Berlusconi does not is a fungus
Faced with new episodes of the scandals that we are given a daily basis, one might ask themselves a question, without being accused of making money from four of moralism. On the other hand, has been detected by various polls and the opposition itself has had to acknowledge, "the insurgency does not fire." Public opinion - apart from the indignation of a part - has had a vigorous reaction. Indeed, there is a minority belief that everyone in the private sector can do whatever you want. Also go to prostitutes with children. This is the tragedy of our society. Where is the limit of what was once the sacristy by bigots called "common decency"? It is certainly not return to that period of fundamentalism (and bigotry), but a man - who plays a more public position - must ask themselves a brake. The revolt
snaps for several reasons, some trivial, demeaning others. The lack of an alternative to Berlusconi: vacuum tire that you can see the other side leads many people to consider less damaging Berlusconi, with his few virtues and many public private vices, a left unable to give a credible political horizon. The economic crisis, making it less "felt" the theme of the morality of politicians than the daily effort to unite the ends meet. But the bleak picture that emerges from the wiretaps. Become a convenient excuse to say that Berlusconi is the absolute evil. As if the chairman of the board is not a product of Italian society. One of my professors used to use a metaphor effectively to convince us that the rise of fascism was not a result of the crisis forced the liberal state. Another way was possible, the one made by Francesco Saverio Nitti glimpse during his rule, and to reinforce the concept of the statesman as the opportunity to represent Lucan a democratic outlet, exclaimed: "Nitti was not a mushroom." Mussolini was not a parenthesis (contrary to what claimed a fringe liberal culture), it is not - to update the metaphor - an extraterrestrial Berlusconi. The
censurabilissimi and, according to the indictment, unlawful conduct of the premier reflect a widespread ethical decay that leads us to consider the money and the success of the main parameters to measure the value of people. Everything else is secondary. Any shortcut is permissible, even the one that drives a girl to dress as a nurse to "cure" the elderly with some prodigious powerful erotic game. And never mind if Berlusconi is become too ugly, "'a bit fattened", "more dead than alive", even "a caricature of Bagaglino. The important thing is you drop. How confident one of the girls involved in the investigation, "a normal Christian works seven months" to take the equivalent of what can be achieved (in black) after a night at Arcore.
are confusing those relatives who encourage the girls to get busy. A brother who encourages his sister: "What we solve many problems at all, Mom, you and me," a father who calls his daughter to wake up to avoid being overtaken in the list of preferences, and the mother who asks how much money her daughter was able to shell out, a parent who says, "maybe" rather than tear the journalist who asked whether her daughter is engaged to a man of fifty largest, the other that the disturbance of the daughter he witnessed the orgy ("I'm telling you, in a word to be fine, a puttanaio") opposes an understandable justification: "in front of that thing there, all men are equal." This is all shaking our heads, but it also reflect the failure of the main "agencies" in education: family, school, church. If these three institutions will not regain lost credibility and authority will be can not emerge from the vortex in which we are sinking.
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