Conference on Unity of Italy
In collaboration with the Higher Institute "Enrico Fermi" Bagnara, pairing "Third Millennium" organized a conference to be held Sunday, March 20 at 17.00 at the scene of the school "Vittorio Visalli" : 1861-2011. Renaissance revival of national and local on the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. Introduce the work Francesco Luppino, president of the association and coordinator of the initiative, and Angela Maria Palazzolo, manager of the school "Stop." Then follow the wishes of the authorities: the mayor of St. Euphemia, Vincenzo Sacco; the manager of the school including St. Euphemia, Giuseppe Gelardi, the coordinator for the geographical scope of the Ministry of Education Reggio Calabria, Vincenzo Gering, the provincial director Carmine Alvaro, Luigi Fedele Regional Councillor. So will begin the conference itself, moderated by Rosario Monterosso, Professor of History and Philosophy from St. Euphemia connected with many years of teaching in local high school. The first project will be "The Risorgimento and the word. The identity of the other language, "Francis Idotta, Professor of History and Philosophy at the" Fermi ". Follow my reflection on "Centralization or decentralization? The unification administrative state ", then" Vittorio Visalli and the Risorgimento in Santa Eufemia d'Aspromonte, Carmela Cutro, professor of letters to the "Fermi" and finally, the report of Joseph Caridi, Professor of Modern History at the University Messina and president of the Deputation of country's history: "The Risorgimento and Reggio Calabria." Also a musical interlude, performed by soprano Giuseppina Violani by Francesco Russo violin teacher and piano teacher Melanie Scappatura.
The celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy can help to rediscover the value of identity national daily fights of the last two decades have weakened a lot. But it also represents a unique opportunity to uncover the facts and circumstances of the Risorgimento, unfortunately, known only to a few local fans, but which deserve wider dissemination.
Sometimes it seems that our country has no history, but only enough for a study of the toponymy eufemiese understand where we are, what we were and how much we loved the freedom. Carl Muscari, one of the 15 executed in Calabria Piazza Mercato in Naples March 6, 1800, the fall of the Neapolitan Republic, Ferdinando Grimaldi De Angelis, skipper of the Sicilian-Calabrian Third Division during the riots of 1848, sentenced to death by the court Bourbon; Pentimalli Francis sentenced to 19 years for the same events. Eufemiesi three major, three-way, but almost three unknown martyrs of freedom. As well as sentenced to thirty three to nineteen years for the uprisings that are not mentioned even with a tiny plaque.
The fact that nobody has ever thought is not a good sign. The beautiful pages of our history should be remembered, but to cultivate the memory and bring the younger generation to study the roots also need the commitment of the institutions. The creation of a historical city, just to give a concrete example, providing access to many documents (also viewed only at the state archives of Reggio Calabria) that are "kept" in our town, buried under the dust in the basement of City Hall.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Bible Wrestling Singlets
A news a bit 'too institutional
Wednesday, it's almost 19:30 and I think: "Let's see what happened in Calabria." I turn on the TV and I tune in on tg3, curious to learn something new on the extremely fluid political situation in the region. There are dancing in the nominations for the upcoming local elections, with Reggio for some time now in the spotlight. What will the UDC? It will append to the regional line that confirms fully pact with iron the PDL or follow the strategy of the New Roman pole? The PDL will browse the daisy (True-raff) or, eventually, will come out a name that puts people agree? The Democratic Party is alive and fight with us or the contract is final, under the blows of Bova-Adam-Loiero Musi on one side and the other? I expect the replies and I'm all ears in front of the journalist Maria Luigia Cozzupoli.
It starts with the news. There may be. In a region plagued by crime is also normal. And then, just the day before there was "Operation Crime 2." We continue on that trend. So, in quick succession: the report of the National Anti-Mafia which gives the 'Ndrangheta primacy in the ranking of criminal gangs and the seizure of assets worth € 40 million, made in Calabria, Basilicata, Lazio and Tuscany, the shooting of the political secretariat Salvatore Magar, chairman of the Regional Commission mafia intimidation to Regional Councillor John Nucera. Completing the picture of the "black", updates on the death of Mary Pelaia in Serra San Bruno.
One highlight for the signing of the protocol signed between legality and Anas prefecture of Reggio Calabria for the prevention of infiltration attempts of organized crime in the sixth macrolotto work on the A3 (the section between Scilla e Villa San Giovanni). Then, the presentation of the UNICEF report on adolescence in Catanzaro and the county council opened, held in Cosenza for the submission of the proposal to establish the Faculty of Medicine. Ciro Marina, however, the proposed project ("I sue you") relates to the education law. But "presents" also the headquarters of the Regional Council, where Candeloro Imbalzano introduced his bill to establish a regional center for blood. The draft law on "quote rosa" will instead vote in next week. The political news ends here. It closes with the spectacle: Jazzmin on the "Stop" Villa San Giovanni, an interview with the legendary Mimmo Pitasi, and "Company of the smile" that make the theater stages the comedy "Noble and Povaromi.
The news is over. Perhaps my interests are not to be in tune with the editorial line of the regional newspaper. But the impression is that the news to find the journalist, not vice versa. As if the drawing is limited to do homework without the "dare", not "seek" information. It affects the cut "institutional" but if the news of politics is reduced to notes prepared by the secretariat for the press, with a fait accompli that does not explain the dynamics and the background (Without becoming morbid), the gap between national policy and institutions is inevitably destined to grow.
Wednesday, it's almost 19:30 and I think: "Let's see what happened in Calabria." I turn on the TV and I tune in on tg3, curious to learn something new on the extremely fluid political situation in the region. There are dancing in the nominations for the upcoming local elections, with Reggio for some time now in the spotlight. What will the UDC? It will append to the regional line that confirms fully pact with iron the PDL or follow the strategy of the New Roman pole? The PDL will browse the daisy (True-raff) or, eventually, will come out a name that puts people agree? The Democratic Party is alive and fight with us or the contract is final, under the blows of Bova-Adam-Loiero Musi on one side and the other? I expect the replies and I'm all ears in front of the journalist Maria Luigia Cozzupoli.
It starts with the news. There may be. In a region plagued by crime is also normal. And then, just the day before there was "Operation Crime 2." We continue on that trend. So, in quick succession: the report of the National Anti-Mafia which gives the 'Ndrangheta primacy in the ranking of criminal gangs and the seizure of assets worth € 40 million, made in Calabria, Basilicata, Lazio and Tuscany, the shooting of the political secretariat Salvatore Magar, chairman of the Regional Commission mafia intimidation to Regional Councillor John Nucera. Completing the picture of the "black", updates on the death of Mary Pelaia in Serra San Bruno.
One highlight for the signing of the protocol signed between legality and Anas prefecture of Reggio Calabria for the prevention of infiltration attempts of organized crime in the sixth macrolotto work on the A3 (the section between Scilla e Villa San Giovanni). Then, the presentation of the UNICEF report on adolescence in Catanzaro and the county council opened, held in Cosenza for the submission of the proposal to establish the Faculty of Medicine. Ciro Marina, however, the proposed project ("I sue you") relates to the education law. But "presents" also the headquarters of the Regional Council, where Candeloro Imbalzano introduced his bill to establish a regional center for blood. The draft law on "quote rosa" will instead vote in next week. The political news ends here. It closes with the spectacle: Jazzmin on the "Stop" Villa San Giovanni, an interview with the legendary Mimmo Pitasi, and "Company of the smile" that make the theater stages the comedy "Noble and Povaromi.
The news is over. Perhaps my interests are not to be in tune with the editorial line of the regional newspaper. But the impression is that the news to find the journalist, not vice versa. As if the drawing is limited to do homework without the "dare", not "seek" information. It affects the cut "institutional" but if the news of politics is reduced to notes prepared by the secretariat for the press, with a fait accompli that does not explain the dynamics and the background (Without becoming morbid), the gap between national policy and institutions is inevitably destined to grow.
Monday, March 7, 2011
How To Get A Burn Mark Off An Iron
Spring 2011
On Friday I took a day off and, in the company of my amiciccia Debby, I went to skill!
admit that I consider myself a privileged because I am going to Padua and then cleverly held in Vicenza, 30 minutes are enough for me.
This year's spring edition was as big as the autumn even though I did not find all the stands that usually visit in the fall.
Lately I have set out for the stamps so I vented and I bought a go go .... then fabric because the thing I like most is the creative sewing. I also discovered the beautiful wax with which I would like to make one for the clutch and put the slippers for a costume since I enrolled in a course water aerobics.
Then I finally found those pens with plunger (do not know exactly what are their names) to crush the eyelets with a hammer because I already "smartellata" several times the index! These
my purchases that you will see in the pictures below.
But now I will tell the meeting that at the show: me and Debby walker stands at one point when Debbie tells me: "but do you think we just crossed Federica Countrykitty?" I turn and see it from behind a girl with long brown hair and without thinking I sling from her and stop!
She stares at me and laughing at me "yet?" And we made them! At that moment I began to think ...: I am just shameless that figure that I did, I blocked so bad .. think that! But it was cute and nice to chat with this crazy that he stopped that way! We did not stop to chat too much because I did not steal too much time.
conusciuta were happy to have it, I was already very nice, now I can confirm this even more because I had the feeling of talking to a very simple and nice girl from the extraordinary creative talent! Here is the full loot
Stoffette purchased a stand French
Other fabrics in linen:
alt = "" id = "BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5581298593529515010" />
The beautiful waxed:
stamps and pens to crush the loops
From corner M
On Friday I took a day off and, in the company of my amiciccia Debby, I went to skill!
admit that I consider myself a privileged because I am going to Padua and then cleverly held in Vicenza, 30 minutes are enough for me.
This year's spring edition was as big as the autumn even though I did not find all the stands that usually visit in the fall.
Lately I have set out for the stamps so I vented and I bought a go go .... then fabric because the thing I like most is the creative sewing. I also discovered the beautiful wax with which I would like to make one for the clutch and put the slippers for a costume since I enrolled in a course water aerobics.
Then I finally found those pens with plunger (do not know exactly what are their names) to crush the eyelets with a hammer because I already "smartellata" several times the index! These
my purchases that you will see in the pictures below.
But now I will tell the meeting that at the show: me and Debby walker stands at one point when Debbie tells me: "but do you think we just crossed Federica Countrykitty?" I turn and see it from behind a girl with long brown hair and without thinking I sling from her and stop!
She stares at me and laughing at me "yet?" And we made them! At that moment I began to think ...: I am just shameless that figure that I did, I blocked so bad .. think that! But it was cute and nice to chat with this crazy that he stopped that way! We did not stop to chat too much because I did not steal too much time.
conusciuta were happy to have it, I was already very nice, now I can confirm this even more because I had the feeling of talking to a very simple and nice girl from the extraordinary creative talent! Here is the full loot

Stoffette purchased a stand French

Other fabrics in linen:

The beautiful waxed:

stamps and pens to crush the loops

From corner M
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Hydrocele After Inguinal Hernia Repair
gather in co (o) rte
would be too easy, as well as cowardly shoot Sandro Bondi, now the star of the Minister for Heritage and cultural activities seems to be in decline. Fault of the extended family, if one of the many self-styled political "not" professional commits a sin by the First Republic, two tasks assigned by his ministry to former husband and son of the companion. "A painful history and a human case (the minister's words), but also a clear example of food paid for with public money. Yet, one can not not recall the fertile and poetic verses devoted to the transport of the former communist mayor of premier Fivizzano "savored life / Life preceded / chased Life / Life love / life Life / Life / find shining Life / Life unveiled / Vita Nova" . Moving.
the epitome of people have always existed. Bondi is not a white fly and recent events provide further confirmation of the many examples of the past, even some of our home. Remains unparalleled Senator Antonio Gentile, president of the organizing committee in 2002 for delivery to Berlusconi's Nobel Prize for peace. More recently, those who are trying to solve by any means the two most pressing issues for Knight, justice and information.
The man of the moment is without doubt the deputy PDL Luigi Vitali (former Secretary for Justice, known for being the rapporteur, in 2005, the law "Previti-saving"), who, before being repudiated by Niccolo Ghedini and the Berlusconi himself had anticipated the presentation of a draft law on "short limitation: reduced penalty for uncensored and over sixty, with effects on the prescription. Lacked only the photo of the recipient. On the information front, the rise in temperature resulted in the passage from Emilio Fede (if you will, "honest" in its explicit bias) Alfonso Signorini, author of the incredible interview with Ruby. Not to mention the public TV, with the TG1 "direttorissimo" Augusto Minzolini able to talk about the affair Mills, of "absolution" instead of "prescription," to be not less than open study had reported Berlusconi's absolution instead of stopping the process caused by Alfano. Can not be solely the result of the realization of a newscast masochism (the flagship of the public network) services full of light up costume, diet, fashion, animals, resulting in loss of authority and plays. To the delight of Enrico Mentana, who rightly rejoices. The company is also the director general of RAI, Mauro Masi, who wants at all costs to be able to give Berlusconi the scalp Santoro or at least its scaling. At the risk of touching on the ridiculous, if only the issue was not dramatically serious. As in the now famous call for censorship made live during the broadcast Annozero, or with key recommendations contained in the "Masi code" to regulate the applause of the audience. Not to mention the proposal for the act to address pluralism advanced by Senator PDL Alessio Butti in Supervisory Board, which provides for the introduction of double-run enrichment programs for political or the alternative programs (example: On Thursday, a week Santoro, the next comparison). A proposal by the chairman of the National Federation of the Italian press, Francesco Natale, has not hesitated to call "an abomination" and that adds to the earlier draft, failed, he wanted to introduce two prohibitions "stitched" tailor-made for Santoro to treat for a week on the same topic, even on different channels (if for sale, Monday, had dealt with the processes of the Prime Minister would not have done Floris Tuesday or Thursday Santoro), and to prohibit the conduct for journalists who have stopped profession "to take political office" (coincidentally, Santoro was the Democrats of the Left MEP).
Meanwhile, they take the field for the tracked vehicles: Giuliano Ferrara, a daily strip after TG1, Vittorio Sgarbi and with some early evenings in spring. It will be a coincidence that this coincides with the approach of the final battle with the prosecutor in Milan?
would be too easy, as well as cowardly shoot Sandro Bondi, now the star of the Minister for Heritage and cultural activities seems to be in decline. Fault of the extended family, if one of the many self-styled political "not" professional commits a sin by the First Republic, two tasks assigned by his ministry to former husband and son of the companion. "A painful history and a human case (the minister's words), but also a clear example of food paid for with public money. Yet, one can not not recall the fertile and poetic verses devoted to the transport of the former communist mayor of premier Fivizzano "savored life / Life preceded / chased Life / Life love / life Life / Life / find shining Life / Life unveiled / Vita Nova" . Moving.
the epitome of people have always existed. Bondi is not a white fly and recent events provide further confirmation of the many examples of the past, even some of our home. Remains unparalleled Senator Antonio Gentile, president of the organizing committee in 2002 for delivery to Berlusconi's Nobel Prize for peace. More recently, those who are trying to solve by any means the two most pressing issues for Knight, justice and information.
The man of the moment is without doubt the deputy PDL Luigi Vitali (former Secretary for Justice, known for being the rapporteur, in 2005, the law "Previti-saving"), who, before being repudiated by Niccolo Ghedini and the Berlusconi himself had anticipated the presentation of a draft law on "short limitation: reduced penalty for uncensored and over sixty, with effects on the prescription. Lacked only the photo of the recipient. On the information front, the rise in temperature resulted in the passage from Emilio Fede (if you will, "honest" in its explicit bias) Alfonso Signorini, author of the incredible interview with Ruby. Not to mention the public TV, with the TG1 "direttorissimo" Augusto Minzolini able to talk about the affair Mills, of "absolution" instead of "prescription," to be not less than open study had reported Berlusconi's absolution instead of stopping the process caused by Alfano. Can not be solely the result of the realization of a newscast masochism (the flagship of the public network) services full of light up costume, diet, fashion, animals, resulting in loss of authority and plays. To the delight of Enrico Mentana, who rightly rejoices. The company is also the director general of RAI, Mauro Masi, who wants at all costs to be able to give Berlusconi the scalp Santoro or at least its scaling. At the risk of touching on the ridiculous, if only the issue was not dramatically serious. As in the now famous call for censorship made live during the broadcast Annozero, or with key recommendations contained in the "Masi code" to regulate the applause of the audience. Not to mention the proposal for the act to address pluralism advanced by Senator PDL Alessio Butti in Supervisory Board, which provides for the introduction of double-run enrichment programs for political or the alternative programs (example: On Thursday, a week Santoro, the next comparison). A proposal by the chairman of the National Federation of the Italian press, Francesco Natale, has not hesitated to call "an abomination" and that adds to the earlier draft, failed, he wanted to introduce two prohibitions "stitched" tailor-made for Santoro to treat for a week on the same topic, even on different channels (if for sale, Monday, had dealt with the processes of the Prime Minister would not have done Floris Tuesday or Thursday Santoro), and to prohibit the conduct for journalists who have stopped profession "to take political office" (coincidentally, Santoro was the Democrats of the Left MEP).
Meanwhile, they take the field for the tracked vehicles: Giuliano Ferrara, a daily strip after TG1, Vittorio Sgarbi and with some early evenings in spring. It will be a coincidence that this coincides with the approach of the final battle with the prosecutor in Milan?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Waxing Saloon Uncencored
The school at the time of B.
Like the "instrumentalists sessionmen" by Enrique Iglesias, Berlusconi also has "already developed the refrain." He does this for several years, but still works. First, part spear, and then, as the reaction to his attacks, and finally, if things go wrong is the fault of journalists who "Misrepresented" his views. For a form of captatio benevolentiae , the Congress of Christian reformist prime minister has seen fit to attack the summary "ethical relativism" the left "that protects the sanctity of life, praising the unions and seeks to impose the culture of death and euthanasia. " Forgetting, of course, the justification "within the walls of my house I do what I want," one of the best examples of ethical relativism. A performance by Anna Finocchiaro branded as usual "tired repertoire", which could not fail to attack the Italian Communists, the only ones to have remained the same as the Soviet of Stalin's purges.
We know that the prime minister is unbeatable in its ability to comply with the other party in front of him. Just a few days ago - nell'inaugurazione speech of the academic school official - the sortie on the childhood dream to become a policeman. Moreover, in the swift change of costumes, Italy has a historical tradition, by the legendary Leopold Fregoli Arturo Brachetti, "Man of a Thousand Faces." But this time, Berlusconi went so far beyond just wink at the Vatican, dictated by the need to give an image tarnished and dented lustratina the revelations about his very sober habits. He arrived as the thrust against the public school, charged with inculcating "ideas different from those that are transmitted in families." A sort of spot for private schools (mostly Catholic), but also an insult against the many free working in conditions made more complicated by objectively cuts Gelmini. Even Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Bishops Conference, must have found over the speech of the Prime Minister, if he felt the need to express the confidence of the Church in the Italian school.
The school problem is not ideological, the mortgage on it would exercise part policy. The public school has nothing to do with Frattocchie, just to be clear. The drama of those teachers are comfortable with the grammar and syntax as a Tibetan shepherd with scuba diving. Graduates who write "as is" with the apostrophe, "speed up" with two L-shaped, "there are" a flood of apostrophes and accents, and so blunders. There is a problem of the preparation of teaching staff due to the nefarious government policy in recent decades have allowed virtually anyone the opportunity to teach. And there is the issue, the responsibility for not all attributable to the school seen as an institution, the lack of recognition (Status, authority, role) assigned to teachers. But the irresponsible statements do not dissolve the nodes are useful only to supplement and justify the dismantling of the entire public school system.
Like the "instrumentalists sessionmen" by Enrique Iglesias, Berlusconi also has "already developed the refrain." He does this for several years, but still works. First, part spear, and then, as the reaction to his attacks, and finally, if things go wrong is the fault of journalists who "Misrepresented" his views. For a form of captatio benevolentiae , the Congress of Christian reformist prime minister has seen fit to attack the summary "ethical relativism" the left "that protects the sanctity of life, praising the unions and seeks to impose the culture of death and euthanasia. " Forgetting, of course, the justification "within the walls of my house I do what I want," one of the best examples of ethical relativism. A performance by Anna Finocchiaro branded as usual "tired repertoire", which could not fail to attack the Italian Communists, the only ones to have remained the same as the Soviet of Stalin's purges.
We know that the prime minister is unbeatable in its ability to comply with the other party in front of him. Just a few days ago - nell'inaugurazione speech of the academic school official - the sortie on the childhood dream to become a policeman. Moreover, in the swift change of costumes, Italy has a historical tradition, by the legendary Leopold Fregoli Arturo Brachetti, "Man of a Thousand Faces." But this time, Berlusconi went so far beyond just wink at the Vatican, dictated by the need to give an image tarnished and dented lustratina the revelations about his very sober habits. He arrived as the thrust against the public school, charged with inculcating "ideas different from those that are transmitted in families." A sort of spot for private schools (mostly Catholic), but also an insult against the many free working in conditions made more complicated by objectively cuts Gelmini. Even Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Bishops Conference, must have found over the speech of the Prime Minister, if he felt the need to express the confidence of the Church in the Italian school.
The school problem is not ideological, the mortgage on it would exercise part policy. The public school has nothing to do with Frattocchie, just to be clear. The drama of those teachers are comfortable with the grammar and syntax as a Tibetan shepherd with scuba diving. Graduates who write "as is" with the apostrophe, "speed up" with two L-shaped, "there are" a flood of apostrophes and accents, and so blunders. There is a problem of the preparation of teaching staff due to the nefarious government policy in recent decades have allowed virtually anyone the opportunity to teach. And there is the issue, the responsibility for not all attributable to the school seen as an institution, the lack of recognition (Status, authority, role) assigned to teachers. But the irresponsible statements do not dissolve the nodes are useful only to supplement and justify the dismantling of the entire public school system.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Can Grown Men Have Wet Dreams?
The lesson of the child / children a lesson
care that the heading on "The Newspaper of Calabria," the professor responded as Peter De Luca, yesterday in my speech - left the paper in a slightly reduced compared to the published article on the blog - the incident discrimination occurred in a middle school in Catanzaro:
Dear Forgione, we are here to pick up the pieces of the vase that was broken when the Government made its budget and cut funding to education. We understood right away that at the expense would be the reduction of support teachers. Writing more than once.
You can tell me, dear Forgione, the reality of our case is more complex. Sure it is, but the teacher, even before being an economic choice, a choice of civilization. If it is there and everyone can see that one (the guy recipient) that is what the entire class for the care that is provided, then we understand in a concrete way the value of the individual in his singularity. The reaction of the class (even today forward we will participate in any initiative, If our partner can not leave the courtroom) is the proof that these guys have understood everything, especially the value of the personality of their friend. One day he had written: "You are our strength," perhaps even to say "you are our teacher, who teaches us and deploy an otherwise unknown world." In the chorus of solidarity can be read again: "If you are denied a right, we will do less to collect it because the title can not be tested consists of a simple skill, this mother nature has already done, that's always missing citizenship. " Talented those guys, against the citizens of this Italy individualistic and deaf to the distress of others. I wonder why, instead of giving the floodgates to old stereotypes and clichés, it is not clearly express the discomfort which has fallen since the school has fallen under the ax Gelmini-Tremonti. This should be said, so simply because they know it all.
Dear Forgione, she has the advantage of speaking from within that world of disability which offers its proximity and is rewarded with a surplus of maturity found. For that reason knows that the good heart of the operators has no price and nothing is missing when it replaces. It also takes the other, though: resources, tools, structures. Why then does not open to volunteering in some shortages of personnel in public? What remains to be thinking, you want to mortify even those who are in a need? But this would only be monstrous. I would not even think for a minute longer. I prefer to occupy my mind with the great lesson of the solidarity of the class.
care that the heading on "The Newspaper of Calabria," the professor responded as Peter De Luca, yesterday in my speech - left the paper in a slightly reduced compared to the published article on the blog - the incident discrimination occurred in a middle school in Catanzaro:
Dear Forgione, we are here to pick up the pieces of the vase that was broken when the Government made its budget and cut funding to education. We understood right away that at the expense would be the reduction of support teachers. Writing more than once.
You can tell me, dear Forgione, the reality of our case is more complex. Sure it is, but the teacher, even before being an economic choice, a choice of civilization. If it is there and everyone can see that one (the guy recipient) that is what the entire class for the care that is provided, then we understand in a concrete way the value of the individual in his singularity. The reaction of the class (even today forward we will participate in any initiative, If our partner can not leave the courtroom) is the proof that these guys have understood everything, especially the value of the personality of their friend. One day he had written: "You are our strength," perhaps even to say "you are our teacher, who teaches us and deploy an otherwise unknown world." In the chorus of solidarity can be read again: "If you are denied a right, we will do less to collect it because the title can not be tested consists of a simple skill, this mother nature has already done, that's always missing citizenship. " Talented those guys, against the citizens of this Italy individualistic and deaf to the distress of others. I wonder why, instead of giving the floodgates to old stereotypes and clichés, it is not clearly express the discomfort which has fallen since the school has fallen under the ax Gelmini-Tremonti. This should be said, so simply because they know it all.
Dear Forgione, she has the advantage of speaking from within that world of disability which offers its proximity and is rewarded with a surplus of maturity found. For that reason knows that the good heart of the operators has no price and nothing is missing when it replaces. It also takes the other, though: resources, tools, structures. Why then does not open to volunteering in some shortages of personnel in public? What remains to be thinking, you want to mortify even those who are in a need? But this would only be monstrous. I would not even think for a minute longer. I prefer to occupy my mind with the great lesson of the solidarity of the class.
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