Twenty years ago, Communist Refoundation di Paolo Ferrero - Editoriale su Liberazione del 3 febbraio 2011
Vent’anni fa, domenica 3 febbraio 1991, una novantina di delegati abbandonarono la sala del XX congresso del Pci, che si teneva a Rimini, per non partecipare allo scioglimento del Pci e alla nascita Pds.
Immediatamente convocarono una conferenza stampa in cui Sergio Garavini, Armando Cossutta, Lucio Libertini, Ersilia Salvato e Rino Serri annunciarono la decisione di dar vita ad una formazione comunista.
I cinque, insieme a Guido Cappelloni e Bianca Bracci Torsi, si recarono quindi dal notaio per registrare il simbolo del Pci, segnalando anche sul piano legale la volontà di proseguire l’impegno politico in quanto comunisti e comuniste.
Una settimana later, at the Teatro Brancaccio in Rome, thousands of comrades took part in the first mass meeting of what became the Movement for the Communist Refoundation. Brancaccio was exposed to a huge red flag, made by sewing together hundreds and hundreds of flags and thus building, downstairs, the biggest red flag ever.
I think today those men and women who gave birth to Rifondazione must go our thanks. First, for the courage to go against in a time when, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, capitalism seemed to have won the final game. These were the years when Fukujama proclaimed the "end of history" and in which capitalism was presented, even before invincible, as a natural fact. If the anti-capitalism has not been stifled in Italy was also due to that choice.
I believe that our thanks should be expressed for the chosen name: Rifondazione. Many were the names of potential high pressures were to characterize a newly formed Communist simply as a continuation of previous experience. The choice of name but there was a deliberate policy that we believe still valid today. Communist, because we are Communists and Communists who are fighting for a society of free and equal can be achieved only by overcoming capitalism. PRC, because they are aware that in his storia il movimento comunista ha compiuto molti errori ed in particolare che le esperienze del socialismo reale sono fallite, dando vita a regimi che contraddicevano radicalmente gli ideali comunisti.
Non quindi semplicemente la ricostruzione di un partito comunista, ma Rifondazione comunista nella consapevolezza che i due termini si qualificano a vicenda, e che solo una rifondazione teorica e pratica del comunismo avrebbe potuto porsi efficacemente l’obiettivo di superare “sul serio” il capitalismo. In questo senso rifondazione comunista non ha dato vita solo ad un partito ma ha esplicitato una indicazione generale, chiara, sulla necessità della rifondazione del comunismo.
Accanto ai primi soci fondatori molti e molte altre si aggiunsero PRC in the coming months, became a crucible in which different segments of the left and political experiences of class and communist merged. The construction of the first movement and the Party then, was a great experience for dialogue and the recognition that primarily concerns tens of thousands of militants who came from different stories they learned to talk, to discuss, to seek new ways collectively.
This element of grassroots participation is a distinguishing feature not only the birth, but the experience of the PRC. For better or for worse re-establishment was not just a political phenomenon but it was an experience of the people, public space, we would say today. I want to remember why the history of the PRC is the exemplification of one of the slogans that the movement is known from the start: free community. I believe that no Italian party members, the so-called base, has counted as counted in PRC. In all the moments of choice and conflict - and have not been few - has always prevailed at the end of the orientation of the companions and fellow members also took on the position of chief executive officers. If we find a confirmation that the term re-establishment has been taken seriously, we can find it in this, not to identify the party with its management teams and put in the middle of the life of the party's participation.
Today, twenty years, seeing how I finished the PDS and then the DS and then the Democratic Party, you can fully appreciate the rightness of the choice of the founders of the PRC. Whose raison d'être does not lie only in the failure of political experience born from the dissolution of the Communist Party or be subjective in our communication and community. The underlying reason for our existence is found outside of us, namely the capitalist crisis that is there to remind us how this is not the best of all worlds. The ultimate foundation of our existence is right there, the structural inability of capitalism to respond to the needs of humanity and decency to the conjugation with the limited resources the planet we live on. The dramatic choice between socialism and barbarism that persists today, tells us how the need for the overcoming of capitalism is more urgent than ever. This is why we, men and women free community, we want to continue along the path taken.