Thursday, December 25, 2008
Directions For All Clad Fondue Pot
because I could not do better, I report the shared wish of Dr.. Montanari.
"For reasons I do not understand but I accept that, it is customary to wish the next good Dec. 25, the supposed birthday of Jesus, and to hell with the rest of the year.
Ligio tradition, too I want to send a little 'cards.
To the right of way, Merry Christmas, Silvio Berlusconi, perhaps taking advantage of a way of life undoubtedly longer, it has made far more miracles of Christ: the disappearance of waste from Naples that is still ongoing, the brain of many compatriots.
right to name day, followed by a merry Christmas for Christ to Peter, son of such a father and miraculously quick to learn the secrets of Italian political etiquette. And, of course, Merry Christmas to my father and his square of cement, of Vestal, of popes (in the etymological sense of bridge-builders) and emulate the nice beaver dam builders in this If version lagoon. Merry Christmas to
Antonio Bassolino, brave captain who was able to weather the storm and no one has done to come up with billions of euros (who can tell how many?) Disappeared in a festive game of prestige ecoballe and businesses from the mysterious tasks .
Merry Christmas to the judges for whom being drunk and
pair (preferably after having raped) a woman who does not agree and resists are not aggravating as it may appear to us that naive and ignorant of laws, we able to use only common sense, but they are mitigating circumstances. And, again, a merry Christmas to them, the magistrates, for which the environment is massacre prank unworthy attention.
By the way, Merry Christmas to the Roman Catholic Church who is there to observe casually without lifting a finger (if she knew) that the destruction, at least in proportion to land, which the designer created the representative said. A proper
Merry Christmas to CIP6 famous law, the illegality and the chameleon monument mascalzonaggine. Merry Christmas to the Constitution, mocked and mutilated by a parliament elected by no one ever with the latest amputations meekly signed by the President of the Italian republic, which has no seat in the Senate.
Speaking of votes, as not to wish Merry Christmas to tellers Abruzzo, tired from overwork, which have escaped the votes given to the list for the common good even in the polling station where he voted for the candidate for the governorship?
And my congratulations to the Mafia, without whose support our local economy a big slice out of business, preceded by our policy.
course Merry Christmas to football clubs and living in another economy that can afford to shell out tens of millions of euros to make the delicious short-lived rallies some fellow, not having to shell out a penny for the disasters that a certain fraction of persons entering the stadium set up with precise regularity and being exempted from the tyranny of taxation.
and the harp? Of course, congratulations also ARPA who has always kept quiet patiently telling bedtime stories, sometimes even sacrificing some of them ended up in occasional, small tempestucce judicial, now dormant, though.
A happy Christmas to ENEL and all the supporters of this thing called clean coal, hoping that someone denies laureate Carlo Rubbia, steadfast in denying its existence.
And I extend my greetings to all men of good will who are trying to get us close the search, from the picturesque Roman psychopath who, after a period of quiet, now experiencing a relapse, to certain associations that are disturbing to some comical judge which, making use of consultants Sources uncertain and equally uncertain scientific background, proceedings are huge archive of material while providing nothing short of burning.
Greetings Legambiente that, after the triumph achieved by the implementation of the incinerator in Brescia and the next reopening of one of Verona, is now on to see the gas turbine plant Modugno and welcomes the tower of Babel waste leaving chiampariniana in Turin.
A wonderful Christmas to all media of that regime, with rocky and heroic self-sacrifice regardless of their mission, have always been consistent in distorting scientific information on the environment or, in extreme cases, in tacerle.
A Christmas brighter for Our academy has shown that with the facts as there is also a kind of Italian Dream, which enables even an illiterate to rise to superb heights of the chair: just have the right family, connections and appropriate, in the absence of another, a physical generous and helpful. From there, the chair, applying the appropriate fee, you can scrape together some money too. Just cancel your science fair pages.
Merry Christmas and a long life in asbestos industrialists, professors and politicians have perpetuated juke box in spite of the existence of the oldest and most obvious evidence. The mesothelioma are also on your own, as they are today a collation of diseases pollution.
Merry Christmas to Umberto Veronesi, the man zero.
A good Christmas special interest, and this for reasons of geography, who gave permission to fill a bit 'of Modena underground gas storage, making it a colossal for the needs of foreign customers. The hope, and this more than anything for us who live here, is that the earth does not tremble as he's doing now because, otherwise, maybe that gas will hit the mark.
Finally, after some have forgotten God knows how many worthy, my respectful greetings to the authorities in Modena who, resisting the temptation to make the common good and with a great sense of humor, we have expanded the incinerator requested to provide with renewed energy waste if we do not want to turn off the rich, more and more gigantic bonfire.
Merry Christmas but not the old world to the old world. "
to all those who feel ill after having eaten for Christmas dinner too,
to all those who promise that you will put in after the holidays diet,
to all those who wash the conscience thinking that the third world is not bad because of him,
to all those who keep the lights on for Christmas, in spite of the crisis!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wired Or Bluetooth Headset
I receive the following mail by Claudio Zimarino, with the candidate list for the Common Good, the elections of December 15 in Abruzzo.
Like any good candidate for a few days ago I downloaded from a site known to the file containing the information Vasto preference votes separate polling station (which now strangely file is no longer even on the website of the City of Broad) and did bitter discovery in the number 42 Broad where I did not vote even I voted! Yes it is true, even a preference vote, I can see my wife, my neighbors, but have also lost my vote, it's truly amazing, maybe mine is a schizoid personality traits
Other people called me telling me the section number in which I voted, but unfortunately the data is not. I really think of presenting the show "Chi l'ha visto" to trace my constituents. This story opens now some question about the proper conduct of elections.
Claudio Zimarino
well ... I hope now it is proved that our Claude is schizophrenic, otherwise we are in meters. da!
that have taken place in Italy vote-rigging allegations have been made emissions controlled, remained so .. I remember the video diary of some years ago that was made to disappear and we do not know anything more ...
short, now I hope there will be a survey of our official channels Claudio, so you can know with certainty whether its concerns are unfounded ...
this adds to the already tragic that our democracy is being eroded under the scythe of the current politicians.
and you will also reform the constitution to them we might have touched the would like to know what we should dig before the Italian people to wake up?!?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Where Can I Find Michael Vick Cleats
Catania, massacre in the Hall of poisons. A Pharmacy deaths of 15 researchers
Alessandra Ziniti - The - \u200b\u200bDecember 7, 2008 The Prosecutor investigates
, is set for Dec. 19 incident evidence. But the city, and its strong powers, are silent. Silence is also the dean
CATANIA - The last one was a girl of 24 years, the province of Ragusa. When he read in the paper how many people had swallowed the lab of Pharmacy, now closed on the orders of the judiciary, his mother took my courage in both hands and called the lawyer Saints Newfoundland. "Even my daughter was educated in that place for two years - said in tears - got sick and now he's dead. He was only 24 years."
And so, the already long list of victims of the laboratory of poisons, where for years students, researchers, professors, technicians and administrative staff have inhaled fumes and handling highly toxic substances "in higher values \u200b\u200bof tens and even hundreds of times to limits for industrial sites ", as the prosecutor, it was extended further: the victims have become 15, the sick more than twenty. A number
still difficult to define because, in addition to people who gradually become brave and join in the kind of committee of relatives of victims of the laboratory chemist at the University of Catania, which has gathered around the lawyer Newfoundland are many who in recent days have called directly to the public prosecutor of Catania. And Carla Santocono bristle and Lucio, the two deputies in charge of the delicate investigation by the prosecutor Vincenzo D'Agata, they found themselves talking to sick people, in more or less advanced stages, which are those available to add to the investigation and tell their stories.
continues on:
history is terrible, not because of the deaths (of course, that even for those. ..), but it is terrible because nobody until now, many of the young people who have been in there has ever thought to sue!
we lost?
now lost their lives! they believed they were being shut up do?! and why do not they have refused to do some experiments? for the sake of science?! this is Italian, as the worker who bury the drums with toxic waste behind his house, like the one that continues to work without protection, as those who see the Camorra destroy an entire region and does not say anything!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Birthday Poems For 18 Year Olds
we review. good!
but at a time when there is no way the job who can win and who reinvents himself!
this morning it was raining like crazy, and I noticed the train station, on sidewalks, everywhere, threw a lot of broken umbrellas.
the work that I propose is to go around with these kind of days, pick up their umbrellas, free, and try to repair them and then resell them, perhaps to the same deficcenti that threw him!
enough with consumerism!
deep recession!
and ideas that you have to end the crisis?
Friday, December 5, 2008
First Birthday Cake Farm
The president of the Lazio region absent
Disputes Open: No gas turbine Aprilia
No Tyrrhenian corridor
No landfill Malagrotta (committee)
incinerator Albano
No No No fly coke
Ciampino Civitavecchia
Regional Network Committees
waste Lazio Frosinone
Delegation Onda Anomala students
Today we are here!
staring at the gates of the Lazio Region. But there is a distinguished
absent: the Government has strategically withdrawn from the
comparison with people, which must replace administrators
to defend the territory, the environment, health, culture, democracy, justice
. We express our full
screaming outrage at the shameful inaction
, unspeakable political conniving with the corrupt powers that
are making money on people's lives, the maneuvers "strategic"
the "emergency government" resolved with the intervention of 'army, to the selling off of our territories to
economic powers would be enough to recall what he said to Malagrotta Marrazzo, for Aprilia, for
Albano .... during the election campaign.
Only a thorough search of efficiency, equity, quality of work and life
can guarantee the welfare of all its territories and
This current model of development pursued by you has already failed, why not
sustainable, why not acceptable as it is concerted, as illegitimate!
.. is the same position of the Movement for the common good, which in these instances
has taken birth, ethical manifesto and program.
not figure among the signatories because it is right that in the face of lawsuits and
movements to take a step "sideways", to support, beside them.
A delegation was present, to bring assistance and solidarity in a beautiful
day despite the rain.
respect for life including human life, is not "negotiable,"
not "compensation", as the passionate dispute with the doctors of NoCoke High
Lazio has taught us all . It is not spring an inch. Every choice
unmotivated can be assessed with software that
the European Community provides:
no longer need to resign themselves to monitoring and epidemiological studies.
Today we can know the exact statistics mortality
choices that are likely to cause as coal.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Pctv 3010ix Tv Center
a couple of weeks ago, I read on antimafiaduemila, that 92 in the gulf war, near Basra, Iraq's third atomic bomb was used. was a way to make it clear to Saddam that the Americans were ready for anything!
then made a documentary on this subject because I do not remember who, seeing a beautiful evening organized by Radio City opened, it rissento talk ...
is true the bomb was smaller, 5 kilotons, but always an atomic bomb, with all that this entails ..
16 years have passed and still no one (except a few) talk about ...
we have the courage to ask the nations that we want nuclear disarmament, in the meantime we will not only diminish the number of our newspapers, but ... we use it well!
information once again proves to be a slave, whore, sold and sometimes infinitely guilty!
I am ashamed to live in a world so ...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What To Charge To Rent Out My 4 Acres Of Land
in my small town have already filled the streets of stars to illuminate trees and anything else with expensive electricity, so that we pay!
already is strange that they have not yet switched on, the last year, in November had already turned on all day and night, until late February ...
they said they paid a fixed time! ENEL .. that I had to worry about, not paying as much taxpayer ...!!!!!
this year we are in recession! and if our managers had a bit of common sense is not all for nothing acenderebbero quaestio lights!
there are people who do not get to the end of the month, and what do you do?! turn on lights ...
good jerk!
just to be bipartisan ... but people who do not get wing end of the month and crying on the news and various containers, why not ask its managers to stop wasting their money needlessly!??
make me turn .... more than those who do not realize that those are the lights on his money and no one else! you are to fooled! with your money, you want to keep a good bit of light and make you forget the electricity bill that you do not know how will you pay for!
wake up people! Wake up!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Heart Gold And Soul Silver.vba
historical episode Sunday night to report on Malagrotta, the largest landfill in Europe ...
could do more, how to explain to people the enormous problems of incineration and landfill ... give some good examples here in Italy without going to Berlin .. but is a step forward ..
expect from a bet on the Gabanelli nanopatologie and nanopowders, then you will be historic ... see how those reports are free ...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Liberation on 02/11/2008
For some time freely published with major items that require to abandon the common name. At the bottom of the thesis proposed in various sauces is that the word communism is unusable because the concrete historical experience has distorted the meaning. Among those who propose to abandon the name is the Communist who is in favor of the name left those in favor of socialism, who does not propose nulla.Tutto this is intertwined with another area of \u200b\u200bdebate that aims to go beyond the Communist Party of the PRC, to another party, to do something else that is not a party, etc.
The arguments used it seems to me recreate a bit 'tired as already supported by Occhetto and his supporters after the 89, but so much so, as we all know the story is the first time as tragedy, second as farce. As for me I think so: The concept of community has a history that goes beyond the events of the short century. I do not want it here.
I seem to be helpful to emphasize that in Italy the communist leadership group was formed at the origin of the factories in the matter of employment and enhancing the construction of works councils. During the war, has managed to forge a united anti-fascist resistance movement and democratic Iraq that helped liberate Italy and to give our country a democratic constitution structured around a very advanced. Then the Communists have variously struggled with some effectiveness against exploitation and social justice. A third of Italian voters came to trust a party that was called a communist and that put the moral question of the reform not as a point of policy. Refoundation Communist in his little has been present in the various conflicts that have traveled the country and was able to place them so in great season in the anti-globalization movement. All trying to interweave the struggles for social rights with those for civil rights, workers' struggles and environmental struggles, struggles for the redistribution of income with the struggles against the commodification of persons, environment, social relations. In other words, the term Communism in Italy is linked to the struggles for justice and freedom.
The era craxiana I do not think you could say the same word for word socialismo.La left has historically meaningful positive in our country. He in my opinion a flaw, namely that it is a blanket that covers many things. For example, there inside the Democratic Party and there are people who call themselves left-wing positions that are, however, variously Confindustria and in no way anti-capitalist. The word that is left alone does not define a clear position in terms of class division of society in terms of the will to overcome capitalism, so much so that in recent years have rightly said that there were two left, the moderate and the radical or alternative or antagonistic. From this point of view to define the left and communists seem to me represents a clear way to tell which way you are. We left but we are Communists, that we struggle against exploitation, even when used against the Vatican and fight for the overcoming of capitalism.
Say a resource for the community and therefore qualify to be our left. Make the issue of communism siginifica put node of the revolution, the radical change of the state of things. So much so that when certain members of the center say they do not want to ever make agreements with lists that contain the sickle and the hammer say it not for our history, but because we are practical, politically, here and now, as anticapitalisti.Questo case of Italy. The Communists however, in particular when they took power, they have also made great disasters. Stalinism radically contradicted the aspirations of justice and freedom in the communist movement. So we called the Communist PRC. Not only the name of a party but a political project: re-establish communism had done all the way to deal with the stalismo. We recognize that the history of communist and communist is our history, we have analyzed the errors and horrors in order not to repeat them. Communist Refoundation and are therefore two terms that qualify each other, but also tell us about the persistence of the gap, we speak of the contradictions of our effort to go beyond capitalism in our be all the way men and women of our time.
The re-establishment of communism is therefore the political project that we chose when Achille Occhetto ruled that communism was just a pile of rubble. Nothing prevents the other day but I think as Occhetto frankly think that the troubles we had in previous years are not derived from our name but our political mistakes, the first choice to go to so I suppose governo.Io is more necessary today than yesterday said the Communists, the Communist Refoundation. It 's the name better than any other defines the here and now our anti-capitalism and our independence from a political class that defines the left but with whose political perspectives have little to spartireE 'obvious that it could continue to argue for a long time but I want to use the space I have left to raise a couple of quesiti.In Firstly it is clear that the discussion should start from here, that is, from Communist Refoundation.
This would open a debate but not to negative to positive. It would consider how to make the most of today's common perspective. Of how our actions can not be located only at the level of political representation. Of how to redefine the policy in relation to the communist movement, the thousands vertenzialità, forms of mutualism. How to intertwine the different date conflicts and how they can interact with a view to overcoming of capitalism. Of how to deal with the capitalist crisis melon the theme of social control of the economy and avoiding war among the poor. How is interwoven with the struggle for the wages that the social income with the struggle against the commodification of all social, and so on. The debate that we need not concern the repetition dell'occhettismo but the deepening of the re-establishment of the communist perspective.
Liberation Unfortunately not ventured on the ground but on the re-founding of his communist superamento.In Secondly, it is odd that the newspaper's party Communist Refoundation put on the front page of the discussion on overcoming communism and on page 19 articles in which some party leaders put forward policy proposals and try to advance the project of re-founding a communist.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
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The Columbarium (from the Latin columbarium) and 'a type of funerary building divided into horizontal niches, each of which is suitable for housing a coffin. In archeology for Columbarium means a type of burial chamber consisting of niches in which were kept the urns with the ashes of the dead. The name derives from the fact that the niches were cut into the wall with front opening, reminiscent of buildings for housing and breeding of pigeons.
Tomb Cocchi, post 1868
Carlo Monari (Sculptor)
The tomb of Aeneas Cocchi, placed in the center of the gallery with three naves, it is the central perspective, in line with the monument Bolognini Cupids, located in the central. E 'consists of the portrait of the young deceased represented in the round, sitting on a chair in a natural pose.
In the basement are the portraits of father and mother. The inscription commemorates " Enea Cocchi, young man of generous heart, woke up wit, hope and joy of his family, kidnapped eighteen July 1, 1867."
The statue is dated to 1868, when Federico Cocchi purchased a tomb for his son along the tunnel wall tangent the cloister VII. The effective location in the middle of the room is really a last resort. In 1885 the need to open a connection to the newly built Courtyard VII ordered the demolition of the portion of the perimeter wall along which the monument Cocchi was previously located. The spontaneity of the pose of the portrait, captured in a natural attitude, and the wealth of descriptive detail make this monument one of the best evidence of the still young Carlo Monari. His next production will tend to Charterhouse for an ever greater realism.
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
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a decisive role in the charm that distinguishes the Certosa di Bologna from other cemeteries of Europe comes from the complex structure of space. Spread from the original nucleus convent loggias, arcades and rooms that recreate views and rooms that refer to the city of 'live'. The arched portico, this eastern entrance of the cemetery, which links up (except for a brief interruption) with one that leads to Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca located on the Colle della Guardia, wants to mean a continuity between the city and the necropolis of the living.

Long and tall marble portico connecting these sorts of indoor and Squares to 'open, with only a glimpse of the steps that leave then.
's input.
Other steps are more metaphorical, like this trompe d'oleil
Friday, August 22, 2008
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
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Il Resto del Carlino (Bologna) 04/04/2008
the President of the Chamber, Fausto Bertinotti, expresses solidarity with Giuliano Ferrara. But some souls from Bologna rise of the PRC to justify the protest in Piazza Maggiore. So says Bertinotti (who will be at the Giardini Margherita Bologna Sunday, 16.30): "I regret what has happened in Ferrara, to whom I express my personal and political human solidarity. None may accept a complaint against a violent and contemptuous character of political life. " They spend a few hours and the agencies fighting the statement of Augustine Giordano, provincial coordinator of the Young Communists. In fact an attack on Bertinotti: "The demonstrations of solidarity 'human and political' are irrelevant and only aim to distort the facts." Jordan believes the allegations of Bertinotti "embarrassing and counterproductive. Piazza Maggiore has been invaded peacefully protesting legitimately provocative Ferrara, who was stirring up the soil a few invectives militant fascist and unconstitutional. " You are separated from the women of the Net square
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The demonstrations of solidarity "human and political" Giuliano Ferrara are irrelevant and only aim at distorting the facts, as occurred yesterday in Bologna.
It 's really embarrassing and counterproductive, especially for the important battle that is being conducted in Italy to defend women's rights and all civil rights, that these positions come from some important members of the Italian Left (which already struggling to survive ...)
Thousands of young people, women, students and temporary workers yesterday peacefully invaded Piazza Maggiore, legitimately provocative questioning Giuliano Ferrara, who was delirious and his few fomenting militant fascist anticostitizionali invective. Although we were thousands of supporters and a few Ferrara, the real danger is that the obscurantist and reactionary ideas of the director of the sheet can gain a leading position in our society and future governments of our country.
Just because we fear a mass response of the advance of conservatism and reaction, once the response has been repression. Bare hands to lift it responded with batons.
This happened yesterday in Bologna, and once again were with the Communist Youth Movement to defend the demands of democracy and civilization. Again, with so many boys and girls found themselves in the face of violence in some areas of law enforcement.
Bologna, 03/04/2008
Augustine Jordan - Provincial Coordinator of Young Communists (PRC) in Bologna
Monday, March 17, 2008
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born in Lagonegro (Pz) on 18 / 3 / / 1980 and a resident of Lauria (PZ) - Basilicata
Age: 28 years.
course of study: Maturity Classic (1999) Degree in Contemporary History at the University of Bologna (November 2004).
I live in Bologna in September 1999 and I was a student-worker. Joined the Communist Party of the PRC since 2001, but my political activity until the end of 2004 was conducted mainly in self-organized groups. Key for me was the extraordinary and dramatic experience of Genoa - July 2001 - and the policy initiatives built around the extraordinary event, both in Basilicata in Bologna. I have to animate different collective political contribution, which led to major disputes and struggles to defend the right to study and against neoliberal policies, the most important was undoubtedly the "Collective History of unruly," particularly active at the University of Bologna between 2001 and 2003. I participated in full-time to win the mobilizations Lucan November / December 2003 against the possibility of realizing a Scanzano Jonico (province of Matera), one of the largest radioactive discharges in Europe.
Since November 2004 I went full time in the world insecurity.
From January to December 2005 I worked as a technical / maintenance personnel at the Department of History of the university of Bologna in Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, 2. From January to December 2006 I worked cone painter, while from January to April of 2007 I worked as part-time official at the Federation of PRC of Bologna.
Since 2007, the Group's regional partner of the PRC in Emilia Romagna and I deal mainly with youth policy and insecurity.
I was secretary of the University Club of PRC from January 2003 until November 2004 and is currently the Provincial Coordinator of Young Communists (PRC) of the Federation of Bologna.