Liberation on 02/11/2008
For some time freely published with major items that require to abandon the common name. At the bottom of the thesis proposed in various sauces is that the word communism is unusable because the concrete historical experience has distorted the meaning. Among those who propose to abandon the name is the Communist who is in favor of the name left those in favor of socialism, who does not propose nulla.Tutto this is intertwined with another area of \u200b\u200bdebate that aims to go beyond the Communist Party of the PRC, to another party, to do something else that is not a party, etc.
The arguments used it seems to me recreate a bit 'tired as already supported by Occhetto and his supporters after the 89, but so much so, as we all know the story is the first time as tragedy, second as farce. As for me I think so: The concept of community has a history that goes beyond the events of the short century. I do not want it here.
I seem to be helpful to emphasize that in Italy the communist leadership group was formed at the origin of the factories in the matter of employment and enhancing the construction of works councils. During the war, has managed to forge a united anti-fascist resistance movement and democratic Iraq that helped liberate Italy and to give our country a democratic constitution structured around a very advanced. Then the Communists have variously struggled with some effectiveness against exploitation and social justice. A third of Italian voters came to trust a party that was called a communist and that put the moral question of the reform not as a point of policy. Refoundation Communist in his little has been present in the various conflicts that have traveled the country and was able to place them so in great season in the anti-globalization movement. All trying to interweave the struggles for social rights with those for civil rights, workers' struggles and environmental struggles, struggles for the redistribution of income with the struggles against the commodification of persons, environment, social relations. In other words, the term Communism in Italy is linked to the struggles for justice and freedom.
The era craxiana I do not think you could say the same word for word socialismo.La left has historically meaningful positive in our country. He in my opinion a flaw, namely that it is a blanket that covers many things. For example, there inside the Democratic Party and there are people who call themselves left-wing positions that are, however, variously Confindustria and in no way anti-capitalist. The word that is left alone does not define a clear position in terms of class division of society in terms of the will to overcome capitalism, so much so that in recent years have rightly said that there were two left, the moderate and the radical or alternative or antagonistic. From this point of view to define the left and communists seem to me represents a clear way to tell which way you are. We left but we are Communists, that we struggle against exploitation, even when used against the Vatican and fight for the overcoming of capitalism.
Say a resource for the community and therefore qualify to be our left. Make the issue of communism siginifica put node of the revolution, the radical change of the state of things. So much so that when certain members of the center say they do not want to ever make agreements with lists that contain the sickle and the hammer say it not for our history, but because we are practical, politically, here and now, as anticapitalisti.Questo case of Italy. The Communists however, in particular when they took power, they have also made great disasters. Stalinism radically contradicted the aspirations of justice and freedom in the communist movement. So we called the Communist PRC. Not only the name of a party but a political project: re-establish communism had done all the way to deal with the stalismo. We recognize that the history of communist and communist is our history, we have analyzed the errors and horrors in order not to repeat them. Communist Refoundation and are therefore two terms that qualify each other, but also tell us about the persistence of the gap, we speak of the contradictions of our effort to go beyond capitalism in our be all the way men and women of our time.
The re-establishment of communism is therefore the political project that we chose when Achille Occhetto ruled that communism was just a pile of rubble. Nothing prevents the other day but I think as Occhetto frankly think that the troubles we had in previous years are not derived from our name but our political mistakes, the first choice to go to so I suppose governo.Io is more necessary today than yesterday said the Communists, the Communist Refoundation. It 's the name better than any other defines the here and now our anti-capitalism and our independence from a political class that defines the left but with whose political perspectives have little to spartireE 'obvious that it could continue to argue for a long time but I want to use the space I have left to raise a couple of quesiti.In Firstly it is clear that the discussion should start from here, that is, from Communist Refoundation.
This would open a debate but not to negative to positive. It would consider how to make the most of today's common perspective. Of how our actions can not be located only at the level of political representation. Of how to redefine the policy in relation to the communist movement, the thousands vertenzialità, forms of mutualism. How to intertwine the different date conflicts and how they can interact with a view to overcoming of capitalism. Of how to deal with the capitalist crisis melon the theme of social control of the economy and avoiding war among the poor. How is interwoven with the struggle for the wages that the social income with the struggle against the commodification of all social, and so on. The debate that we need not concern the repetition dell'occhettismo but the deepening of the re-establishment of the communist perspective.
Liberation Unfortunately not ventured on the ground but on the re-founding of his communist superamento.In Secondly, it is odd that the newspaper's party Communist Refoundation put on the front page of the discussion on overcoming communism and on page 19 articles in which some party leaders put forward policy proposals and try to advance the project of re-founding a communist.
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