of Agostino Giordano *
Head / Source: www.comunistinmovimento.it
I warmly welcome the proposals launched by Simone Oggionni in an article published in Liberation on May 5 last, for the revitalization of / the Young Communist s In particular the list and articulation of the three priorities on which to build our political initiative in the short term are very useful in the territories to translate a more comprehensive and systematic organization see our hero in the field of conflict, so that to start a serious way to recover and / or gain credibility and legitimacy in a particular way among the younger generation, most strongly affected by the crisis and insecurity and sacrificial victims of the devastating contradictions of modern capitalism. To recap: mass campaign against the effects of the crisis, explaining the causes, campaigning, protests against "various" G8. Among other things these days, the intensification of military operations in Afghanistan and the subsequent massacres of women and children shows how - despite Obama - the United States of America will continue to pursue their plans of expanding imperialist, a fortiori This means that the struggle against war and for the withdrawal of Italian troops from the areas of the world in which they are serving the U.S. command, are key points of our political agenda, especially for breath and groped to give voice to quell'eterogeneo "Peace movement" which in Italy has reached considerable size and which has always seen at the forefront of the GC and the PRC. In particular, it is now necessary, especially for the / young / community and build a mass struggle against the rampant racism, to be linked closely to the active support in favor of the resistance of peoples against imperialism.
In my opinion, in the short term, it is important to focus our efforts so that you realize and materialize in the second priority list, trying to cross the tightly as possible and the first and third. Fact must be our goal - as if it were "an indispensable line of the Piave" - \u200b\u200bthe excess, from our list of communist and capitalist, of the hateful barrier shall be 4% to the forthcoming European elections. As the Young Communist League / and we must have in mind that our future also depends on the vote of 6-7 June. Of course, not only from those polls. At a symbolic level, though. overcome that barrier, would provide the necessary oxygen and breath at the prospect of recovery of our party (and the unitary process of anti-capitalist left) and give a strong impetus to the recovery of our organization, in my opinion, would definitely facilitated the attempt to replace hard legs and head in our society it difficult to finally buy legitimacy and credibility especially among the younger generations. Sometimes the levels of symbols count as much as those of being in real contradictions in society and "become" society. This is one of those phases in which the symbolic level may count a lot.
I know the difficulty, like so many of us, we feel in setting banquets and gazebo on the streets and squares of our cities, in nell'attacchinare flyers or posters, etc ... These are efforts that we make in the coming days more intensity, collectively, our thinking about the future of young communists / e - temporary workers, migrants, students, immigrants, unemployed workers - who dream of being women and men can to build another possible world according to the principles of freedom and social justice, namely that of modern Communism, which is the driving force of our ideals and our actions.
The campaign can be filled from our struggles and our content, the narrative of the conflicts that we have practiced and that we're doing, just to give continuity to that thread that went through the streets of Genoa in 2001 and today has to be transmitted and delivered to those who urgently need to entrust the fate of his life in hope, hope of change and social transformation.
This thread is fortunately still alive and / Communist Youth / i continue to keep in life despite setbacks and divisions, despite the overwhelming power and arrogance and fascist right-wing Lega and the inconsistency between the total of the left. We see him live in the areas of solidarity brigades are active in the Abruzzo region or in different places in which they were collected aid for earthquake victims in garrisons selling bread at low prices or initiative to fight in defense of the Palestinian people, school University and public. They are all places where / the Young Communist League / i have been and there still are, often in silence, quietly self-celebrating and media, always ready to make the soldiers and showed a profound spirit of sacrifice. In many areas help to keep feet, in a decisive manner, the very structures of the Party.
The next few days will be crucial in order not to frustrate the efforts and sacrifices made especially in recent months may seem simplistic and
storcerà someone's nose, but our red line will pass through the stench of the glue stick on the manifests and the sweat throw shooting and running from one street to another, from one country to another. Hope will live on for us more specifically whether the GC list will overcome the barrier and anti-communist European elections, if the lists get decent unit results in the areas where they are submitted and if the PRC, in areas where it occurs alone, can obtain the percentage credible. Comrades, roll up our sleeves and now more than ever, to work and fight!
* Secretary Emilia Romagna regional Prc
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