Dear President
Ill. m President of the Republic, the Hon George Napolitano,
my name is Domenico Forgione, are Ph.D in History of Mediterranean Europe since 2004 (license from the University of Messina) and are enrolled at the regional reporters for the region of Calabria (published list). For six years I worked as a local correspondent of "The Newspaper of Calabria," while still continuing to be part of the editorial board of the journal International Studies "Grotius" (published by the University of Messina) and the Scientific Committee of the journal of migration studies "Neos" (published by the Region of Sicily). I was also in the United States (2002), accompanying a delegation of scholars who conducted a research on third-generation Italian-Americans. Over the years I have published three books and several essays on contemporary history. I follow with passion the political events and current affairs, so as to use a personal blog ( to expose my humble thoughts on what's happening in our society. I emphasize with satisfaction that many of these articles have been published in various local newspapers (Calabria Now, the newspaper of Calabria).
He's wondering what's the problem? The problem lies in these skills, my ability to study and reflection that is of no use in terms of material. My academic career has virtually stranded. My parents are not academics, but honest and proud people who have spent many years abroad (I myself was born in Australia), who have only the fifth grade and with enormous sacrifices have been able to graduate to one of their three children. In the newspapers or at least in the media world there are no less difficult. In fact, once received a card of a journalist, no one has accepted my proposal - which then was also consistent with my training - of a different role from that of the corresponding 5-cent to local staff. That is why I preferred not to work more. Paradoxically, whereas before I did just write the news White, fairs and festivals, now that I did not even quell'avvilente contract term employment contract, I publish articles about political before I was strictly forbidden, because the hierarchy of the drawing must be respected!
At 37, I'm a precarious that it can not be more precarious. After the PhD I found myself with absolutely nothing in hand and with little chance to bring in my expertise, having invested almost entirely in an academic career that can not get to anything worthwhile. My many attempts to seek some accommodation banging against a bitter reality: my age is now a serious obstacle, as is the fact that I do not have no professionalism "manual" - is obviously not the intellectual right. I try to cultivate my intellectual interests as a person who can, with a degree, doctorate and publications can be found to do, from time to time (not constantly), the work for which there was no need no title, or school, or academic . President, this is an outlet, like many others, I presume. A country that fails to give a chance failed as much as those who are in my state. Sincerely
Domenico Forgione
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Pain On Side Of Arm, Just Below Shoulder Why
The moral and political duty of the CGIL
Giorgio Cremaschi - Liberation 29/12/2010
historic agreement. So it has been rightly described the text that Marchionne has imposed on unions and the Confindustria accomplices. If you use this word but must have the courage to accept the comparisons with the events of the past. There's only one appropriate.
On October 2, 1925 Mussolini as Prime Minister, the Corporate unions and Confindustria, nationalists and fascists, signed at Palazzo Vidoni a social pact that eliminated the council and the workers' right to choose freely their representatives. The pact Mirafiori is the same thing.
are, for the first time since 1945, eliminated in the largest Italian factory trade union freedoms. Workers can no longer freely choose which union to join and can no longer vote for their representatives. As trade unionists at the time of fascism factory will only be appointed by the unions of the accomplices and how then can they be called "trustees".
Never in the history of our country had come to much. Even in the fifties, in the hardest moments of the Cold War and anti-union repression, Fiat had been obliterated in the election council. Now it is done and the aim is to outlaw factory Fiom and indeed any freedom and rights of workers.
On the other hand, only a form of corporate fascism is truly possible to impose the conditions of work in Marchionne wants Fiat. Opening up to ten hours per day and beyond, destruction of the breaks and the right to health, performance and total flexibility of shifts. The employee simply becomes a commodity available to the company and to consume as much as you want. Authoritarianism, repression, fascism, therefore, are instrumental to the company impedire che le lavoratrici e i lavoratori si ribellino a queste condizioni barbare che si vuol loro imporre.
La gravità di quanto avvenuto a Mirafiori è stata colta dalla segretaria della Cgil Susanna Camusso che ha parlato di autoritarismo di Marchionne. Ma poi la sua denuncia si è fermata a metà, cercando un equilibrio con la presa di distanza dalla Fiom. Se quello di Marchionne è un atto autoritario fa bene la Fiom ad opporvisi e non si capisce quali compromessi sarebbero stati possibili. D'altra parte ancor più contraddittoria è la richiesta che la segretaria della Cgil rivolge a Emma Marcegaglia e alla Confindustria per un nuovo accordo sulle regole. Ma se la Confindustria ha detto di sì a Marchionne che ha stracciato l'accordo sulle union representatives, as a new agreement is possible with it? Susanna Camusso really is an illusion that the Confederation would disavow the agreement of Mirafiori, with his vice president Alberto Bombassei that just recently he joined the Board of Directors of Industrial Fiat?
Delusions of Susanna Camusso against Confindustria is the same as those in the twenties had hoped that manufacturers would have disavowed fascism. The agreement of 1925 denied them, as well as the agreement runs counter to the Mirafiori illusions today. The CGIL has criticized
have to be postponed and then canceled its agenda a general strike. The choice not to do so and Marchionne has strengthened its hold on too authoritarian quella parte del mondo delle imprese che non condivide le sue scelte. Se oggi ci fosse già in atto un grande movimento di lotta confederale, se la Cgil avesse interrotto le inutili e dannose trattative sul patto sociale, Marchionne e i suoi sarebbero più deboli e contestati nel padronato. La fase delle parole e degli appelli alle buone intenzioni si è conclusa il 23 dicembre a Mirafiori. D'ora in poi solo la mobilitazione, lo sciopero generale, la costruzione di un programma economico e sociale alternativo alla regressione barbara che vuole imporre il regime padronale di Marchionne, solo questa è la via democratica per uscire dalla crisi.
Il patto di Mirafiori segna non solo uno spartiacque sindacale e sociale, ma anche un passaggio decisivo per la policy. CISL and UIL have written a shameful page in their history by signing the Fiom may be outlawed in the factory. It is now clear that around the Fiom must build a movement of social solidarity and political movements, from students to construct a response that will last. The CGIL has the moral and political obligation to put its full force in this movement. As for the opposition but also the policy of sinking more than ever today ridiculous and nell'inutile. Even the mayor of Turin, accepting the outlawing of Fiom, has crossed the Rubicon nell'estraneità respect to the history and culture of the Italian left. Who approved that agreement is on the other hand, is with Marchionne e alla fine con Berlusconi. Dopo Mirafiori anche la sinistra italiana dovrà ridefinirsi: le alleanze che dovrebbero andare dagli amici di Marchionne fino alla Fiom e ai lavoratori che perdono la democrazia sono un insulto al buon senso. Dopo Mirafiori c'è prima di tutto da ricostruire una sinistra che sappia dire no ai padroni e al loro regime.
Giorgio Cremaschi - Liberation 29/12/2010
historic agreement. So it has been rightly described the text that Marchionne has imposed on unions and the Confindustria accomplices. If you use this word but must have the courage to accept the comparisons with the events of the past. There's only one appropriate.
On October 2, 1925 Mussolini as Prime Minister, the Corporate unions and Confindustria, nationalists and fascists, signed at Palazzo Vidoni a social pact that eliminated the council and the workers' right to choose freely their representatives. The pact Mirafiori is the same thing.
are, for the first time since 1945, eliminated in the largest Italian factory trade union freedoms. Workers can no longer freely choose which union to join and can no longer vote for their representatives. As trade unionists at the time of fascism factory will only be appointed by the unions of the accomplices and how then can they be called "trustees".
Never in the history of our country had come to much. Even in the fifties, in the hardest moments of the Cold War and anti-union repression, Fiat had been obliterated in the election council. Now it is done and the aim is to outlaw factory Fiom and indeed any freedom and rights of workers.
On the other hand, only a form of corporate fascism is truly possible to impose the conditions of work in Marchionne wants Fiat. Opening up to ten hours per day and beyond, destruction of the breaks and the right to health, performance and total flexibility of shifts. The employee simply becomes a commodity available to the company and to consume as much as you want. Authoritarianism, repression, fascism, therefore, are instrumental to the company impedire che le lavoratrici e i lavoratori si ribellino a queste condizioni barbare che si vuol loro imporre.
La gravità di quanto avvenuto a Mirafiori è stata colta dalla segretaria della Cgil Susanna Camusso che ha parlato di autoritarismo di Marchionne. Ma poi la sua denuncia si è fermata a metà, cercando un equilibrio con la presa di distanza dalla Fiom. Se quello di Marchionne è un atto autoritario fa bene la Fiom ad opporvisi e non si capisce quali compromessi sarebbero stati possibili. D'altra parte ancor più contraddittoria è la richiesta che la segretaria della Cgil rivolge a Emma Marcegaglia e alla Confindustria per un nuovo accordo sulle regole. Ma se la Confindustria ha detto di sì a Marchionne che ha stracciato l'accordo sulle union representatives, as a new agreement is possible with it? Susanna Camusso really is an illusion that the Confederation would disavow the agreement of Mirafiori, with his vice president Alberto Bombassei that just recently he joined the Board of Directors of Industrial Fiat?
Delusions of Susanna Camusso against Confindustria is the same as those in the twenties had hoped that manufacturers would have disavowed fascism. The agreement of 1925 denied them, as well as the agreement runs counter to the Mirafiori illusions today. The CGIL has criticized
have to be postponed and then canceled its agenda a general strike. The choice not to do so and Marchionne has strengthened its hold on too authoritarian quella parte del mondo delle imprese che non condivide le sue scelte. Se oggi ci fosse già in atto un grande movimento di lotta confederale, se la Cgil avesse interrotto le inutili e dannose trattative sul patto sociale, Marchionne e i suoi sarebbero più deboli e contestati nel padronato. La fase delle parole e degli appelli alle buone intenzioni si è conclusa il 23 dicembre a Mirafiori. D'ora in poi solo la mobilitazione, lo sciopero generale, la costruzione di un programma economico e sociale alternativo alla regressione barbara che vuole imporre il regime padronale di Marchionne, solo questa è la via democratica per uscire dalla crisi.
Il patto di Mirafiori segna non solo uno spartiacque sindacale e sociale, ma anche un passaggio decisivo per la policy. CISL and UIL have written a shameful page in their history by signing the Fiom may be outlawed in the factory. It is now clear that around the Fiom must build a movement of social solidarity and political movements, from students to construct a response that will last. The CGIL has the moral and political obligation to put its full force in this movement. As for the opposition but also the policy of sinking more than ever today ridiculous and nell'inutile. Even the mayor of Turin, accepting the outlawing of Fiom, has crossed the Rubicon nell'estraneità respect to the history and culture of the Italian left. Who approved that agreement is on the other hand, is with Marchionne e alla fine con Berlusconi. Dopo Mirafiori anche la sinistra italiana dovrà ridefinirsi: le alleanze che dovrebbero andare dagli amici di Marchionne fino alla Fiom e ai lavoratori che perdono la democrazia sono un insulto al buon senso. Dopo Mirafiori c'è prima di tutto da ricostruire una sinistra che sappia dire no ai padroni e al loro regime.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
What Is The Average Size In Canada
Merry Christmas to democracy
don Andrea Gallo augura a tutti e tutte Buone Feste!
Ecco l'articolo di questa settimana per la rubrica "La Buona Novella" , ogni giovedi su La Repubblica Genova - tratto da
Buon Natale a tutti. Sul vecchio anno che muore, nasca la speranza nel cuore delle donne e degli uomini di buona volontà. Aumentano i poveri che rush to the cabin of Jesus, while those in power and a consistent texture in the dark "portion" of the city took refuge cynically indifferent [...]
can not clear the sense of history, the thrill of expectation, the abandonment of joy in God, the Common Good. Merry Christmas to the President Merlo and his staff for the courageous effort to revitalize the port. Merry Christmas to maritime operators: "Prove your business skills." Merry Christmas to all the honest big and small entrepreneurs, traders, artisans, cooperatives who defend the dignity of work. Merry Christmas to the regional council, provincial, municipal: "From January 1st you can write a new" white paper ". Remember that Italians are slowly waking up from sleep and remember that democracy is made by the citizens. Merry Christmas to Mr. Prefect: Palazzo Spinola is a garrison of all the democratic constitutional order.
Merry Christmas to the judiciary: "Answer the pernicious law of force with the force of law." Merry Christmas parties: you created a "void" from the first to the Second Republic. May you fill abandoning the style of aggression and verbal vulgarity, and behavioral. E 'must be stopped and the collapse of moral and cultural sensitivity barbaric loss of public life. The parliamentarians who voted for the recent trust are not touched by any doubt? Perhaps the confusion created among the opponents? Merry Christmas to the movements of students, workers, social centers. Thanks for letting us rediscover the anger turned into anger at the overt lack of future and the arrogance lies. For many years no one has heard. It can still be a dialogue? With whom? Do not abandon you creativity. Merry Christmas to the jails I.
E "forgive us!" Your "social dumping" cry for Justice. There are many who will listen. Merry Christmas to the soldiers in "Peace Mission": ci volete spiegare di quale pace si tratta? Cittadini in divisa impegnati seriamente in terra straniera.. Con i vostri onorati Caduti ci vogliamo confrontare col Parlamento, con la Nato, con l’Onu, per inaugurare un’autentica strategia di Pace? Buon Natale ai teatri, a Palazzo Ducale, ai musei, al Porto Antico e a tutte le iniziative culturali,, musicali, ricreative. Nonostante la crisi non vi siete fermati. Buon Natale a tutti coloro che preparano un pasto caldo per il corpo e per l’anima alle sorelle e ai fratelli in gravi difficoltà. Prepariamoci a passare dalla solidarietà assistenziale, alla solidarietà liberatrice: estendere i “diritti” a tutti i cittadini rispettando la Costituzione.
Buon Christmas at the government: change slogan: Enough! Do not tell us: "There is no money." It is true that these choices are required, affecting the most vulnerable and essential services and transport. The money can be found to subsidize the political class with his "parentopoli" senior management and the wrongful procurement mafia game for the great works, military spending and amnesty for capital abroad and the manipulation of financial statements of many companies . Merry Christmas ecclesiastical institution: exit ambiguous political context - social. Stop belittling the misdeeds of the rulers in the name of "stability" to pursue and defend those acquired new privileges.
Tra i “valori non negoziabili” c’è il messaggio dirompente di Gesù? Ho imparato da Monsignor Tonino Bello. Non posso augurare “Buon Natale” senza dare qualche disturbo. Mancherei al mio dovere di “Prete”. Il Bambino che dorme sulla paglia ci tolga il sonno e ci faccia sentire il nostro cuscino duro come un macigno, finché non ci saremo inventati una carica di donazione, di preghiera, di silenzio, di coraggio. Se vogliamo vedere “una grande luce” dobbiamo partire dagli “Ultimi”. Un augurio sincero a tutte le coscienze e a tutti i cuori: ritroviamo lo stupore, “il tepore”, lo spazio per pensare a quell’evento che rovesciò la Storia.
Auguri a chi offre un pasto caldo per il corpo e per l’anima di chi è in difficoltà.
Genova, 23 dicembre 2010
don Andrea Gallo
don Andrea Gallo augura a tutti e tutte Buone Feste!
Ecco l'articolo di questa settimana per la rubrica "La Buona Novella" , ogni giovedi su La Repubblica Genova - tratto da
Buon Natale a tutti. Sul vecchio anno che muore, nasca la speranza nel cuore delle donne e degli uomini di buona volontà. Aumentano i poveri che rush to the cabin of Jesus, while those in power and a consistent texture in the dark "portion" of the city took refuge cynically indifferent [...]
can not clear the sense of history, the thrill of expectation, the abandonment of joy in God, the Common Good. Merry Christmas to the President Merlo and his staff for the courageous effort to revitalize the port. Merry Christmas to maritime operators: "Prove your business skills." Merry Christmas to all the honest big and small entrepreneurs, traders, artisans, cooperatives who defend the dignity of work. Merry Christmas to the regional council, provincial, municipal: "From January 1st you can write a new" white paper ". Remember that Italians are slowly waking up from sleep and remember that democracy is made by the citizens. Merry Christmas to Mr. Prefect: Palazzo Spinola is a garrison of all the democratic constitutional order.
Merry Christmas to the judiciary: "Answer the pernicious law of force with the force of law." Merry Christmas parties: you created a "void" from the first to the Second Republic. May you fill abandoning the style of aggression and verbal vulgarity, and behavioral. E 'must be stopped and the collapse of moral and cultural sensitivity barbaric loss of public life. The parliamentarians who voted for the recent trust are not touched by any doubt? Perhaps the confusion created among the opponents? Merry Christmas to the movements of students, workers, social centers. Thanks for letting us rediscover the anger turned into anger at the overt lack of future and the arrogance lies. For many years no one has heard. It can still be a dialogue? With whom? Do not abandon you creativity. Merry Christmas to the jails I.
E "forgive us!" Your "social dumping" cry for Justice. There are many who will listen. Merry Christmas to the soldiers in "Peace Mission": ci volete spiegare di quale pace si tratta? Cittadini in divisa impegnati seriamente in terra straniera.. Con i vostri onorati Caduti ci vogliamo confrontare col Parlamento, con la Nato, con l’Onu, per inaugurare un’autentica strategia di Pace? Buon Natale ai teatri, a Palazzo Ducale, ai musei, al Porto Antico e a tutte le iniziative culturali,, musicali, ricreative. Nonostante la crisi non vi siete fermati. Buon Natale a tutti coloro che preparano un pasto caldo per il corpo e per l’anima alle sorelle e ai fratelli in gravi difficoltà. Prepariamoci a passare dalla solidarietà assistenziale, alla solidarietà liberatrice: estendere i “diritti” a tutti i cittadini rispettando la Costituzione.
Buon Christmas at the government: change slogan: Enough! Do not tell us: "There is no money." It is true that these choices are required, affecting the most vulnerable and essential services and transport. The money can be found to subsidize the political class with his "parentopoli" senior management and the wrongful procurement mafia game for the great works, military spending and amnesty for capital abroad and the manipulation of financial statements of many companies . Merry Christmas ecclesiastical institution: exit ambiguous political context - social. Stop belittling the misdeeds of the rulers in the name of "stability" to pursue and defend those acquired new privileges.
Tra i “valori non negoziabili” c’è il messaggio dirompente di Gesù? Ho imparato da Monsignor Tonino Bello. Non posso augurare “Buon Natale” senza dare qualche disturbo. Mancherei al mio dovere di “Prete”. Il Bambino che dorme sulla paglia ci tolga il sonno e ci faccia sentire il nostro cuscino duro come un macigno, finché non ci saremo inventati una carica di donazione, di preghiera, di silenzio, di coraggio. Se vogliamo vedere “una grande luce” dobbiamo partire dagli “Ultimi”. Un augurio sincero a tutte le coscienze e a tutti i cuori: ritroviamo lo stupore, “il tepore”, lo spazio per pensare a quell’evento che rovesciò la Storia.
Auguri a chi offre un pasto caldo per il corpo e per l’anima di chi è in difficoltà.
Genova, 23 dicembre 2010
don Andrea Gallo
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Spectrobe Beyond The Portals Mossapod
Merry Christmas to me
today ahead of the times I decided to celebrate Christmas, giving me a bottle of 2006 Giacosa Barolo Leone and Marco godendomela in the company of our "agent communication". The bottle in tune with the Christmas consumerism was bought in a shopping center about 18 € and inspired by the recent post on his blog Franco Ziliani scandal Barolo to € 4.99. Bottle of good quality, the color is characteristic of the ruby \u200b\u200bNebbiolo, rather heavy, typical varietal flavors are fruity and spicy, but falling short of great complexity. The taste is well balanced with medium tannins and enough clean length. Wine is not exciting but pleasant to drink, good presence for the festive season, considering the place of purchase that may well attract some new adept to the world of wine.

Rethinking post Ziliani and my 18 euro spent, I pose the questions, it is proposed a Barolo to € 4.99, as will be its quality? Of course I do not expect to ride, as I have found this, which is still a very respectable wine and could afford to drink every day would be Easter! Despite the curiosity to taste the Cacciatora Barolo, I repeat that I find outrageous Barolo at that price, because doing so is to lower the value of the brand.
34 Weeks Pregnant And Pain Above Belly Button
Thank vecio
There are snapshots that are part of the album Relationship of a nation. One of these captures - the plane that, in July 1982, reported Italy's heroes in the Bernabeu - scopone the game between the President of the Republic, Sandro Pertini and captain Dino Zoff against the coach Enzo Bearzot and the "Baron" France caused. On the table, won the World Cup in Madrid. Now that the vecio is gone, it is inevitable to get caught up nostalgia for what we were 28 years ago. For a child of nine years, Bearzot grandfather was a gruff, strict as those in the education of grandchildren, ready to blame when they hear a bad word or note the lack of the respect due to the elderly. I imagined so, Bearzot: narrow in the white jacket and his inseparable pipe in his mouth.
It was a good start to the world of blues. Shriveled three draws against Poland (0-0), Peru (1-1, goals from Bruno Conti), Cameroon (1-1, goals from Ciccio Graziani) and the transition to the second round in a group of death against Argentina the Ardiles and Maradona and Brazil's Falcao and Zico (and also of Socrates, Junior, Cerezo). Criticism and the Italians, as usual ferocious with those in trouble (always ready to hand, "to assist the winner", as raging Ennio Flaiano) fired daily against the Azzurri. For the first time in the history of Italian football was adopted in the blackout. Talking to reporters, and only Zoff Bearzot, both in Friuli, both silent. As often happens when Italy faces the abyss, the team is compacted around the coach and the company managed to achieve: 2-1 to Argentina (and Tardelli Cabrini) 3-2 to the most favored, Brazil (Rossi hat-trick ), 2-0 to Poland in the semifinals (two goals from Rossi); final apotheosis with the 3-1 to Germany (yet Rossi, Tardelli's scream, the final seal of "spiked" Altobelli, for the only time in exulted in his career, raising both arms, abandoning his usual composure only the index finger to the sky). The epic
poetry of that group of heroes through the chanting of training, at a time when it was still possible to send it down to memory, since they played the same for years: Zoff, Gentile, Cabrini, Oriali, Collovati, Scirea, Conti , Tardelli, Rossi, Antognoni, Graziani. Yet the combination player / tissue did not exist and the athletes are not like Armani models: they had strange hairstyles (at most, the bush of hair Collovati), did not tattoos, not pulling the eyebrows (the unforgettable "sopracciglione Bergomi "Teo Teocoli). I imagined them like Homeric warriors: the charisma of forty Zoff, the ardor of Gentile (ask Maradona and Zico, at a time when - to be admitted - the referees dig cards sparingly), the elegance of Collovati, the class of Scirea, the modernity of Cabrini, Tardelli the universality of insomnia, the genius of Accounts (the more "Brazilian" blues), the stubbornness of Graziani, the flair of "Pablito" Rossi, Antognoni geometries, the lungs of Oriali (also celebrated by Ligabue). And then Marini, Sake, Altobelli, the eighteen Bergomi ("uncle" who was hiding his age behind two incredible mustache blacks), who also played in the final in place of the Antognoni. That of 11 July were about fifty "Mario", the smallest cross-legged on the floor, the others behind, sitting in chairs or standing. On TV, 28 inch Phonola hoisted to five feet high, did not allow the vision of the current 52-inch HD flat screen, especially the more distant. But the excitement and enthusiasm are indelible. Pertini that, in his usual, dismisses the 'institutional aplomb and makes the fan in the stands, the final minutes granted to the loyalist cause, the emotion of Nando Martellini the final whistle with the "world champions" repeated three times. Then all travel outside the bar, walk to Piazza Municipio, with flags and the heart that went to a thousand.
There are snapshots that are part of the album Relationship of a nation. One of these captures - the plane that, in July 1982, reported Italy's heroes in the Bernabeu - scopone the game between the President of the Republic, Sandro Pertini and captain Dino Zoff against the coach Enzo Bearzot and the "Baron" France caused. On the table, won the World Cup in Madrid. Now that the vecio is gone, it is inevitable to get caught up nostalgia for what we were 28 years ago. For a child of nine years, Bearzot grandfather was a gruff, strict as those in the education of grandchildren, ready to blame when they hear a bad word or note the lack of the respect due to the elderly. I imagined so, Bearzot: narrow in the white jacket and his inseparable pipe in his mouth.
It was a good start to the world of blues. Shriveled three draws against Poland (0-0), Peru (1-1, goals from Bruno Conti), Cameroon (1-1, goals from Ciccio Graziani) and the transition to the second round in a group of death against Argentina the Ardiles and Maradona and Brazil's Falcao and Zico (and also of Socrates, Junior, Cerezo). Criticism and the Italians, as usual ferocious with those in trouble (always ready to hand, "to assist the winner", as raging Ennio Flaiano) fired daily against the Azzurri. For the first time in the history of Italian football was adopted in the blackout. Talking to reporters, and only Zoff Bearzot, both in Friuli, both silent. As often happens when Italy faces the abyss, the team is compacted around the coach and the company managed to achieve: 2-1 to Argentina (and Tardelli Cabrini) 3-2 to the most favored, Brazil (Rossi hat-trick ), 2-0 to Poland in the semifinals (two goals from Rossi); final apotheosis with the 3-1 to Germany (yet Rossi, Tardelli's scream, the final seal of "spiked" Altobelli, for the only time in exulted in his career, raising both arms, abandoning his usual composure only the index finger to the sky). The epic
poetry of that group of heroes through the chanting of training, at a time when it was still possible to send it down to memory, since they played the same for years: Zoff, Gentile, Cabrini, Oriali, Collovati, Scirea, Conti , Tardelli, Rossi, Antognoni, Graziani. Yet the combination player / tissue did not exist and the athletes are not like Armani models: they had strange hairstyles (at most, the bush of hair Collovati), did not tattoos, not pulling the eyebrows (the unforgettable "sopracciglione Bergomi "Teo Teocoli). I imagined them like Homeric warriors: the charisma of forty Zoff, the ardor of Gentile (ask Maradona and Zico, at a time when - to be admitted - the referees dig cards sparingly), the elegance of Collovati, the class of Scirea, the modernity of Cabrini, Tardelli the universality of insomnia, the genius of Accounts (the more "Brazilian" blues), the stubbornness of Graziani, the flair of "Pablito" Rossi, Antognoni geometries, the lungs of Oriali (also celebrated by Ligabue). And then Marini, Sake, Altobelli, the eighteen Bergomi ("uncle" who was hiding his age behind two incredible mustache blacks), who also played in the final in place of the Antognoni. That of 11 July were about fifty "Mario", the smallest cross-legged on the floor, the others behind, sitting in chairs or standing. On TV, 28 inch Phonola hoisted to five feet high, did not allow the vision of the current 52-inch HD flat screen, especially the more distant. But the excitement and enthusiasm are indelible. Pertini that, in his usual, dismisses the 'institutional aplomb and makes the fan in the stands, the final minutes granted to the loyalist cause, the emotion of Nando Martellini the final whistle with the "world champions" repeated three times. Then all travel outside the bar, walk to Piazza Municipio, with flags and the heart that went to a thousand.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Numb Arm After Airsoft
It 's like
nostalgia for something that there is no longer
your distance
to respond to my heart
It 's like
nostalgia for something that there is no longer
your distance
to respond to my heart
3d Movies Blurry Edges
Whiskey Stone
Winter this year has decided to bring a nice surprise, what I see from my window is covered with a beautiful blanket of snow, and this gave me the inspiration for this post.
The ice, which is essential not only for skating, to cool the tomatoes and remove the skins easily, is used to cool cocktail or whiskey. The problem is that it melts so going to water down our beloved beverage.
perennial problem finally solved by a brilliant American company with an innovative product Whiskey Stone, as you can see from the photo are just stones, should be placed in the freezer a few hours, and then can go to cool your drink without extending it. This invention revolutionized the on the rocks (ul Giassi cunt), I'll write to Santa Claus to bring, put in the letter that I will use them for coca cola so I take them for sure!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Female Glory Holes In Florida
He looked be passing through or have just arrived.
It was a Tuesday every 18 h, in the district of San Salvario in Turin.
I flew on the bike, including people who are on the road together, talk together and do not feel the cold night after night, men in their bodies recovered so far from various developing countries.
I enter a store, try and find. Next to the crate, the door opens suddenly. Faces with his simple question, human and daily primordial: "Water, water ... sorry?"
big brown eyes and warm, a nice smile and a face marked by days of wind and sand.
"intruder" is the answer for eyes that look, and a voice from behind the clashes Cash: "No. There is only the small bottle. "
shadow in her eyes quickly, and asks: "How much? Small? "The shell case price and quantity. Fall back. A quick glance at the store. "It must go further to the water" more generic voice behind the counter.
Pago. The 'intruder out quickly and hurries along the street below. The chase, the catch up and say: "Madam, if you want water, go with it. There is a supermarket just around the corner. That 's where they sell large bottles. "Pointed to the spot, I dribble, I follow it and see it disappear while inside the supermarket.
The lost images of the assortment of bottles Uliveto, Rocchetta, Loreto, St. Anne, St. Francis, Valmora, Lurisia, with bubbles, bubble-free, natural bubbles, the bottle with tapered, squared off with the bottle, the drops relief, low sodium content, suitable for babies, walking, and she there, with his simple question, human and daily primordial: "Water, water ... sorry?"
He looked be passing through or have just arrived.
It was a Tuesday every 18 h, in the district of San Salvario in Turin.
I flew on the bike, including people who are on the road together, talk together and do not feel the cold night after night, men in their bodies recovered so far from various developing countries.
I enter a store, try and find. Next to the crate, the door opens suddenly. Faces with his simple question, human and daily primordial: "Water, water ... sorry?"
big brown eyes and warm, a nice smile and a face marked by days of wind and sand.
"intruder" is the answer for eyes that look, and a voice from behind the clashes Cash: "No. There is only the small bottle. "
shadow in her eyes quickly, and asks: "How much? Small? "The shell case price and quantity. Fall back. A quick glance at the store. "It must go further to the water" more generic voice behind the counter.
Pago. The 'intruder out quickly and hurries along the street below. The chase, the catch up and say: "Madam, if you want water, go with it. There is a supermarket just around the corner. That 's where they sell large bottles. "Pointed to the spot, I dribble, I follow it and see it disappear while inside the supermarket.
The lost images of the assortment of bottles Uliveto, Rocchetta, Loreto, St. Anne, St. Francis, Valmora, Lurisia, with bubbles, bubble-free, natural bubbles, the bottle with tapered, squared off with the bottle, the drops relief, low sodium content, suitable for babies, walking, and she there, with his simple question, human and daily primordial: "Water, water ... sorry?"
Can Someone Who Has Autism Drive
The sun, bare feet and a red dress
days Frisbee Parc Saint Pierre
The journey to the north, the ocean is
Ocean is
Without you there's a breath
Al cinema de l'enfant Decu
and Infer I also fall: Paris, the Alps, Turin
your face tense
happiness impossible
I'm your baby and your wolf
and remember nothing.
me up at night a race, are on the hand of God
Truman Capote VOS
the green jersey that falls
canals and narrow streets of stone
The road to the station,
the window that you swim,
out and you are a ray of sunshine
the wind blows cold
the squatters under the portico of the cashiers Champeon
French ...
but your luck and your child will not return
and remember no more,
only memories of childhood.
The sun, bare feet and a red dress
days Frisbee Parc Saint Pierre
The journey to the north, the ocean is
Ocean is
Without you there's a breath
Al cinema de l'enfant Decu
and Infer I also fall: Paris, the Alps, Turin
your face tense
happiness impossible
I'm your baby and your wolf
and remember nothing.
me up at night a race, are on the hand of God
Truman Capote VOS
the green jersey that falls
canals and narrow streets of stone
The road to the station,
the window that you swim,
out and you are a ray of sunshine
the wind blows cold
the squatters under the portico of the cashiers Champeon
French ...
but your luck and your child will not return
and remember no more,
only memories of childhood.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
How Do You Style Your Hair Like Dahvie Vanity
The showdown
would be tempted to dust off the "here again" saddled by Indro Montanelli Amintore Fanfani, the exponent Arezzo Christian Democrat prime minister six times, three of the Senate president, a string of posts in half a century of career , made famous for his ability to come back when it appeared in decline and out of the game. Like the mythological phoenix, reborn from its ashes after death. From this point of view, ignoring the easy ironies on the town look "brevilineo" The simile is apt.
its name with total strangers who have done a masterful pirouette saving the government may be useful to account for the moral degradation of this political class. But nothing more, given the many historical precedents. If anything, the question once again stronger than the need to reform the current electoral law, to return to the people the real power to choose their representatives: the only way to enable it to "punish" Calearo, the Caesars, rockets, and Scilipoti of the turn. Placed in the drawer the abacus, it must instead find the political significance of the vote of confidence. The victory of Berlusconi number is indisputable, as they seem quite mortified ambitions Fini. But one win does not necessarily translate into numerical victory policy. It will be seen clearly in the coming days, when the House will become a minefield for a government without a majority in the Committee and that, in fact, is "minority." Not only because the threshold of self is at elevation 316, but mainly because about thirty parliamentary executive appointments are rarely made to see House. In a nutshell, this means that the approval of any legislative measure will be subject to agreement with the opposition, which will take advantage of its move to make amendments, thus undermining the very government action.
is then to think that the real objective test of strength desired by Berlusconi is not the continuation of this government experience, but a reaffirmation of his leadership, to take the deck, deal the cards and not be made out of a palace. From a position of strength gained, Berlusconi can now lead the way towards addressing the only two acceptable scenarios for him: a crisis driven, leading to his reappointment and the enlargement of the majority, or alternatively, a snap election. Yet, despite the assertion of the premier muscle, the political and historical cycle began in 1994 can be terminated. The image that we are given is that of a leader barricaded inside the bunker, with the next Bossi only in the dual role of protector and inspiration, while outside the country "real" no longer corresponds to the idyllic picture of the many propaganda pamphlets have come in recent years in the homes of Italians. As has been noted by many, that Berlusconi is likely to prove ephemeral Pyrrhic victory.
would be tempted to dust off the "here again" saddled by Indro Montanelli Amintore Fanfani, the exponent Arezzo Christian Democrat prime minister six times, three of the Senate president, a string of posts in half a century of career , made famous for his ability to come back when it appeared in decline and out of the game. Like the mythological phoenix, reborn from its ashes after death. From this point of view, ignoring the easy ironies on the town look "brevilineo" The simile is apt.
its name with total strangers who have done a masterful pirouette saving the government may be useful to account for the moral degradation of this political class. But nothing more, given the many historical precedents. If anything, the question once again stronger than the need to reform the current electoral law, to return to the people the real power to choose their representatives: the only way to enable it to "punish" Calearo, the Caesars, rockets, and Scilipoti of the turn. Placed in the drawer the abacus, it must instead find the political significance of the vote of confidence. The victory of Berlusconi number is indisputable, as they seem quite mortified ambitions Fini. But one win does not necessarily translate into numerical victory policy. It will be seen clearly in the coming days, when the House will become a minefield for a government without a majority in the Committee and that, in fact, is "minority." Not only because the threshold of self is at elevation 316, but mainly because about thirty parliamentary executive appointments are rarely made to see House. In a nutshell, this means that the approval of any legislative measure will be subject to agreement with the opposition, which will take advantage of its move to make amendments, thus undermining the very government action.
is then to think that the real objective test of strength desired by Berlusconi is not the continuation of this government experience, but a reaffirmation of his leadership, to take the deck, deal the cards and not be made out of a palace. From a position of strength gained, Berlusconi can now lead the way towards addressing the only two acceptable scenarios for him: a crisis driven, leading to his reappointment and the enlargement of the majority, or alternatively, a snap election. Yet, despite the assertion of the premier muscle, the political and historical cycle began in 1994 can be terminated. The image that we are given is that of a leader barricaded inside the bunker, with the next Bossi only in the dual role of protector and inspiration, while outside the country "real" no longer corresponds to the idyllic picture of the many propaganda pamphlets have come in recent years in the homes of Italians. As has been noted by many, that Berlusconi is likely to prove ephemeral Pyrrhic victory.
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The wolf is the child
Tu est l'enfant here je dois Sauver et le loup here goes me perdre
Le loup it here in the evening jamais moi et l'enfant que j'ai perdu.
're the wolf and the wolf The
baby I'll never tame
The baby I lost.
you want to save the boy and the wolf to escape from
The wolf that never will be mine and the baby I lost.
Tu est l'enfant here je dois Sauver et le loup here goes me perdre
Le loup it here in the evening jamais moi et l'enfant que j'ai perdu.
're the wolf and the wolf The
baby I'll never tame
The baby I lost.
you want to save the boy and the wolf to escape from
The wolf that never will be mine and the baby I lost.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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Wine of Angels
Today PlayWine taste for you a sweet wine from the Friuli region that I love, more precisely, by the Joint Cormòns (Go), produced by the homonymous wine producers .
bottle shaped like an elongated cone, well-made label,
consisting of 500 ml.
consisting of 500 ml.
golden almost amber colored wine, the flavor is intense, complex, feels a well-known herb, plum, honey, candied orange, grass, sage, and we could continue to look for other descriptors, complex, very pleasant, good fineness.
tasted this wine is sweet, perhaps too, lacks freshness, remains a bit 'of minerlità, however complex and persistent.
The bottle we tasted, chatting amiably with the philosophy of our team just philosopher Alice, was in 2004, looking on-line information about the wine we have found more recent vintages for sale, it makes me think of a bottle left in conditions are not optimal, perhaps too much on a shelf, ruining our early wine. Different grape varieties, Tocai, Verduzzo, Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay Sauvignon. Wine produced by the method Cormons, from what I understand this is a withering on the vines charged with severing the bunch of special scissors. Unfortunately I could not investigate, does anyone know what it is exactly? I'd go to the bottom of this topic, hoping to interest someone else.
A sin queso over-mature wine, I hope to enjoy a bottle in the best condition, or determine that it is a quality issue, my status bottigilia are only suspicions.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
How To Set Up A Sunfish
An unexpected conversation and healthy Twenty years of love
problems associations are well known: there is a crisis of "vocations", not always the same parts and pull the cart. Yet the association continues to be an extraordinary resource. Just think of all the events that are held annually, the aggregation that creates a sense of belonging that makes everyone feel part of a large family and involved in a worthwhile project for the community. As is the case for many years, for example, with the Cultural Association "Ambrose", which on December 12 celebrated the 35th anniversary, a date that ought to have been honored and that has risen amid general indifference. Sant'Eufemia owes a lot to "Ambrose" and "Vincenzino" Faithful, a minute and a tenacious man, always busy in some project in spite of not more green age. Theatre Company, folk group, mini festivals, carnivals, festivals, exhibitions of handicrafts, events tailoring family holiday, trips, the magazine "Meetings". The "Ambrose" was all that and, for some initiatives, it still is. Not only that. It was a source of volunteers who then made available to other groups that experience. If I had to choose what to propose, I would have no hesitation: "Meetings". For a sentimental issue (I wrote my first article, to eighteen), but mostly because I am convinced that it will be useful to the country "that" means of deepening and cultural growth.
few days ago I accidentally took part, together with a group of friends engaged nell'associazionismo eufemiese, in a conversation with Rocco Cutro, neo-councilor for culture, sport, entertainment, tourism and civil protection. What better partner to discuss the problems of the associations and the relationship with the institutions? The comparison was pleasant and, I believe, even profitable, because the conversation is always productive when you are inclined to listen. The recent event held in the country ("Sant'Eufemia rewards you"), some criticism has emerged, despite the recognition of the validity of an initiative that recast, will go better if you fix these issues - especially the logistics - have proved inadequate in this edition. Rocco Cutro
knew the man and his seriousness I do not think you can rely on. I found now the commissioner: an administrator to open dialogue and exchange of ideas which, really want to do and not afraid to get involved.
is not flattery. Rather, the claim to freedom of thought that some fail to understand or to accept, as they are clouded by a myopic Manichaeism. It seems that my article on the last City Council has caused some heartburn. I would like to reassure those who do not know me. My opinions always reflect my real thought, beyond personal likes and dislikes. They may be right or wrong, I have no difficulty to admit it. But I have never preordained, or instrumental.
problems associations are well known: there is a crisis of "vocations", not always the same parts and pull the cart. Yet the association continues to be an extraordinary resource. Just think of all the events that are held annually, the aggregation that creates a sense of belonging that makes everyone feel part of a large family and involved in a worthwhile project for the community. As is the case for many years, for example, with the Cultural Association "Ambrose", which on December 12 celebrated the 35th anniversary, a date that ought to have been honored and that has risen amid general indifference. Sant'Eufemia owes a lot to "Ambrose" and "Vincenzino" Faithful, a minute and a tenacious man, always busy in some project in spite of not more green age. Theatre Company, folk group, mini festivals, carnivals, festivals, exhibitions of handicrafts, events tailoring family holiday, trips, the magazine "Meetings". The "Ambrose" was all that and, for some initiatives, it still is. Not only that. It was a source of volunteers who then made available to other groups that experience. If I had to choose what to propose, I would have no hesitation: "Meetings". For a sentimental issue (I wrote my first article, to eighteen), but mostly because I am convinced that it will be useful to the country "that" means of deepening and cultural growth.
few days ago I accidentally took part, together with a group of friends engaged nell'associazionismo eufemiese, in a conversation with Rocco Cutro, neo-councilor for culture, sport, entertainment, tourism and civil protection. What better partner to discuss the problems of the associations and the relationship with the institutions? The comparison was pleasant and, I believe, even profitable, because the conversation is always productive when you are inclined to listen. The recent event held in the country ("Sant'Eufemia rewards you"), some criticism has emerged, despite the recognition of the validity of an initiative that recast, will go better if you fix these issues - especially the logistics - have proved inadequate in this edition. Rocco Cutro
knew the man and his seriousness I do not think you can rely on. I found now the commissioner: an administrator to open dialogue and exchange of ideas which, really want to do and not afraid to get involved.
is not flattery. Rather, the claim to freedom of thought that some fail to understand or to accept, as they are clouded by a myopic Manichaeism. It seems that my article on the last City Council has caused some heartburn. I would like to reassure those who do not know me. My opinions always reflect my real thought, beyond personal likes and dislikes. They may be right or wrong, I have no difficulty to admit it. But I have never preordained, or instrumental.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Why Do Flees Like Some People

already known by the Phoenicians, they remained uninhabited until 1419 when they were rediscovered by the Portuguese, who named it Ilha da Madeira , Isle of wood.

The color is a beautiful amber, copper, dark, lively, you immediately feel the smell of well-defined caramel, toffee, candied fruits, then I would say quite complex. On the palate it still feels the caramel, something floral, and a beautiful, strong minerality that reminds us of the nature of this volcanic island is to balance sweetness. Since our semi-dry bottle we have, (myself and our graphic designer Daniel), decided to cook to accompany this Madeira shrimp bacon, with a sauce made from cream, milk, curry and saffron.
L 'combination has caused surprise, because as we expected despite the spiciness, fatness and aroma of the dish was the wine to predominate. But tasting the wine first and then a shrimp, you have a pleasant effect as the flavors that remained on the palate the wine data were in perfect harmony as to enrich the dish, and even a sip of Madeira was preparing for a new taste.
remote islands, unique history and fascinating that I was happy to tell you hope to have you encouraged to uncork a bottle of this or give "vinho " of which we will return soon to talk about tasting the sweet versions.
Friday, December 10, 2010
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almost twenty years have passed since that July of 1991, when a group of friends motivated and engaged in social work at the instigation of Don Benito Rugolin, eufemiese priest who works in Turin, gave birth to ' voluntary association of Christian Agape. " Agape is disinterested love and free gift to a neighbor who does not expect anything in return. Agape is a long love story that is part of the history of our country. In two decades, there are many people who for various reasons have approached the group and with humility, in silence and away from the spotlight, have served and continue to lend his work in the service of those most marginalized within society. The first
, chairman lawyer Luigi Surace, gave impetus to home care for the elderly, support for education and recreation for disadvantaged children, the social and health advice in favor of families in need. Was done in the late nineties the development of initiatives on behalf of the disabled of all, the summer camp for more than a decade from 2002 fixture of the association presided over by Advocate Pasquale Condello. To try to meet the needs of all participants (volunteers and clients), over the years have changed the manner and timing of its operation, but remained unchanged love and commitment that can always a very good result. As the territorial contiguity is a tremendous key to the success of this initiative, for the third consecutive summer theater Agape in 2010, was Bagnara. For a week, a dozen volunteers took turns, day and night shifts, to provide adequate care, constant and loving concern for disabled people who have lived with them in an apartment rented by income from self-financing, tenders private donations and by 5 per thousand. Other disabilities were instead accompanied by Sant'Eufemia every morning and picked up the evening at Bagnara by volunteers who were shuttled daily to resolve any logistical problems. Among other initiatives of the pilgrimage should be mentioned (at least a year), school assistance for disadvantaged children, periodic initiatives for the disabled, elderly care, the organization's "annual Day of the Sick "(Feb. 11)," Christmas (and Easter) Solidarity ", the training of volunteers by participating in courses such as the" First Aid "held by the Italian Red Cross and seminars, conferences and meetings organized by the MOVI (Italian volunteers organized movement).
During the decade, the association had set as its objective the purchase of a van to transport children, the elderly and disabled. That "dream" was realized, thanks to the generosity of those - and they are many - demonstrate through concrete gestures of support and always appreciate the work of Agape. For 2011, an important date for the association, who will celebrate twenty years, the dream to be realized is a pilgrimage to Lourdes with disabled people. We are confident that this milestone will be reached.
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December 10, 2010 End of the line
the cold. There was a high wall
between me and you.
I had no desire to climb over
the cold. There was a high wall
between me and you.
I had no desire to climb over
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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Costadilà, Company Articoltura
Playwine Today takes you to the discovery of a company and its wine, made by people who believe in a different relationship with their land and all beings, animals and plants that inhabit it. All this gives us a sparkling exciting, diverse, pleasant to drink.
Costadilà is a farm located in Tarzo in the province of Treviso, only vines grow vegetables and raise pigs and goats.
Company Articoltura are defined, as they have that as its mission to produce according to old knowledge, rediscovering forgotten varieties of seeds and breeding nearly extinct.
The wine they produce reflects the company philosophy, already the bottle is simple but special, transparent, enclosed by the crown cap, does not mention the name but only the altitude of the vineyards (280m above sea level), a clean and a nice logo label around his neck tells us that bottled water is a sparkling white wine IGT Colli Treviso has a rate of 11.5% alcohol, is re-fermented in the bottle, no added sulfur.

beer, a Weiss is veiled foam persistent "birrosa" confused and a little frightening, but no light for this sparkling wine turbidity.
The smell is pretty intense, you feel the Prosecco grape, orange, white fruit, hints data from yeast, mineralalità, almost complex wine, quite fine, pleasantly bitter end, persistent.
The taste is very pleasant, bell'ingresso, carbon dioxide creates a soft foam that spreads throughout the palate, the orange back, you hear the prosecco, lovely freshness, great minerality.
One imagines easily with appetizers, poultry, fish and vegetables.
Here we are confronted with a wine so-called "natural" product in its corporate philosophy, the 'Articoltura, rediscovering old ways of making wine, things like a yield of 100 quintals per hectare and vineyards of 30/40 years, manual collection of grapes. In the cellar are left to macerate for 15 days on the skins at controlled temperature and with indigenous yeasts, then it is aged for about 5 months on the lees, then we proceed to the second fermentation in the bottle, and then is added to unfermented grape pressings from the same grapes left to ferment March. Sulfur is not added. Another sparkling outside the box, for you tasted. No doubt good, no defects, proposed at a lower price than honest, is an experience to drink this wine, great in its simplicity and naturalness, it is not the usual Prosecco.

Ps: We thought
of sparkling wine with a trick that compare equal commercial value, a Carpene Malvolti Prosecco Superiore di Conegliano DOCG, from the supermarket chains, but the disparity of forces in the field made it impossible for any comparison (clearly the prerogative of Costadilà).
Monday, December 6, 2010
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Quagliarella: "Juve, still looking for a bomber?"
Tratto da
L'attaccante bianconero: «Nelle squadre dove gioco lo cercano sempre. Amauri sarà il nostro acquisto di gennaio». Pepe: «Pronto a giocare anche in porta». Chiellini: «Grande gruppo»
CATANIA, 5 dicembre - La Juve è a caccia di un bomber. Dopo la prestazione di Quagliarella contro il Catania, Marotta può cercarlo anche con più calma. «Nelle squadre dove ho giocato io, cercano sempre un bomber (ride, ndr). Aspettiamo ancora Amauri - dice Juventus striker to Sky - who must recover from injury and is a key player for us. He will be our purchase in January. "
sniffing GOL - This year is the network more easily, "Maybe because I'm more into the action, the coach makes me play my role, I like very much to participate in the movement and always staying in the game, and often happy to try to score. And luckily I find it. It was not easy to win on this court because Catania is not lost at home for more than a year. "
NAPLES - Tomorrow can not hope for a victory of Naples, with three-point hook the Juve: "I am always Napoli fan but I hope in my heart in un pareggio. Staremo a vedere».
PEPE - Protagonista della vittoria sul Catania, anche Simone Pepe, autore del gol del vantaggio: «E' un buon momento per me e per la Juve. Personalmente sono contento, ho fatto un bel gol. Sono un giocatore generoso e ci sta di sbagliare qualche appoggio. Ma mi hanno fatto passare per un corridore e basta. Questa è una Juve pratica, solida, ha fatto una grande partita. Io titolare? Mi aspetto sempre di esserlo, perché questo è il nostro lavoro. Terzino destro? Io alla Juve sarei pronto a giocare anche in porta. Decide il mister, che ha trovato anche Sorensen che sta facendo molto bene».
CHIELLINI - Soddisfatto anche Giorgio Chiellini: «L'1-1 non si doveva prendere, But look at our celebrations. We see that we are creating a large group. But in our growth, we must avoid situations such as a balanced right now. " Chiellini does not wish to understand and hopefully stop the Serie A will not strike: "I've heard Albertini and Beretta for me there is scope for agreement. We must put aside their personal struggles. We avoid the strike. "
Tratto da
L'attaccante bianconero: «Nelle squadre dove gioco lo cercano sempre. Amauri sarà il nostro acquisto di gennaio». Pepe: «Pronto a giocare anche in porta». Chiellini: «Grande gruppo»
CATANIA, 5 dicembre - La Juve è a caccia di un bomber. Dopo la prestazione di Quagliarella contro il Catania, Marotta può cercarlo anche con più calma. «Nelle squadre dove ho giocato io, cercano sempre un bomber (ride, ndr). Aspettiamo ancora Amauri - dice Juventus striker to Sky - who must recover from injury and is a key player for us. He will be our purchase in January. "
sniffing GOL - This year is the network more easily, "Maybe because I'm more into the action, the coach makes me play my role, I like very much to participate in the movement and always staying in the game, and often happy to try to score. And luckily I find it. It was not easy to win on this court because Catania is not lost at home for more than a year. "
NAPLES - Tomorrow can not hope for a victory of Naples, with three-point hook the Juve: "I am always Napoli fan but I hope in my heart in un pareggio. Staremo a vedere».
PEPE - Protagonista della vittoria sul Catania, anche Simone Pepe, autore del gol del vantaggio: «E' un buon momento per me e per la Juve. Personalmente sono contento, ho fatto un bel gol. Sono un giocatore generoso e ci sta di sbagliare qualche appoggio. Ma mi hanno fatto passare per un corridore e basta. Questa è una Juve pratica, solida, ha fatto una grande partita. Io titolare? Mi aspetto sempre di esserlo, perché questo è il nostro lavoro. Terzino destro? Io alla Juve sarei pronto a giocare anche in porta. Decide il mister, che ha trovato anche Sorensen che sta facendo molto bene».
CHIELLINI - Soddisfatto anche Giorgio Chiellini: «L'1-1 non si doveva prendere, But look at our celebrations. We see that we are creating a large group. But in our growth, we must avoid situations such as a balanced right now. " Chiellini does not wish to understand and hopefully stop the Serie A will not strike: "I've heard Albertini and Beretta for me there is scope for agreement. We must put aside their personal struggles. We avoid the strike. "
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On 14 December all "United against the crisis"!
Roberta Fantozzi - National Secretariat Prc
"It 's the era of the conflict" was written on the banner that the students have rolled out during the mobilizations against privatization and re-design class of the University. Those mobilizations surprising extent, determination and intelligence, that did not stop after the House approved the bill Gelmini, who have won a first result of "forcing" the shift of the debate in the Senate after the vote of confidence on December 14, continue to grow in schools and universities. The era of conflict is opposed to 'time after Christ's Sergio Marchionne to the design that, in the crisis, wants to wipe out every conquest of the labor movement, every social law in the name of "war" between companies competing in the global market . In that slogan is contained all the awareness and determination of the student movement, on the game open, una partita che riguarda la scuola e l'università, ed insieme i diritti del lavoro, il welfare, la democrazia. Una partita che riguarda il futuro dei livelli di civiltà, in Italia e in Europa: l'esito di una crisi che domanda la costruzione di un'alternativa di modello sociale e a cui invece si risponde accentuando le politiche che alla crisi hanno portato, dentro un'idea di società neocastale. Farla finita con l'idea del diritto al sapere, bene comune per eccellenza e costruire una scuola ed un'università dell'esclusione, in mano agli interessi privati delle imprese. Farla finita con i contratti collettivi e i diritti del lavoro: con le newco, la destrutturazione della contrattazione, il collegato lavoro. Farla finita con i diritti sociali, attaccati pesantemente dalle manovre del governo e che il nuovo patto di stabilità europeo che ci si appresta a firmare a metà dicembre, vuole distruggere definitivamente: scaricando su pensioni, sanità, servizi sociali, il debito della speculazione finanziaria. I movimenti che hanno attraversato il nostro paese, le lotte nei luoghi di lavoro, per la scuola e l'università pubblica, contro la privatizzazione dell'acqua, il nucleare e le grandi opere, le lotte per "il futuro bene comune" sono la buona notizia di questi mesi. La mobilitazione del 16 ottobre è stata un momento di connessione importante di quelle lotte che domandano una continuità, domandano di pesare sull'agenda politica e di costruire un'altra politica, che riapra una possibilità di trasformazione. Il 14 dicembre la rete "uniti contro la crisi" costituita da realtà di movimento, esperienze sociali, singole e singoli ha promosso una giornata di mobilitazione per circondare il Parlamento e far vivere le ragioni della "sfiducia" della società e dei movimenti al governo Berlusconi. Una grande assemblea popolare sotto Montecitorio, una mobilitazione in tutti i territori, come esercizio di democrazia, domanda di un'alternativa incompatibile con governi "tecnici", di "transizione" , "di responsabilità nazionale" magari incaricati di fare le manovre che "l'Europa ci chiede". Per mandare via Berlusconi e il berlusconismo. Per lo sciopero generale. Per ricostruire la possibilità di un'alternativa. Noi ci saremo.
Roberta Fantozzi - National Secretariat Prc
"It 's the era of the conflict" was written on the banner that the students have rolled out during the mobilizations against privatization and re-design class of the University. Those mobilizations surprising extent, determination and intelligence, that did not stop after the House approved the bill Gelmini, who have won a first result of "forcing" the shift of the debate in the Senate after the vote of confidence on December 14, continue to grow in schools and universities. The era of conflict is opposed to 'time after Christ's Sergio Marchionne to the design that, in the crisis, wants to wipe out every conquest of the labor movement, every social law in the name of "war" between companies competing in the global market . In that slogan is contained all the awareness and determination of the student movement, on the game open, una partita che riguarda la scuola e l'università, ed insieme i diritti del lavoro, il welfare, la democrazia. Una partita che riguarda il futuro dei livelli di civiltà, in Italia e in Europa: l'esito di una crisi che domanda la costruzione di un'alternativa di modello sociale e a cui invece si risponde accentuando le politiche che alla crisi hanno portato, dentro un'idea di società neocastale. Farla finita con l'idea del diritto al sapere, bene comune per eccellenza e costruire una scuola ed un'università dell'esclusione, in mano agli interessi privati delle imprese. Farla finita con i contratti collettivi e i diritti del lavoro: con le newco, la destrutturazione della contrattazione, il collegato lavoro. Farla finita con i diritti sociali, attaccati pesantemente dalle manovre del governo e che il nuovo patto di stabilità europeo che ci si appresta a firmare a metà dicembre, vuole distruggere definitivamente: scaricando su pensioni, sanità, servizi sociali, il debito della speculazione finanziaria. I movimenti che hanno attraversato il nostro paese, le lotte nei luoghi di lavoro, per la scuola e l'università pubblica, contro la privatizzazione dell'acqua, il nucleare e le grandi opere, le lotte per "il futuro bene comune" sono la buona notizia di questi mesi. La mobilitazione del 16 ottobre è stata un momento di connessione importante di quelle lotte che domandano una continuità, domandano di pesare sull'agenda politica e di costruire un'altra politica, che riapra una possibilità di trasformazione. Il 14 dicembre la rete "uniti contro la crisi" costituita da realtà di movimento, esperienze sociali, singole e singoli ha promosso una giornata di mobilitazione per circondare il Parlamento e far vivere le ragioni della "sfiducia" della società e dei movimenti al governo Berlusconi. Una grande assemblea popolare sotto Montecitorio, una mobilitazione in tutti i territori, come esercizio di democrazia, domanda di un'alternativa incompatibile con governi "tecnici", di "transizione" , "di responsabilità nazionale" magari incaricati di fare le manovre che "l'Europa ci chiede". Per mandare via Berlusconi e il berlusconismo. Per lo sciopero generale. Per ricostruire la possibilità di un'alternativa. Noi ci saremo.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
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Maybe we are not in Byzantium "unfathomable" sung by Frank Sinatra, poised between the old and new that is disappearing, which has not yet manifested ("something is changing, but is a weak prediction it does not say how and when "), but certainly a historical cycle is coming sadly at sunset. Beyond what happens on 14, nothing will ever be. Berlusconi manages to cobble together a majority, or going under, this government will hardly to complete the term. Without prejudice to the prerogatives of the President of the Republic, it remains to be seen whether it is viable the way of so-called government of "national responsibility" or if the crisis will lead us straight to the polls. The first hypothesis would be wise, but you have to deal with the League and PDL, not at all willing to step aside after winning the election. The second would be logical and consistent with the functioning of modern democracies: When there is a crisis of governance, the word back to the voters.
A discussion of the facts is not biased, however, leads to consider a secondary issue at all. It is likely that the Italian company is taking back what he had to give with Tangentopoli. Berlusconi anomaly has been mostly sustained in the homeland of the factions, of the details, the splitting of the interest. Like it or not, Italy will always be impossible to reduce everything to two parties, two visions. There are too many differences. Between north and south, within each region and even at the provincial level. This country can stay together only if all its members have a voice.
should then move back the clock? The antithesis representative / governance has been resolved, in the First Republic, for the exclusive benefit of the first horn of the dilemma. In Parliament this was "all" the Italian company, under a proportional system that provided almost complete recovery of the remains. Immediate consequence of political fragmentation, however, was the short duration of governments, an average of about nine months from 1948 to 1992. Too little government action to provide continuity. In fact, a system so a cast was sustained only because of the impossibility of alternation, as attested by the conventio ad excludendum . In the Second Republic was favored by governance, with results that are visible to all: a political class virtually besieged inside the palace. The search for new instruments of pressure and representation (Forum, class action, social networks), outside the traditional political channels, was due to the apparent detachment of parties from society. And the short circuit explodes because the sacrifice of shares in power in the name of governability is revealed completely in vain. In fact, apart from the Berlusconi of 2001-2006, since 1994 no president of the Council has been in the saddle for the entire term.
The end of 'Berlusconi was "will lead to a profound reshuffling of ideas, methods of government, containers political alliances and, hopefully, greater protection of public interests with respect to matters more personal than political. For a political class that promises renewed, it will be the task of finally being able to reconcile the reasons for governance with those of representation.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
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Tonight I'll drive
In Italy in recent years, for very valid reasons, has taken a struggle with alcohol consumption, a phenomenon considered by some , epidemic, especially among young people.
The crusade against the drug has made history in Italy to him than the rest of Europe ', from the curious law which prohibited the supply of alcoholic beverages after 2 am, of course, Italian style, with numerous exceptions, under the illusion that stopping the sale in some places meant to discourage consumption and to drive under the 'influence of alcohol.
Then came all those laws, most of which I approve, on those who put themselves behind the wheel after drinking more hard, disqualification, withdrawal of the plea, offense from the Criminal Code, fines, salty, risk of losing their jobs.
Just that? Is this the way to go? If there are still accidents caused by alcohol that we do? Further raise the penalties?
In Italy today, unfortunately, we live in a country with serious problems and imbalances, this situation makes us very weak in a key area which is public transport.
In European countries, there are less cars per capita, this is not for lack of money, but the uselessness of having a car to head in the family, as there are public transport.
Here are they are very scarce, with limited hours, the subway in Milan closes at 11:30 p.m. and surface vessels are rare night over white flies. The trains are about the same time, going to Milan Bergamo for example FS is no longer possible with the 22 and 15. We young
what we do in this situation? Excellent idea of \u200b\u200b"Bobby" the sober driver, a role known for years in other countries, we choose to turn a friend who does not drink that night and takes the responsibility of driving.
I would, however, a serious alternative, could do as my friends abroad, leaving home and have an efficient way to bring me where I want, any time you like, the public is not a taxi!
Or you can take my bike and ride on bike paths, doing slalom between cars and avoiding the most unexpected obstacles.
Drinking too much is bad, this is beyond doubt, the culture of drinking at levels well is still very low, but it is the youth of today that I bet, tomorrow will be conscious and responsible drinkers, perhaps thanks to sites like PlayWine who want to disseminate culture in addition to the necessary structural change in mentality which I hope will happen soon in our beautiful country.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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Rossese Dolceacqua
Dolceacqua ( Desâigua in Liguria) is a small village of about 2,000 souls, is situated in Val di Nerva, in the province of Imperia, in the hills behind Ventimiglia. Once out
down 'Highway Flower (A10), you realize the reason for the name on the slopes overlooking the sea, endless are the greenhouses for growing flowers.
The village is a delicate beauty, fine, crossed by a river, surrounded by the hills, a well-preserved medieval village and to make matters worse a bridge that Monet put it as "L'endroit est superbe, ya a pont est un bijou de légèreté here. "
Delicious is the people, quiet and serene, and how can you not be in a beautiful place like that, with a generous land but at the same time difficult and steep, which offers exceptional products, from wine, but also oil, excellent vegetables, basil. Here is a happy meeting between products of the sea so close, and those of the country like wild game and mushrooms.
A page is dedicated to the oil produced there, from olives, obtained the PDO in 1997, is an oil of low acidity, delicate, fruity, sometimes almond finish. Manufactured from mild but his personality, he knows enhance dishes with vegetables and fish cooked simply complete dishes or always structured by an excellent figure.
And now we speak of the wine produced there, Rossese is a vine native to this area, a relative of Pinot Noir. Grape sapling to protect the foot, and then the roots of the plant during the hottest hours of the day. The difficult conditions given by the steep terrain where these grapes are grown, requiring manual labor in the vineyards. Today
a taste on your Rossese Dolceacqua DOC. Terrebianche manufacturer, the name of the wine jug of Arcagna, vintage 2008, under strength by 14% by volume.
The color can recognize the origins of the grape, purple, violet, consisente has the Pinot. The scent is
berries, something floral, then there are notes related to the use of the barrel, vanilla and other spices. It still feels vinosity and alcohol is not well integrated, due to the young age of the wine but has plenty of character.
The taste is of impact, robust wine, nice tannins, fresh flavor stands out, persistent, willing, but with the 'waiting for a few years you will be able to further refine its already noble qualities.
This wine has been produced with slightly overripe grapes, and is then aged in oak barrels.
The same company also makes a version of Rossese not overripe grapes, which I recommend, perhaps combined with a rabbit Ligurian . Also
Home producce also two excellent white wines with grapes typical of the area, Vermentino and Pigato.
Home producce also two excellent white wines with grapes typical of the area, Vermentino and Pigato.
very beautiful country, friendly people who love their territory, a beautiful medieval village, near the sea, France and Monaco, with wonderful local produce, Dolceacqua make a pearl of our country.
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