Sunday, January 11, 2009

Any Ideas What I Can Wear For Burns Night

important step!

this year started well with an important step towards what will be the recognition of nanopatologie (diseases caused by nano particles, too often deadly).
dela defense minister, Russian, recognized the soldiers who fought in the Balkans and other things, compensation for diseases contracted. and nothing seems strange.
but read what he writes Dr. Gatti, advisor to the Ministry dela defense is that in the last legislature:

Antoinette M. Cats

few days ago the Minister Ignazio La Russa during a press conference that he has earmarked 30 million euros of compensation for soldiers who have fallen ill after missions in war zones or polygons of land and carry out research in the field ( C2% ABL-uranium-kill% C2% BB/1567518? = EdRegionale edition).

has officially recognized that these soldiers were exposed "to DU and nanoparticles. The Minister of Defense has recognized that the soldiers became ill after suffering exposure to what I have called pollution war.

The work I have done in the committees of the fourteenth and fifteenth term with others has been recognized as valid and accepted the idea that the explosions of high-tech bombs (depleted uranium as well as Tungsten) create combustion temperatures much high (> 3,000 ° C), aerosolized entirety of the target, then creating even submicron dust particle size (nano) that can be inhaled or ingested with contaminated food from this pollution. The experiments I did in Baghdad confirmed the creation of nanoparticles after the explosion of large accumulations of conventional bombs.

soldiers and / or their families will then be compensated for these diseases contracted at work. It 'was then recognized that even in the shooting range you can get sick for the same reasons.

I think the newspapers reported the news in a hurry. No

journalist spent a few more words to comment on the report and its implications.

What La Russa did the minister and his entourage is something that goes far beyond mere monetary compensation. Has given a dignity to these soldiers, which has no market value.

In practice, it is admitted that there are invisible bullets that kill even so late and then the soldier who fell ill at home is like a hero who died in an attack or hit by a bullet in the operational area. Our government has recognized that these children, suffering from a thousand deaths in a hospital bed, they have served their country in an exemplary way to the end and are no different to those who left their lives for a bomb or a bullet in Iraq, Afghanistan or the Balkans.

pollution war creates nanoparticles that are invisible bullets and they have no boundaries. In my opinion, unlike conventional shells, these nanoparticles are very democratic, as that affect everyone equally, even those who threw bombs from the combustion of which they originated. Obviously nanoparticles creating environmental pollution they are exposed to even the civilians living in the area, but that may have a deep well on the fauna and flora.
has finally admitted that the disease developed following the missions in war zones in which soldiers were found fit by the medical point of view are not only psychological as had been suggested: stress.

This conclusion also arrived Americans in a report last November, the associations of veterans have admitted that stress may be a factor but that other diseases are. Firstly, since the first Gulf War veterans also accused neurological symptoms, the doctors had thought that the stress of war was the primary cause of the symptoms. It is now recognized that the soldiers are suffering from a disease other than that its complexity has been called syndrome, a set of different clinical symptoms and signs. The Gulf War syndrome is different from that of the Balkans, but both can bring, even on time, death.

I fought for him to be recognized this aspect of the war and especially to those who give no more (and I've personally known many) proper recognition.

While my commitment was recognized and validated by people in authority, on the other there are people who are destroying my work with slander and defamation. Such a doctor (of a different department), who has never examined a pathological sample, which has never been at the deathbed of a soldier who never comforted a mother who lost her son, wrote to the editors scientific journals that have accepted my work after a favorable opinion of the referee, asking them to write to the European Community not to accept my items, and close my European projects that I share with excellent partners in Europe. This write to my friends, my relatives, government offices, putting the seeds of doubt about the validity of my work, as if she were the bearer of truth. This person I've never met nor have I ever had any relationship with her, but how do you explain that this has my personal address book? There will be correlated with the burglar in my desk personnel with university or disarm the burglary in the laboratory? She is there at the table, hidden in his university study, hidden by pseudonyms, to rant, to slander those who work in the forefront, to vilify those who do not know and has never done any harm. Why? The hatred, resentment, the bitterness, frustration evident in his writings, suggest that this person is no mercy for those who suffer and die. The boys had never been compensated with the scientific work of this young lady. What scares me is that this person teaches students to be trained. What if they do not teach hatred, bitterness, hatred?

I prefer to work to build a better future for our children and teach them compassion.

and then read what he writes Montanari:

published in full this article. Remember, if only to avoid the usual characters disorder invent new lies, which Dr. Gatti (my wife) pays to two terms of his work at the Commission that deals with diseases of the military not only free of charge but to his (our) expense. Anyone is free to do the same. I also remember that, thanks to his work, Italy is today the only country in the world to do so. No one asks a word of thanks. It is sufficient compliance. (Stefano Montanari)

now up to us!


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