The school at the time of B.
Like the "instrumentalists sessionmen" by Enrique Iglesias, Berlusconi also has "already developed the refrain." He does this for several years, but still works. First, part spear, and then, as the reaction to his attacks, and finally, if things go wrong is the fault of journalists who "Misrepresented" his views. For a form of captatio benevolentiae , the Congress of Christian reformist prime minister has seen fit to attack the summary "ethical relativism" the left "that protects the sanctity of life, praising the unions and seeks to impose the culture of death and euthanasia. " Forgetting, of course, the justification "within the walls of my house I do what I want," one of the best examples of ethical relativism. A performance by Anna Finocchiaro branded as usual "tired repertoire", which could not fail to attack the Italian Communists, the only ones to have remained the same as the Soviet of Stalin's purges.
We know that the prime minister is unbeatable in its ability to comply with the other party in front of him. Just a few days ago - nell'inaugurazione speech of the academic school official - the sortie on the childhood dream to become a policeman. Moreover, in the swift change of costumes, Italy has a historical tradition, by the legendary Leopold Fregoli Arturo Brachetti, "Man of a Thousand Faces." But this time, Berlusconi went so far beyond just wink at the Vatican, dictated by the need to give an image tarnished and dented lustratina the revelations about his very sober habits. He arrived as the thrust against the public school, charged with inculcating "ideas different from those that are transmitted in families." A sort of spot for private schools (mostly Catholic), but also an insult against the many free working in conditions made more complicated by objectively cuts Gelmini. Even Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Bishops Conference, must have found over the speech of the Prime Minister, if he felt the need to express the confidence of the Church in the Italian school.
The school problem is not ideological, the mortgage on it would exercise part policy. The public school has nothing to do with Frattocchie, just to be clear. The drama of those teachers are comfortable with the grammar and syntax as a Tibetan shepherd with scuba diving. Graduates who write "as is" with the apostrophe, "speed up" with two L-shaped, "there are" a flood of apostrophes and accents, and so blunders. There is a problem of the preparation of teaching staff due to the nefarious government policy in recent decades have allowed virtually anyone the opportunity to teach. And there is the issue, the responsibility for not all attributable to the school seen as an institution, the lack of recognition (Status, authority, role) assigned to teachers. But the irresponsible statements do not dissolve the nodes are useful only to supplement and justify the dismantling of the entire public school system.
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