gather in co (o) rte
would be too easy, as well as cowardly shoot Sandro Bondi, now the star of the Minister for Heritage and cultural activities seems to be in decline. Fault of the extended family, if one of the many self-styled political "not" professional commits a sin by the First Republic, two tasks assigned by his ministry to former husband and son of the companion. "A painful history and a human case (the minister's words), but also a clear example of food paid for with public money. Yet, one can not not recall the fertile and poetic verses devoted to the transport of the former communist mayor of premier Fivizzano "savored life / Life preceded / chased Life / Life love / life Life / Life / find shining Life / Life unveiled / Vita Nova" . Moving.
the epitome of people have always existed. Bondi is not a white fly and recent events provide further confirmation of the many examples of the past, even some of our home. Remains unparalleled Senator Antonio Gentile, president of the organizing committee in 2002 for delivery to Berlusconi's Nobel Prize for peace. More recently, those who are trying to solve by any means the two most pressing issues for Knight, justice and information.
The man of the moment is without doubt the deputy PDL Luigi Vitali (former Secretary for Justice, known for being the rapporteur, in 2005, the law "Previti-saving"), who, before being repudiated by Niccolo Ghedini and the Berlusconi himself had anticipated the presentation of a draft law on "short limitation: reduced penalty for uncensored and over sixty, with effects on the prescription. Lacked only the photo of the recipient. On the information front, the rise in temperature resulted in the passage from Emilio Fede (if you will, "honest" in its explicit bias) Alfonso Signorini, author of the incredible interview with Ruby. Not to mention the public TV, with the TG1 "direttorissimo" Augusto Minzolini able to talk about the affair Mills, of "absolution" instead of "prescription," to be not less than open study had reported Berlusconi's absolution instead of stopping the process caused by Alfano. Can not be solely the result of the realization of a newscast masochism (the flagship of the public network) services full of light up costume, diet, fashion, animals, resulting in loss of authority and plays. To the delight of Enrico Mentana, who rightly rejoices. The company is also the director general of RAI, Mauro Masi, who wants at all costs to be able to give Berlusconi the scalp Santoro or at least its scaling. At the risk of touching on the ridiculous, if only the issue was not dramatically serious. As in the now famous call for censorship made live during the broadcast Annozero, or with key recommendations contained in the "Masi code" to regulate the applause of the audience. Not to mention the proposal for the act to address pluralism advanced by Senator PDL Alessio Butti in Supervisory Board, which provides for the introduction of double-run enrichment programs for political or the alternative programs (example: On Thursday, a week Santoro, the next comparison). A proposal by the chairman of the National Federation of the Italian press, Francesco Natale, has not hesitated to call "an abomination" and that adds to the earlier draft, failed, he wanted to introduce two prohibitions "stitched" tailor-made for Santoro to treat for a week on the same topic, even on different channels (if for sale, Monday, had dealt with the processes of the Prime Minister would not have done Floris Tuesday or Thursday Santoro), and to prohibit the conduct for journalists who have stopped profession "to take political office" (coincidentally, Santoro was the Democrats of the Left MEP).
Meanwhile, they take the field for the tracked vehicles: Giuliano Ferrara, a daily strip after TG1, Vittorio Sgarbi and with some early evenings in spring. It will be a coincidence that this coincides with the approach of the final battle with the prosecutor in Milan?
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