The moral and political duty of the CGIL
Giorgio Cremaschi - Liberation 29/12/2010
historic agreement. So it has been rightly described the text that Marchionne has imposed on unions and the Confindustria accomplices. If you use this word but must have the courage to accept the comparisons with the events of the past. There's only one appropriate.
On October 2, 1925 Mussolini as Prime Minister, the Corporate unions and Confindustria, nationalists and fascists, signed at Palazzo Vidoni a social pact that eliminated the council and the workers' right to choose freely their representatives. The pact Mirafiori is the same thing.
are, for the first time since 1945, eliminated in the largest Italian factory trade union freedoms. Workers can no longer freely choose which union to join and can no longer vote for their representatives. As trade unionists at the time of fascism factory will only be appointed by the unions of the accomplices and how then can they be called "trustees".
Never in the history of our country had come to much. Even in the fifties, in the hardest moments of the Cold War and anti-union repression, Fiat had been obliterated in the election council. Now it is done and the aim is to outlaw factory Fiom and indeed any freedom and rights of workers.
On the other hand, only a form of corporate fascism is truly possible to impose the conditions of work in Marchionne wants Fiat. Opening up to ten hours per day and beyond, destruction of the breaks and the right to health, performance and total flexibility of shifts. The employee simply becomes a commodity available to the company and to consume as much as you want. Authoritarianism, repression, fascism, therefore, are instrumental to the company impedire che le lavoratrici e i lavoratori si ribellino a queste condizioni barbare che si vuol loro imporre.
La gravità di quanto avvenuto a Mirafiori è stata colta dalla segretaria della Cgil Susanna Camusso che ha parlato di autoritarismo di Marchionne. Ma poi la sua denuncia si è fermata a metà, cercando un equilibrio con la presa di distanza dalla Fiom. Se quello di Marchionne è un atto autoritario fa bene la Fiom ad opporvisi e non si capisce quali compromessi sarebbero stati possibili. D'altra parte ancor più contraddittoria è la richiesta che la segretaria della Cgil rivolge a Emma Marcegaglia e alla Confindustria per un nuovo accordo sulle regole. Ma se la Confindustria ha detto di sì a Marchionne che ha stracciato l'accordo sulle union representatives, as a new agreement is possible with it? Susanna Camusso really is an illusion that the Confederation would disavow the agreement of Mirafiori, with his vice president Alberto Bombassei that just recently he joined the Board of Directors of Industrial Fiat?
Delusions of Susanna Camusso against Confindustria is the same as those in the twenties had hoped that manufacturers would have disavowed fascism. The agreement of 1925 denied them, as well as the agreement runs counter to the Mirafiori illusions today. The CGIL has criticized
have to be postponed and then canceled its agenda a general strike. The choice not to do so and Marchionne has strengthened its hold on too authoritarian quella parte del mondo delle imprese che non condivide le sue scelte. Se oggi ci fosse già in atto un grande movimento di lotta confederale, se la Cgil avesse interrotto le inutili e dannose trattative sul patto sociale, Marchionne e i suoi sarebbero più deboli e contestati nel padronato. La fase delle parole e degli appelli alle buone intenzioni si è conclusa il 23 dicembre a Mirafiori. D'ora in poi solo la mobilitazione, lo sciopero generale, la costruzione di un programma economico e sociale alternativo alla regressione barbara che vuole imporre il regime padronale di Marchionne, solo questa è la via democratica per uscire dalla crisi.
Il patto di Mirafiori segna non solo uno spartiacque sindacale e sociale, ma anche un passaggio decisivo per la policy. CISL and UIL have written a shameful page in their history by signing the Fiom may be outlawed in the factory. It is now clear that around the Fiom must build a movement of social solidarity and political movements, from students to construct a response that will last. The CGIL has the moral and political obligation to put its full force in this movement. As for the opposition but also the policy of sinking more than ever today ridiculous and nell'inutile. Even the mayor of Turin, accepting the outlawing of Fiom, has crossed the Rubicon nell'estraneità respect to the history and culture of the Italian left. Who approved that agreement is on the other hand, is with Marchionne e alla fine con Berlusconi. Dopo Mirafiori anche la sinistra italiana dovrà ridefinirsi: le alleanze che dovrebbero andare dagli amici di Marchionne fino alla Fiom e ai lavoratori che perdono la democrazia sono un insulto al buon senso. Dopo Mirafiori c'è prima di tutto da ricostruire una sinistra che sappia dire no ai padroni e al loro regime.
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