: 3.17%. Parma: 3.46%. Reggio Emilia: 3.42%. Modena: 3.06%. Bologna: 2.74.%. Ferrara: 3.21%. Ravenna: 3.36%. Forlì-Cesena: 3.23%. Rimini: 2.87%)

Although Emilia Romagna has given more than the other regions of the Northeast, this must not be misleading with respect to an almost complete homogeneity on the territories of this area, organic thing of the northern model of small and medium-sized enterprises, the most fertile ground for the bold and impressive advanced the Northern League.

Excessive result obtained by the Northern League in the European elections in Emilia Romagna translates more or less equally and consistently in administration, where in many municipalities and provinces in the region, in the heart of so-called former strongholds red (historical settlements of the Communist Party and the Left), the green flags "Po" waved triumphantly to the detriment of their own left-wing and communist forces (including the PRC).

In fact, overall, Emilia-Romagna in the municipal and provincial elections, more or less in line with the average of results obtained in other Italian regions, the PRC and the PDCI suffer staggering setbacks, showing in some areas outstanding resistance winning results decent, albeit lower than the previous administration, we must regard them as positive, especially if placed in the general context of the defeat of the Left Alternative (the causes of which are now quite familiar and did not repeat them here). Given these positive results, in a difficult phase as the one we are experiencing, should be illuminating signs of encouragement, it is good to mention them now. At provincial Ferrara (where the league wins 10.18%) because the list Prc-PDCI - in the center-left coalition - get the 4.41% (9128 votes), choosing an adviser. At the county in 2004 to Ferrara was awarded the Prc 4.82% (10,232 votes) and the PDCI 3.68% (7807 votes): if you add these two figures is the sum of 18,039 votes, compared to 9128 present report a loss of 8,911 votes. Bleeding after all "contained" when compared with data from other provincial capitals of Emilia-Romagna. Also with regard to the provincial Ferrara stands out clearly the result obtained in college "I Comacchio, where the list Prc-PDCI is as high as 14.29% and in several other colleges than 5%. Este comes from the front is another encouraging fact that concerns the provincial capital: in fact in municipal elections, in which the league is coming "soon" to 6.42%, the list Prc-PDCI, an alternative to the center-left, gets the 3 90% (3,163 votes) in electing the city council candidate for mayor Irene Bregola (if we compare this with the previous local elections of June 2004 votes have almost halved since the PRC was only by 4.70% with 3901 votes and the PDCI 4 , 15% with 3,446 votes).

The other data in positive contrast is undoubtedly the one obtained from List Prc-PDCI (in coalition in the center - left) to the provincial of Bologna (such as the League arrives in 8, 16%), where it reaches 3 , 60% (19,687 votes) and elect a director. Here, however, the bleeding is very high approval rating (even considering that there were two lists direct competitors such as the CLP and the Civic Party "Free Land" which candidate for president of the province's former secretary of Titian Loreti PRC) since the previous provincial June 2004, the sum of the votes of the PRC (with 5.73%) and PDCI ( with 2.78%) totaled 49,372, if this figure subtract the current 19,687 votes, the loss of consensus is equal to 29,685 votes. Again there were colleges where they have reached high enough data, such as 6.81% of Castiglione dei Pepoli or 4.60% of the Minehead. The numbers of the provincial Bolognese are definitely better than the local data of the regional capital (where the alloy is fortunately just 3.14%). In fact, here the list Prc-PDCI (In the center-left coalition) gets the 1, 82% of the vote (3,902 votes) and, although, it elects a councilor. The comparison with the previous local elections of June 2004 is fairly predictable hemorrhage relatively limited, since the sum of the votes of CRP (at 4.63%) and PDCI (1, 70%) totaled 13,981 . Consequently, the loss is 10,072 votes, most of which are evidently went to the various competing lists of the left channel blocker and an alternative (not present at previous elections): List of civic Women - Other City (with a former candidate for mayor-councilor of the PRC, which received only the 0.46%), Bologna Free City (With a former mayoral candidate City Council independent of the PRC, which is as low as 1, 66%, a much lower than expected), Communist Party of Workers (a former mayoral candidate with national leadership of the PRC, which amounted to 0.39%), Civic List Pasquino (mayoral candidate with the political scientist Gianfranco Pasquino, which reaches 1, 77%). To these must be added also the list of Beppe Grillo, gaining 3.01% (elect one) has certainly also drew nell'elettorato history of the PRC and the PDCI.

In some municipalities in the province of Bologna has undoubtedly paid for the choice of presenting an alternative to Pd: for Medicine in the list Prci PDCI-elect one (candidate for mayor) with 8, 05%. A Marzabotto, within a civic list alternative to the PD, the PRC achieved a good result by electing two directors. In other municipalities instead choosing to stand in coalition with the center - left us damaged by encouraging other lists competing alternatives on the left and the Democratic Party, for example in Bentivoglio (where the list gets the 11 escapees from the PRC, 44%) San Pietro in Casale (where Pcl gets 4.66%, an alternative list to the left and 4.30% Prc PDCI-in list with the Democratic Party does not elect at all) and Ozzano (where Pcl elect a director with a 5 , 37% and Prc-PDCI not elect at all). Returning to the rest of

region and considering only the provincial and municipal elections of the provincial capitals we can observe that the results are even more negative figures so far taken into account, as we elect a few directors and the percentages go down further, especially because of the fact that the lists Prc - PDCI in most cases have occurred divided (sometimes positioned in a different way or in coalition with the Democratic Party or alternative to it) and also, especially as regards the territories of Emilia (least with respect to that of Romagna), because the heavy break of the Northern League.

In the province of Piacenza, in fact, where the League reaches 17.23% of the vote, the PRC get the 2.73% (roughly halving the votes compared to previous elections in which he had obtained 7.09%) and the PDCI wins the first, 75% (losing a few votes from the previous provincial, because he had a 2.12 %). Both parties have submitted in coalition with the center - both left and do not elect anyone.

In the province of Parma, where the League reaches 14.64%, the CRP - an alternative to the center-left - get the 2.18% (compared to 8 falling dramatically, 80% of the previous elections), while the PDCI (in the center-left coalition) won the 2.54% (losing about one percentage point compared to previous provincial, as was 3.24%). Both parties do not elect directors.

In the province of Reggio Emilia, where the alloy reaches 15.04%, it is worth mentioning that the positive result of the PRC, presenting an alternative to the center-left, gets the 3.24% (almost halving the votes compared to previous elections which had 6.67%) electing the candidate in the provincial council chairman. The PDCI, which ran in the center-left coalition, gets the first, 76% (in June 2004 was 2.77%), not electing anyone. Definitely the worst of the municipal data of Reggio Emilia, as the PRC - always alone and as an alternative to the center-left - get the 1, 75 (in previous elections had il 4,40%), mentre il Pdci in coalizione con il centro-sinistra conquista l’1,46% (a fronte del 6,99% che aveva la scorsa volta). Entrambi i partiti non eleggono alcun consigliere.

Alle provinciali di Modena, dove la lega prende il 14,58%, il Prc, in alternativa al centro-sinistra, ottiene il 2,43% (nel 2004 aveva il 5,74%), mentre il Pdci (in coalizione nel centro-sinistra) arretra di poco rispetto al 2004 (aveva il 2,77%) conquistando il 2,02%. A Modena, per quanto riguarda invece le comunali (dove la Lega prende l’11,01%), il Prc – sempre in alternativa al centro-sinistra – ottiene l’1,97% (precipitando dal 5,02% del 2004), mentre il Pdci – in the center-left coalition - has reached the 1, 18% (compared to losing a few votes last time, because he had the first, 39%). In this case, the communist forces do not elect any director in the province that is in common.

Other good news is that the provincial Forlì-Cesena (with the League to 11, 15%), where the PRC, appearing in the center-left coalition, elected a director with 3.01% (in 2004 had 6.81%), while the PDCI, the same way coalition, gets the 1, 16% (in 2004 had a 2.64%). At the town of Forlì (where the league gets to 9.40%) instead of the data significantly worse, as the PRC in the center-left coalition gets 1, 59% (reducing drastically from the previous 4.13% and not electing anyone) while the PDCI - an alternative to the center-left - with a slightly receding, 43% (compared with the previous one, 97%), not electing anyone the same way.

Finally, as regards the province of Rimini (where the league comes to 9.09%), the PRC gets 2.61% (in 2004 had 6.91%) while the PDCI moves back to 1, 83% compared to the previous 3.19%. Both parties do not elect directors.

Most of the results of provincial and municipal tend to show that they have joined the PRC and the PDCI in one list made it possible to achieve results decent and, in some cases, allowed to elect representatives of institutions.

In light of these data, we can confirm that the overall negative result obtained by the communist forces in Emilia-Romagna is mainly all'arretramento general and systematic forces of the Left (including PD), mainly for the benefit of the Northern League. This should then lead officers and militants who identify with the communist and anti-list to make adequate analysis and deep reflection on the socio - economic events in the region Emilia-Romagna, which can no longer be considered a privileged territory in which the yield of good Red administrations of the past may guarantee for the present and the future.

Finally, another consideration that can be done about the lack of social roots of the communist forces, a true crisis factor that pushes us further and further away from the city, by the people, by workers, temporary workers, migrants and compared to weak social classes that we represent. The lack of authority of local elites, the poor gained credibility among the subjectivity hit hard by the crisis, our absence from the places of conflict, the inability to be a leader of some significant social struggle, are certainly the main causes of our regional retreat , which can be largely transferred to the national level and especially in the territories of North-East with respect to which the Emilia-Romagna is almost approved.

The last consideration is the relationship with the Democratic Party: whether an alliance with the Democratic Party at the local level, or not to enter into a coalition of center-left has a little for the election result. Count especially if you are in a favorable condition for strong local roots and legitimacy. No doubt it helps when presenting alternatives to the Democratic Party has handled this poorly and local governments has proved far from the weak strata affected by the crisis. In those cases the cooperation of the communist forces must cease immediately. Different speech as regards good government, where the reaffirmation of our presence at the side of the PD was honored by the citizens but must continue to be assessed on a case by case basis according to local circumstances, our place in a truly comprehensive national alternative to this Pd moderate and in disarray.

* All data presented in this article are taken from tables prepared by the polling Prc-PDCI and the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Bf Only Has 7 Inches

Young Communist s: Our future also depends on the turnout of 6 and 7 June

of Agostino Giordano *

Head / Source: www.comunistinmovimento.it

I warmly welcome the proposals launched by Simone Oggionni in an article published in Liberation on May 5 last, for the revitalization of / the Young Communist s In particular the list and articulation of the three priorities on which to build our political initiative in the short term are very useful in the territories to translate a more comprehensive and systematic organization see our hero in the field of conflict, so that to start a serious way to recover and / or gain credibility and legitimacy in a particular way among the younger generation, most strongly affected by the crisis and insecurity and sacrificial victims of the devastating contradictions of modern capitalism. To recap: mass campaign against the effects of the crisis, explaining the causes, campaigning, protests against "various" G8. Among other things these days, the intensification of military operations in Afghanistan and the subsequent massacres of women and children shows how - despite Obama - the United States of America will continue to pursue their plans of expanding imperialist, a fortiori This means that the struggle against war and for the withdrawal of Italian troops from the areas of the world in which they are serving the U.S. command, are key points of our political agenda, especially for breath and groped to give voice to quell'eterogeneo "Peace movement" which in Italy has reached considerable size and which has always seen at the forefront of the GC and the PRC. In particular, it is now necessary, especially for the / young / community and build a mass struggle against the rampant racism, to be linked closely to the active support in favor of the resistance of peoples against imperialism.
In my opinion, in the short term, it is important to focus our efforts so that you realize and materialize in the second priority list, trying to cross the tightly as possible and the first and third. Fact must be our goal - as if it were "an indispensable line of the Piave" - \u200b\u200bthe excess, from our list of communist and capitalist, of the hateful barrier shall be 4% to the forthcoming European elections. As the Young Communist League / and we must have in mind that our future also depends on the vote of 6-7 June. Of course, not only from those polls. At a symbolic level, though. overcome that barrier, would provide the necessary oxygen and breath at the prospect of recovery of our party (and the unitary process of anti-capitalist left) and give a strong impetus to the recovery of our organization, in my opinion, would definitely facilitated the attempt to replace hard legs and head in our society it difficult to finally buy legitimacy and credibility especially among the younger generations. Sometimes the levels of symbols count as much as those of being in real contradictions in society and "become" society. This is one of those phases in which the symbolic level may count a lot.
I know the difficulty, like so many of us, we feel in setting banquets and gazebo on the streets and squares of our cities, in nell'attacchinare flyers or posters, etc ... These are efforts that we make in the coming days more intensity, collectively, our thinking about the future of young communists / e - temporary workers, migrants, students, immigrants, unemployed workers - who dream of being women and men can to build another possible world according to the principles of freedom and social justice, namely that of modern Communism, which is the driving force of our ideals and our actions.
The campaign can be filled from our struggles and our content, the narrative of the conflicts that we have practiced and that we're doing, just to give continuity to that thread that went through the streets of Genoa in 2001 and today has to be transmitted and delivered to those who urgently need to entrust the fate of his life in hope, hope of change and social transformation.
This thread is fortunately still alive and / Communist Youth / i continue to keep in life despite setbacks and divisions, despite the overwhelming power and arrogance and fascist right-wing Lega and the inconsistency between the total of the left. We see him live in the areas of solidarity brigades are active in the Abruzzo region or in different places in which they were collected aid for earthquake victims in garrisons selling bread at low prices or initiative to fight in defense of the Palestinian people, school University and public. They are all places where / the Young Communist League / i have been and there still are, often in silence, quietly self-celebrating and media, always ready to make the soldiers and showed a profound spirit of sacrifice. In many areas help to keep feet, in a decisive manner, the very structures of the Party.
The next few days will be crucial in order not to frustrate the efforts and sacrifices made especially in recent months may seem simplistic and
storcerà someone's nose, but our red line will pass through the stench of the glue stick on the manifests and the sweat throw shooting and running from one street to another, from one country to another. Hope will live on for us more specifically whether the GC list will overcome the barrier and anti-communist European elections, if the lists get decent unit results in the areas where they are submitted and if the PRC, in areas where it occurs alone, can obtain the percentage credible. Comrades, roll up our sleeves and now more than ever, to work and fight!

* Secretary Emilia Romagna regional Prc

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bmı For Countrıes

pain, anger, suffering

there are few words to express what is living in Italy these days .. the earthquake in Abruzzo is a tragedy that could have been avoided.

thought to be hurt too many victims, displaced persons, who from day to day has nothing ...
try to make a concrete contribution, avoiding the usual leave it to others, and supervised for you to rebuild and really fast, and it does not happen ever again!

goodbye ...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Handkerchief Mask How To Tie


on 28 February I was finally feeling Caparezza live. that mean? fantastic!
his CD are more and more busy!
ago of the texts that are extraordinary, always new, full of doppisensi that tell the environmental disaster, social work, politics in this country in a truly perfect!
I love it!
and I was really pleased to see that his result, numerous, and an audience of mostly young boys, but also adults.
I was pleasantly surprised by the young people that were there, they knew all the songs.
of that generation, a little smaller than mine, I always had a negative opinion. But ...

Caparezza, in politics! his songs are political, they report, are information, put the flea in the ear,
and seeing those young people hope so that they understand the message by listening to his words, and that many of them from getting to do politics, the real for the good of all!

try to read the texts of the last cd ..

Monday, March 9, 2009

How Are The Seats Numbered At The Rose Garden

burned toxic waste into the incinerator Colleferro ...


incinerators, ups the energy plants need! absolutely indispensable!
otherwise how do you eliminate (ie not to show people) and all the rubbish we produce to give him all the wealth never give up?

because you give up your plasma TV?
and your new phone?
and why you'd be happy to consume less energy products not to drink tap water .. bleh yuck ... and maybe only eat stuff that makes your territory ...
and how to do without bananas? And pineapple? and the many creams that I have to spread to be fashionable ...

the incinerator is used, because it is beautiful, incinerator minds! We are all more intelligent, since we breathe particles
magnesium, phosphorus, iron, titanium, maybe even some particles of uranium ... you do not know that phosphorus is good for memory, and the iron is against anemia?!

then see that the incinerators are!
and above all serve to increase the customers of the poor pharmaceutical companies that invest in our research benesssere Quatrini fine, but need somewhere to fall! mica fields of air ...

and above all serve to eliminate some of the movement of people, we are too many on this planet, environmentalists say it also!
maybe if we could eliminate some subjects ...
for this is perhaps not the incinerator
need a gun!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Objections To Rosalind Hursthouse Abortion


we are always in an emergency, health, environmental, democratic ... even though no news I'll say ...

a book that aims to inform on all these emergencies, because they are connected like links in a chain ...


try to read it and give it away ...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Could A Lump On My Gum Be

roma, capitol

Friday February 6, at approximately 17:30 protomotec the hall of the Capitol, already full of people starts to hear one of the most interesting and important conferences in the field of waste and fine dust.

leads a great journalist, David Gramiccioli, who deserve the thanks of the organization perfect and difficult of the conference.

there are many institutional representatives to hear Dr. Antonietta Gatti, discoverer of nanopatologie and director of several research projects of the European Commission on environmental pollution by nanoparticles, and the mother of a child of Forli, who lives between two incinerators and has prostate cancer, a dazzling Paul Connett speaks of zero waste, and how this has been done and all the wealth that comes from such a strateggia.
the presentation of the documentary film "Dirty as hell," Mark Carlucci, document investigation is unique for its courageous statement that we wait anxiously in the halls as soon as possible.
surprisingly few acts to minutes, the mayor Alemanno, a discourse in political jargon and not rational, but a big step forward for putting his face in a conference on these issues.
Dr. John Ghirca demonstrates innumerable studies done around the world as the "strateggia incineration" is insane, terribly expensive even in economic terms, let alone in terms of health and human lives.
with immense regret Dr. Stefano Montanari is obliged to cut short his speech for lack of time. but still managed to show how the nanoparticles are the number one enemy of our civilization, the eternal enemy and difficult to defeat. for the first time the doctor shows up, and not just for a nanosecond, the result, or a the results of the reckless and criminal policy of incineration: a child born malformed, which has survived only eight days, the sight of which is hard to stand ... full of blue spots on the deformed little body to be innocent.

who could not come,
for those not interested in these topics thinking that sometimes it happens to others,
who keeps saying that it is not true (against all logic)
but does so only on a monitor and has no the courage to confront,
who thought maybe he had come to do me a favor,
you all I say to you that the people who came thanked those who strongly suggested the conference, and has left the room with know much more, with a piece of ignorance destroyed, with many doors to open ... indaggini

Monday, February 2, 2009

Peliculas Gratis De Incesto Italiano

help freedom

an urgent appeal:
else needs a helping hand to maintain the laboratory mafia! a small gesture to keep fighting against one of the worst evils of Italian society! see the appeal of these courageous young people, as few now remain, not let our indifference let die a free voice again!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lipoma Spinal Vicinity

scandal is not enough to describe what is happening in this country that is Italy loser.

else Wednesday was a beautiful event of a civil society that wanted to cry out his despair at the situation of law in this country.

Many interventions, emotional and exciting.

Who looks a bit about politics or following the facts, through the usual forms of alternative media, knows that this government (not that the others were better ..) is making some bad shots, especially the judicial system.

Of course in a time of economic crisis like the present, for that of many of the 29 worst, the government has so much to do to limit wiretapping, decriminalize financial crimes and unconstitutional to pass laws to protect Berlusconi from the processes that seem to live on another planet.

Not only the government seems Allien to his own country but it takes a whole parliament President of the Republic first.

Antonio di Pietro is not a saint, but manipulate his words between each other is hardly an offensive action by cowards, criminals in this situation I would say.

because it means slapping, delete, outraging all the families of the victims of the Mafia who organized and participated in the event hoping to draw attention to legal problems. That problem for which many were killed Falcone and Borsellino, for which we continue to make slaughter of brave-hearted innocent.

At a time in which a civil society that has suffered the passing of too much blood you asking you to state institutions to you, listening to answers, what do all? Di Pietro are exploiting two words making it fall into the usual repartee indecent by ignorant door-entry that may not even know what they're talking the talk because they have not heard!

I do not know what else is offensive to say that the President of the Republic does little to arbitrate,

but I know it's terrible to continue to kill with indifference and the silence of the many victims of the Mafia, the many victims of injustice.

I know it's terrible not spend a single word about a beautiful and important speech like the one done by Salvatore Borsellino or that of Sonia Alfano.

everything I know to pass the event as IDV is offensive to the memory of one who has dedicated his life to the bottom of this State, to this Constitution by which the government would like (already does) "replace the card process, "citing Caparezza.

So another episode that speaks volumes of how and how much sleep Napolitano and what offends him:

During the war in Gaza, while Israeli missiles ammazavano innocent children, a group very number of MPs and senators, state representatives, in a square in central Rome with fine speeches demonstrating their solidarity with Israel, wishing him good fight!,

and I'm sorry, but I know that no presidential spokesman was scandalized by this fact ...

and I also know that we have no choice but to wake up from this bad nightmare, hoping that an avalanche is to wake up to strength.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Early Pregnancy Cervix

scandalous events not to be missed! surprise is guaranteed!

by Stefano Montanari:

On 4 February, at 18, s plowed to Feltrinelli Via Appia Nuova, 427 in Rome (Metro Furio Camillo) to present my book The Pool of fine . Along with me will be Massimo Carlotto who will talk about his noir de Perdas Fogu , a novel inspired by my book and what I wrote with my wife and we headed Nanopathology . Anyone willing to pay a visit to the library, is invited.

Two days later, 6, at 17, I'll be more in Rome , Protomoteca the Hall of the Capitol along with my wife, Dr. Antonietta Gatti, with Dr. John Ghirga and prof. Paul Connett. In a symposium moderated by journalist David Gramiccioli talk of pollution of incinerators, landfills and depleted uranium. During the afternoon, the director Marco Carlucci will present the film Sloppy as hell , under construction that sees me as a brilliant (and you thought?) interpreter. ( http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=51453762037 )

Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa

and the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno

The guests are from, but the invitation is extended to anyone willing to intervene and, perhaps, to ask questions as well ( http://www.sporchidamorire.com/convegnosporchidamorire/index.html )

Meanwhile, pending not exactly comforting news to hear the two events, we can pick ourselves up with what we report the news RAI: \u200b\u200bCarla Bruni is not true that requested the President of Brazil to keep Cesare Battisti and the Festival of Sanremo Mina will have as a guest. Do not live, I agree, but the video gives us the timely information system, are new. And sorry if it is little. After all, some small island emerge again in this vale of tears is .

not miss it !!!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

When Will They Change Yukon Body

Italian left, stinking corpse

but as we are good ?!... by real communists, we are so selfless and good that we give Italy to Berlusconi in office without even a murmur. Vendola decided that for the sake of,?! do not know who,, because now the left is a stinking corpse, you might as well do it in pieces this unseemly corpse! but, what does it matter that Italy is already being massacred by this fake two-party that does not represent the people, which is not that the interests of the few against all common sense, not to mention the "common good".
but it was used this final blow to the already defunct Italian left, if indeed failed to do any of that for which it was born ... what other purpose could he do?
but I wonder, was used to? we have so little respect to a country in shambles?! at a time in which we continue to destroy piece by piece, so hard-won democracy? This is time to think of his own lust for power? (makes you laugh then, have 2 cats ... what power ?)...

and Berlusconi enjoys, enjoys because it no longer adversaries, always if you ever had them!
towards the ravine Italian people, take the shovel and dig!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How To Wash A Duffle Bagwashing Machine

February 6, do not miss! rome

Under the patronage of the Municipality of Rome Rome
February 6, 2009 at 17:00
Protomoteca at the Piazza del Campidoglio
the event will be held
Meeting on the issues of Management waste incinerators,
risks to health caused by pollution from fine particles, and possible
concrete and sustainable alternatives
Moderator David
Dr. Antonietta Morena Gatti
discoverer of nano-particles together with dr. Stefano Montanari. Researcher and Director of the Laboratory of Biomaterials, Department of
Neuroscience at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He works as a scientific expert and consultant for the European Commission,
in particular in the field of biomaterials, biotechnology and medical devices. With 140 scientific publications to his name, is also a collaborator
of several scientific journals and member of important international scientific community, including the European Society of Biomaterials
. Working with the Ministry of Defence for studies on damage to human health caused by depleted uranium.
Dr. Stefano Montanari
Author of several patents in the field of cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, pulmonology, and the designer
systems and equipment for the electrophysiology, has performed scientific advice to various companies, directing, inter alia, a project for the construction of a
biological heart valve. Since 1979 he collaborates with Dr. Antonietta Gatti in extensive research on biomaterials. Since 2004 he is Scientific Director of
Nanodiagnostics laboratory in Modena. Master teacher in several national and international
is the author of numerous scientific publications. For years an intense work of popular science in the field of nanopatologie, especially as regards sources
ultrafine pollutants.
Doctor John Ghirga
pediatrician and spokesperson for the National Coordinating Committees of Doctors for the Environment and Health and the Physicians Committee for the No to Coal
of Lazio. In the world premiere

the director Marco Carlucci
present a video taken from "Soil to die," Documentary Film
in preparation for waste management in Italy and abroad
virtuous and possible alternatives to incineration
Video messages
the Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom, the city symbol
Zero Waste (Zero Waste)
Rome Assisi San Francisco, a bridge to the future hope of a virtuous
Press Office Tel 06.95859000 Fax 06.95595200 Mob.
331.6194477 Email: sporchidamorire@primafilm.it

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mainstream Erotic Movies

important meeting, February 6

good news after another!

day February 6, 17.00, Protomoteca to the Campidoglio in Rome , The conference will be held on nanopatologie S. AM Gatti and Montanari.

an event not to be missed, both for those who know the subject, but especially for those who ignore it.
as always, at the end of the conference there will be ample room for questions and answers, to resolve all doubts on this subject vital to the health of us all.

calling on all political parties, academics as well as all citizens.

u n warm invitation from me to all those who in the network or not, continue to doubt the results of the research or the truth of these, bring your doubts, your questions even your charges will be welcome!

hoping to hear many many questions, do not forget: February 6, Rome.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Infections From Being Fingered?


a big news ...
finally you can make donations, however small, are essential to support research on nanopatologie!
if you do not know what they are, are diseases, many types, cancer, etc. ... caused by nanoparticles, piccollissime, much smaller than the famous Pm10, which enter our body through the mouth or nose, and make the casino, but the real thing, very often you die ...
if you want to learn more go to the website of Stefano Montanari,

for those who already know it, you can make a donation: http://www.stefanomontanari.net/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rupert Bear Annual Paper Diagrams

news to know

January 12, the post on the blog of grillo, Mouth ...
try to read ...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Any Ideas What I Can Wear For Burns Night

important step!

this year started well with an important step towards what will be the recognition of nanopatologie (diseases caused by nano particles, too often deadly).
dela defense minister, Russian I.la, recognized the soldiers who fought in the Balkans and other things, compensation for diseases contracted. and nothing seems strange.
but read what he writes Dr. Gatti, advisor to the Ministry dela defense is that in the last legislature:
by: www.stefanomontanari.net

Antoinette M. Cats

few days ago the Minister Ignazio La Russa during a press conference that he has earmarked 30 million euros of compensation for soldiers who have fallen ill after missions in war zones or polygons of land and carry out research in the field (http://lanuovasardegna.repubblica.it/dettaglio/Il-ministro-La-Russa-ammette:-% C2% ABL-uranium-kill% C2% BB/1567518? = EdRegionale edition).

has officially recognized that these soldiers were exposed "to DU and nanoparticles. The Minister of Defense has recognized that the soldiers became ill after suffering exposure to what I have called pollution war.

The work I have done in the committees of the fourteenth and fifteenth term with others has been recognized as valid and accepted the idea that the explosions of high-tech bombs (depleted uranium as well as Tungsten) create combustion temperatures much high (> 3,000 ° C), aerosolized entirety of the target, then creating even submicron dust particle size (nano) that can be inhaled or ingested with contaminated food from this pollution. The experiments I did in Baghdad confirmed the creation of nanoparticles after the explosion of large accumulations of conventional bombs.

soldiers and / or their families will then be compensated for these diseases contracted at work. It 'was then recognized that even in the shooting range you can get sick for the same reasons.

I think the newspapers reported the news in a hurry. No

journalist spent a few more words to comment on the report and its implications.

What La Russa did the minister and his entourage is something that goes far beyond mere monetary compensation. Has given a dignity to these soldiers, which has no market value.

In practice, it is admitted that there are invisible bullets that kill even so late and then the soldier who fell ill at home is like a hero who died in an attack or hit by a bullet in the operational area. Our government has recognized that these children, suffering from a thousand deaths in a hospital bed, they have served their country in an exemplary way to the end and are no different to those who left their lives for a bomb or a bullet in Iraq, Afghanistan or the Balkans.

pollution war creates nanoparticles that are invisible bullets and they have no boundaries. In my opinion, unlike conventional shells, these nanoparticles are very democratic, as that affect everyone equally, even those who threw bombs from the combustion of which they originated. Obviously nanoparticles creating environmental pollution they are exposed to even the civilians living in the area, but that may have a deep well on the fauna and flora.
has finally admitted that the disease developed following the missions in war zones in which soldiers were found fit by the medical point of view are not only psychological as had been suggested: stress.

This conclusion also arrived Americans in a report last November, the associations of veterans have admitted that stress may be a factor but that other diseases are. Firstly, since the first Gulf War veterans also accused neurological symptoms, the doctors had thought that the stress of war was the primary cause of the symptoms. It is now recognized that the soldiers are suffering from a disease other than that its complexity has been called syndrome, a set of different clinical symptoms and signs. The Gulf War syndrome is different from that of the Balkans, but both can bring, even on time, death.

I fought for him to be recognized this aspect of the war and especially to those who give no more (and I've personally known many) proper recognition.

While my commitment was recognized and validated by people in authority, on the other there are people who are destroying my work with slander and defamation. Such a doctor (of a different department), who has never examined a pathological sample, which has never been at the deathbed of a soldier who never comforted a mother who lost her son, wrote to the editors scientific journals that have accepted my work after a favorable opinion of the referee, asking them to write to the European Community not to accept my items, and close my European projects that I share with excellent partners in Europe. This write to my friends, my relatives, government offices, putting the seeds of doubt about the validity of my work, as if she were the bearer of truth. This person I've never met nor have I ever had any relationship with her, but how do you explain that this has my personal address book? There will be correlated with the burglar in my desk personnel with university or disarm the burglary in the laboratory? She is there at the table, hidden in his university study, hidden by pseudonyms, to rant, to slander those who work in the forefront, to vilify those who do not know and has never done any harm. Why? The hatred, resentment, the bitterness, frustration evident in his writings, suggest that this person is no mercy for those who suffer and die. The boys had never been compensated with the scientific work of this young lady. What scares me is that this person teaches students to be trained. What if they do not teach hatred, bitterness, hatred?

I prefer to work to build a better future for our children and teach them compassion.

and then read what he writes Montanari:

published in full this article. Remember, if only to avoid the usual characters disorder invent new lies, which Dr. Gatti (my wife) pays to two terms of his work at the Commission that deals with diseases of the military not only free of charge but to his (our) expense. Anyone is free to do the same. I also remember that, thanks to his work, Italy is today the only country in the world to do so. No one asks a word of thanks. It is sufficient compliance. (Stefano Montanari)

now up to us!