Some thoughts on voting in Emilia-Romagna
Augustine Jordan - Secretary Emilia-Romagna Prc
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order to develop some considerations on the results of the recent European elections in the territories and administrative Emilia - Romagna, however, need to look before any of the information of a general nature. The List and anti-Communist (PRC - PDCI - Socialism 2000) obtained overall, with European, 3.4% of the electoral consensus. Our list follows the lowest result and its absolute worst in the district of North-Eastern (Which, in addition to Emilia Romagna, also includes Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia) with just 2.3% of the vote - amounting to 148,670 votes. As for the other districts the figure is significantly different: the north-west 3%, center 4.5%, south 4.1%, 2.8% islands. *
Throughout the region Emilia Romagna obtained 77,364 votes, or 3.1%, a figure that certainly raises the level of consensus achieved across the total area (compared with 1, 2% in Trentino Alto Adige , 1, 8% and 2.5% of the Veneto region of Friuli Venezia Giulia).
Regarding the different provinces of the region, the data regarding the vote the list for the European community seems fairly homogeneous, except for the provinces of Rimini and Bologna, which falls below 3% (Piacenza: 3.17%. Parma: 3.46%. Reggio Emilia: 3.42%. Modena: 3.06%. Bologna: 2.74.%. Ferrara: 3.21%. Ravenna: 3.36%. Forlì-Cesena: 3.23%. Rimini: 2.87%)
Although Emilia Romagna has given more than the other regions of the Northeast, this must not be misleading with respect to an almost complete homogeneity on the territories of this area, organic thing of the northern model of small and medium-sized enterprises, the most fertile ground for the bold and impressive advanced the Northern League.
Excessive result obtained by the Northern League in the European elections in Emilia Romagna translates more or less equally and consistently in administration, where in many municipalities and provinces in the region, in the heart of so-called former strongholds red (historical settlements of the Communist Party and the Left), the green flags "Po" waved triumphantly to the detriment of their own left-wing and communist forces (including the PRC).
In fact, overall, Emilia-Romagna in the municipal and provincial elections, more or less in line with the average of results obtained in other Italian regions, the PRC and the PDCI suffer staggering setbacks, showing in some areas outstanding resistance winning results decent, albeit lower than the previous administration, we must regard them as positive, especially if placed in the general context of the defeat of the Left Alternative (the causes of which are now quite familiar and did not repeat them here). Given these positive results, in a difficult phase as the one we are experiencing, should be illuminating signs of encouragement, it is good to mention them now. At provincial Ferrara (where the league wins 10.18%) because the list Prc-PDCI - in the center-left coalition - get the 4.41% (9128 votes), choosing an adviser. At the county in 2004 to Ferrara was awarded the Prc 4.82% (10,232 votes) and the PDCI 3.68% (7807 votes): if you add these two figures is the sum of 18,039 votes, compared to 9128 present report a loss of 8,911 votes. Bleeding after all "contained" when compared with data from other provincial capitals of Emilia-Romagna. Also with regard to the provincial Ferrara stands out clearly the result obtained in college "I Comacchio, where the list Prc-PDCI is as high as 14.29% and in several other colleges than 5%. Este comes from the front is another encouraging fact that concerns the provincial capital: in fact in municipal elections, in which the league is coming "soon" to 6.42%, the list Prc-PDCI, an alternative to the center-left, gets the 3 90% (3,163 votes) in electing the city council candidate for mayor Irene Bregola (if we compare this with the previous local elections of June 2004 votes have almost halved since the PRC was only by 4.70% with 3901 votes and the PDCI 4 , 15% with 3,446 votes).
The other data in positive contrast is undoubtedly the one obtained from List Prc-PDCI (in coalition in the center - left) to the provincial of Bologna (such as the League arrives in 8, 16%), where it reaches 3 , 60% (19,687 votes) and elect a director. Here, however, the bleeding is very high approval rating (even considering that there were two lists direct competitors such as the CLP and the Civic Party "Free Land" which candidate for president of the province's former secretary of Titian Loreti PRC) since the previous provincial June 2004, the sum of the votes of the PRC (with 5.73%) and PDCI ( with 2.78%) totaled 49,372, if this figure subtract the current 19,687 votes, the loss of consensus is equal to 29,685 votes. Again there were colleges where they have reached high enough data, such as 6.81% of Castiglione dei Pepoli or 4.60% of the Minehead. The numbers of the provincial Bolognese are definitely better than the local data of the regional capital (where the alloy is fortunately just 3.14%). In fact, here the list Prc-PDCI (In the center-left coalition) gets the 1, 82% of the vote (3,902 votes) and, although, it elects a councilor. The comparison with the previous local elections of June 2004 is fairly predictable hemorrhage relatively limited, since the sum of the votes of CRP (at 4.63%) and PDCI (1, 70%) totaled 13,981 . Consequently, the loss is 10,072 votes, most of which are evidently went to the various competing lists of the left channel blocker and an alternative (not present at previous elections): List of civic Women - Other City (with a former candidate for mayor-councilor of the PRC, which received only the 0.46%), Bologna Free City (With a former mayoral candidate City Council independent of the PRC, which is as low as 1, 66%, a much lower than expected), Communist Party of Workers (a former mayoral candidate with national leadership of the PRC, which amounted to 0.39%), Civic List Pasquino (mayoral candidate with the political scientist Gianfranco Pasquino, which reaches 1, 77%). To these must be added also the list of Beppe Grillo, gaining 3.01% (elect one) has certainly also drew nell'elettorato history of the PRC and the PDCI.
In some municipalities in the province of Bologna has undoubtedly paid for the choice of presenting an alternative to Pd: for Medicine in the list Prci PDCI-elect one (candidate for mayor) with 8, 05%. A Marzabotto, within a civic list alternative to the PD, the PRC achieved a good result by electing two directors. In other municipalities instead choosing to stand in coalition with the center - left us damaged by encouraging other lists competing alternatives on the left and the Democratic Party, for example in Bentivoglio (where the list gets the 11 escapees from the PRC, 44%) San Pietro in Casale (where Pcl gets 4.66%, an alternative list to the left and 4.30% Prc PDCI-in list with the Democratic Party does not elect at all) and Ozzano (where Pcl elect a director with a 5 , 37% and Prc-PDCI not elect at all). Returning to the rest of
region and considering only the provincial and municipal elections of the provincial capitals we can observe that the results are even more negative figures so far taken into account, as we elect a few directors and the percentages go down further, especially because of the fact that the lists Prc - PDCI in most cases have occurred divided (sometimes positioned in a different way or in coalition with the Democratic Party or alternative to it) and also, especially as regards the territories of Emilia (least with respect to that of Romagna), because the heavy break of the Northern League.
In the province of Piacenza, in fact, where the League reaches 17.23% of the vote, the PRC get the 2.73% (roughly halving the votes compared to previous elections in which he had obtained 7.09%) and the PDCI wins the first, 75% (losing a few votes from the previous provincial, because he had a 2.12 %). Both parties have submitted in coalition with the center - both left and do not elect anyone.
In the province of Parma, where the League reaches 14.64%, the CRP - an alternative to the center-left - get the 2.18% (compared to 8 falling dramatically, 80% of the previous elections), while the PDCI (in the center-left coalition) won the 2.54% (losing about one percentage point compared to previous provincial, as was 3.24%). Both parties do not elect directors.
In the province of Reggio Emilia, where the alloy reaches 15.04%, it is worth mentioning that the positive result of the PRC, presenting an alternative to the center-left, gets the 3.24% (almost halving the votes compared to previous elections which had 6.67%) electing the candidate in the provincial council chairman. The PDCI, which ran in the center-left coalition, gets the first, 76% (in June 2004 was 2.77%), not electing anyone. Definitely the worst of the municipal data of Reggio Emilia, as the PRC - always alone and as an alternative to the center-left - get the 1, 75 (in previous elections had il 4,40%), mentre il Pdci in coalizione con il centro-sinistra conquista l’1,46% (a fronte del 6,99% che aveva la scorsa volta). Entrambi i partiti non eleggono alcun consigliere.
Alle provinciali di Modena, dove la lega prende il 14,58%, il Prc, in alternativa al centro-sinistra, ottiene il 2,43% (nel 2004 aveva il 5,74%), mentre il Pdci (in coalizione nel centro-sinistra) arretra di poco rispetto al 2004 (aveva il 2,77%) conquistando il 2,02%. A Modena, per quanto riguarda invece le comunali (dove la Lega prende l’11,01%), il Prc – sempre in alternativa al centro-sinistra – ottiene l’1,97% (precipitando dal 5,02% del 2004), mentre il Pdci – in the center-left coalition - has reached the 1, 18% (compared to losing a few votes last time, because he had the first, 39%). In this case, the communist forces do not elect any director in the province that is in common.
Other good news is that the provincial Forlì-Cesena (with the League to 11, 15%), where the PRC, appearing in the center-left coalition, elected a director with 3.01% (in 2004 had 6.81%), while the PDCI, the same way coalition, gets the 1, 16% (in 2004 had a 2.64%). At the town of Forlì (where the league gets to 9.40%) instead of the data significantly worse, as the PRC in the center-left coalition gets 1, 59% (reducing drastically from the previous 4.13% and not electing anyone) while the PDCI - an alternative to the center-left - with a slightly receding, 43% (compared with the previous one, 97%), not electing anyone the same way.
Finally, as regards the province of Rimini (where the league comes to 9.09%), the PRC gets 2.61% (in 2004 had 6.91%) while the PDCI moves back to 1, 83% compared to the previous 3.19%. Both parties do not elect directors.
Most of the results of provincial and municipal tend to show that they have joined the PRC and the PDCI in one list made it possible to achieve results decent and, in some cases, allowed to elect representatives of institutions.
In light of these data, we can confirm that the overall negative result obtained by the communist forces in Emilia-Romagna is mainly all'arretramento general and systematic forces of the Left (including PD), mainly for the benefit of the Northern League. This should then lead officers and militants who identify with the communist and anti-list to make adequate analysis and deep reflection on the socio - economic events in the region Emilia-Romagna, which can no longer be considered a privileged territory in which the yield of good Red administrations of the past may guarantee for the present and the future.
Finally, another consideration that can be done about the lack of social roots of the communist forces, a true crisis factor that pushes us further and further away from the city, by the people, by workers, temporary workers, migrants and compared to weak social classes that we represent. The lack of authority of local elites, the poor gained credibility among the subjectivity hit hard by the crisis, our absence from the places of conflict, the inability to be a leader of some significant social struggle, are certainly the main causes of our regional retreat , which can be largely transferred to the national level and especially in the territories of North-East with respect to which the Emilia-Romagna is almost approved.
The last consideration is the relationship with the Democratic Party: whether an alliance with the Democratic Party at the local level, or not to enter into a coalition of center-left has a little for the election result. Count especially if you are in a favorable condition for strong local roots and legitimacy. No doubt it helps when presenting alternatives to the Democratic Party has handled this poorly and local governments has proved far from the weak strata affected by the crisis. In those cases the cooperation of the communist forces must cease immediately. Different speech as regards good government, where the reaffirmation of our presence at the side of the PD was honored by the citizens but must continue to be assessed on a case by case basis according to local circumstances, our place in a truly comprehensive national alternative to this Pd moderate and in disarray.
* All data presented in this article are taken from tables prepared by the polling Prc-PDCI and the website of the Ministry of the Interior.
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