22 and October 23 in 6 municipalities of Latium materializes a beautiful thing !
many as 10 different associations, organized a presentation of an important book in 6 different municipalities ..
was found much more interest in shares so far, hopefully in a large and interested participation, citizenship but especially government, as the organizational effort has been made primarily for them.
carryover below the press with all the necessary details:
opportunity not to miss the presentation will be traveling L'ANTICASTA, Italy that works "to be held on 22-23 October 2010 in 6 locations laziali.Il book: This is a book, accompanied by dvd , which recounts the journey of the authors in common virtuous (www.comunivirtuosi.org) and, through the many books, wants to demonstrate to citizens and local governments that it is possible to redevelop the area with good practice. Stop the use of land, waste separation for recycling waste, renewables, sustainable mobility and social services are a part of the proposals implemented. The government will aim the common good and the collaborative participation of citizens is the solution.
Read more: www.anticasta.it
Tour: Tour of Latium and authors Michele Dotti Marco Boschini will start Friday, October 22, 2010 by ALBANO LAZIALE Habitat Ecology Centre - Via delle Mole 32 / a. Meet at 20.00 for those who want to take advantage of bio-shop and reception hall with proposals for tasting products biologici.Alle 21.00 hours the same day you can see the presentation of the book also ZAGAROLO at the Teatrino di Palazzo Rospigliosi - Via Indipendenza.Sabato October 23, the book will presented during the morning is to APRILIA , at 10.00 am at the middle school in Via G. Pascoli Palm, which ostia lido (meeting at 10:30) at the Library Elsa Morante (Library of Rome) Via Adolfo Cozza, 7.ALL 17.00 hours on Saturday will host Labico , probably in the Market Square (info tel. labico.cca @ alice.it 3476113256) while the final stage will involve Genzano di Roma, with the sponsorship by the municipality, at the Liceo Scientifico "G. Vailati" with live web radio and TV on RadioLiberaTutti Canale870 and from 18.00.
The authors will take turns in 6 events. Marco Boschini, social worker, councilor and councilor of Colorno (PR), coordinates the Association of Municipalities Virtuosi and is spokesman for the group policy and local bodies of the Movement for Degrowth Felice.
Michele Dotti, educator and trainer, is devoted mainly to development education in schools. Mani Tese is a voluntary association with a long experience in various African states, has promoted solidarity projects, campaigns, fair trade and travel responsible tourism. The initiative
is organized by FOR THE COMMON GOOD, Labicocca, Citizens Network for Aprilia, Friends of Beppe Grillo - Genzano di Roma, Save the Castelli Romani, Friends of the Movement 5 Stars - XIII Municipio Roma, Ostia walking, Lilith, and Liberidanubi Cittadinanzattiva - Assembly Hills Prenestini and Tiburtina thank and invite all who are supporting the project to follow the updates via websites and facebook groups of associations.
We invite the citizens, institutions and media organizations to participate in and promote a proactive and positive event.
The poster is on high-resolution http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/3224/anticastaa3lazio2010.jpg
Video trailer